Summer Frosts Sweep Siberia/Central Asia; Additional Snow Hits South Africa; Record-Cold Sweeps Australia And South America; + Germany To Prioritize Coal Trains Over Passenger Services
Summer Frosts Sweep Siberia/Central Asia
The first Arctic air masses of the season are already sweeping Siberia and Central Asia, weeks ahead of schedule.
Rare summer freezes are affecting Siberia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, as well as Northern China this week, felling low temperature records as they go.
Leninogorsk, in Kazakhstan, for example, just witnessed its earliest frost since 2011; and similarly in Oymyakon, Russia, a low of -0.6C has been noted as polar cold ravages, and is forecast to continue to ravage, vast swathes of the Asian continent.
Additional Snow Hits South Africa
South Africa has seen a return of anomalous lows and unusual snows this week.
Additional flurries have added to the already historic accumulations across Southern Africa’s mountainous region of Lesotho, further rewarding all those European ski-freaks that traveled there to enjoy the rare event.
While winter snow across Lesotho isn’t particularly rare, such heavy falls most certainly are; as are the flakes accumulating on lower-lying parts of country, too — many towns are seeing their first snow since 2012, or earlier, according to local reports.
All this follows the truly historic cold and snow that swept this part of the world last year:
Record-Cold Sweeps Australia…
While the media traverses the globe on a desperate ‘hot-hunting’ expedition, milking summer heatwaves for all their worth–heat that was pulled anomalously far north by a low solar activity-induced ‘meridional‘ jet stream flow–unbeknownst to them, or at least unreported by them, is the fact that the entire Southern Hemisphere has been holding COLDER than the 1979-2000 average for some time now, according to the data provided by the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine.
Today, August 23, the Southern Hemisphere (90°S-0) is -0.4C below the 1979-2000 base.
The media’s failure to report on this fact leaves the trusting and dutiful among us dangerously uninformed. ‘Dangerously’ because the eco-warrior solution to a supposedly catastrophically-warming planet is to eradicate cheap and reliable energy.
This would be folly even if the planet was found to be warming (which it no longer is, of course). If you want environmental issues to be addressed–of which I fully recognize there are plenty–plunging 99% of the global population into poverty is not the way to do it — the opposite is. Research shows time and time again that the more affluent a populous the more environmentally savvy they become (not worrying where the hell your family’s next meal is going to come from probably has something to do with it).
However, I am not naive. Raising the masses out of poverty is most certainly not in the best interest of the elites. That’s a bloody non-starter as far as they’re concerned. A population that’s hungry is a population that works. As professor George Kent of the University of Hawaii infamously wrote, without the threat of hunger the global economy would cease to exist:
“For those of us at the high end of the social ladder, ending hunger globally would be a disaster. If there were no hunger in the world, who would plow the fields? Who would harvest our vegetables? Who would work in the rendering plants? Who would clean our toilets? We would have to produce our own food and clean our own toilets. No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.”
Muse on that foolish eco-warriors as this coming Northern Hemisphere winter draws in — a season ‘they’ themselves have warned will be accompanied by blackouts and food shortages. Awaken in horror as the fantasy that you and your activist chums marched for, that you disrupted traffic by gluing yourself to the highways for, materializes before your foolish and blinded eyes.
Good luck with that, you fools. I hope you’re ready, you fools.
Winter 2022 in the Southern Hemisphere should serve as something of a warning shot. If you think Mother Nature is going to reward the alarmists’ planet-saving endeavors then you are sorely mistaken. Mother Nature is a no-shit-giving bitch who eats dumb ideologies for breakfast–as is only right. This is her planet, after all, why would she ever cater to the will of idiots.
Australia is on for one of its coldest and snowiest winter on record this year–another fact the legacy media is sidestepping–and the freeze Down Under isn’t set to abate anytime soon, far from it, as visualized by the latest GFS run:

Additional rounds of accumulating snow will accompany the cold, down to elevations of 500m and below, too.
And looking further ahead, the picture is very much the same as the calendar flips to September:

…And South America
The crop-wrecking chills blasting swathes of South America are also persisting.
Fierce Antarctic fronts have pushed unusually-far north into central Brazil where they’re causing no end of headaches for farmers–just as Brazil’s key Safrinha corn harvest is at a crucial finishing stage.
Freezing temperatures have swept the majority of the South American continent over the past few days — Thierry Goose on Twitter has done a good job documenting them, although his list is by no means exhaustive:
Additional lows have been pointed out by @Climaterra (see below), who also note that São Joaquim, with its reading of -13C (8.6F) this week, has suffered its lowest-ever grass/ground temperature reading during the month August:
South America can expect another day or two of anomalous cold before a brief burst of warmth sweeps the continent.

Hot on the heels of that, though, will be a return to the crop-wrecking cold, set to push north beginning August 28/29:

Germany To Prioritize Coal Trains Over Passenger Services
Germany has said it will give coal trains priority over passenger services on its rail network as the country desperately attempts to undo absurd climate policies that are now threatening both its economy and the safety of its citizens.
A draft proposal by the German government includes a warning that the introduction of such a plan could create rail chaos, but the powerhouse of Europe has little choice: winter is fast-approaching, gas is in short supply, and renewables are useless
Germany–and the wider European continent–has been plunged into an energy crisis due to cripplingly stupid dreams of Net Zero and an equally idiotic poking of the Russia Bear via U.S.-led political intervention in The Ukraine.
In response to Western sanctions, Russian state gas company has now cut gas supplies to Germany through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to just 20% of capacity — a reality that has Germany in full panic mode, and rightly so.
Natural gas accounts for 27% of Germany’s overall energy mix, and before the war, 55% of that gas was imported from Russia. The German government is now making emergency preparations in case Moscow halts the gas supply altogether.
It feels to me that politicians, at least privately, have woken to the ‘global warming’ ruse. Unfortunately, however, and as is also the case with the similarly ruinous ‘vaccines’, what these placating cowards are now offering as a backtrack is far too little, far too late. The damage is already done, and it is largely irreversible–at least in the short term.
Governments simply won’t have their citizens backs this winter.
It will be survival of the fittest, as Mother Nature always intended.
The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).
Social Media channels are restricting Electroverse’s reach: Twitter are purging followers, while Facebook are labeling posts as “false” and have slapped-on crippling page restrictions. And most recently, the CCDH stripped the website of its ability to advertise with Google.
So, be sure to subscribe to receive new post notifications by email. And also consider becoming a Patron or donating via Paypal (button located in the sidebar >>> or scroll down if on mobile). The site receives ZERO funding, and never has.
Any way you can, help me spread the message so others can survive and thrive in the coming times.
U.S. led intervention in Ukraine??? (“Excretum Bullis”)³!!!
Hmm, meddled in the Ukranian election, funded several biolabs (what are they doing in those?), laundering money via large amounts of “aid” $$ stolen from taxpayers, and most definitely poked the bear.
Endgame $$ printing/generating of trillions of counterfeit fiat with taxes only serves to keep the poor, poor, working and occupied during the massive cull.
You conveniently forgot to qoute the word ‘political’.
Despite your fancy Latin words for BS (no not you Dallas, nor your cousin…) you provide no explanation whatsoever as to why Cap’s claim is BS.
Did we all forget the US sanctions on Nordstream 2 pipeline builders, investers and governments? This ‘crisis’ has been in the making for years.
US Nat. Gas futures sit at 10$ per mbtu.
It will be a harsh winter, even if it turns out to be a mild one.
Solar History: The Connection of Solar Activity, War, Peace and the Human Mind in the 2nd Millennium Paperback – November 1, 2018
by Sacha P. Dobler
There is a positive side to solar-induced climate disruption: It may be counter-intuitive: periods of high solar activity and high sunspot numbers – which are associated with a stable and more favourable climate – are also periods of increased mass excitability, war and genocide. In fact, throughout the last millennium, there were 4.6 times as many deaths from war, genocide and persecution during Grand Solar Maxima than there were in Grand Solar Minimum. In contrast, Grand Solar Minima – the ‘bad-weather periods’ – were times of relative peace, reason and of improvements of human rights. In the 1920s, the Russian scientist Alexander Tchijevsky discovered that social excitability, wars and rebellions unfolded primarily at the peaks of the 11-year solar cycles (Schwabe- [coincidentally] cycles). I found that within the past 1000 years, what is true for the 11-years cycles, also applies to the non-periodical cycles of Grand Solar Minima and Maxima, recurring roughly every 200 or 400 years. The correlation coefficient of anthropogenic death rate per decade and Grand Solar Maximum condition is r= 0.9 (very strong correlation). Not only were most mass killings committed during these Grand Maxima, but the corresponding uprisings and rebellions mostly ended up in collectivist, totalitarian systems, that appealed to group hysteria, violent mob rule and imperialism. The narration of the history of this period is intended to illustrate this pattern and to warn of future repetitions. In addition to the multi decadal trends of wars and atrocities, we even find singular battles and mass violence in connection with the visible manifestations of high solar peaks, solar storms, visible sunspots and aurorae. This book is about our future as much as it is about the past, as we have most likely entered the next Grand Solar Minimum. The latest solar forecast by NASA predicts Solar Cycle 25 to be the lowest in 200 years, which will put us in at least Dalton Minimum conditions already in the next decade. This partly confirms the transition has most likely begun. When the final drop begins – given the trends of the last millennium continue – we are once more confronted not only with unpleasant material adaptation processes, climate downturn and food shortages, but ultimately also with a social mood of increased reason, relative peace and rationality. This can give us a time window of between several decades and 150 years to find out how we prevent the next round of mass killing and totalitarian injustice in the following Grand Solar Maximum. [Look inside – preview the intro]
EyesIsWatchin [Steve Ismail] – current situational info hyper overload – well delivered
“No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.”
Just like any alcoholic, excessive drinking is not a problem, it is a solution!
Once you understand that, you may be able to communicate!
Australia – Hunga Tonga & Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions – 2022-23, the year without a summer?
My Cap, we are irate this morning! Did the goats get out or something else put you into such fine fettle? 🙂
My troughs are getting deeper.
I don’t much like it.
11 Reasons Wearing Your Heart On Your Sleeve Is The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself… at the glurge-free Electroverse. Cheers Amigo.
Media and Democrats go “Full Orwellian;” Republicans are now all “Terrorists” – Hal Turner – 22 August 2022 [They Live – the movie]
Does anyone except me hear the ghost of George Orwell laughing right now?
Dangling a carrot works if you have a carrot. Without it you have a new energy crisis. One where people lack the energy to do work. Essential work will be prioritized. The pandemic was a preview. Now guess who gets the food? If you plan to garden at home select your plants by the calories they produce. If you burn more calories then you harvest in your garden you are going in the wrong direction. If the thought that the people that allowed this
crisis to develop unmentioned & unaddressed
are the wrong people to handle the aftermath?
You won’t be alone. Our current leaders will most likely make themselves busy stamping 666 in foreheads.
CAP you mentioned the meridionally flowing jet stream drawing pockets of warm air further north. Much too far north. I have been watching the models all summer and when the permanently frozen regions expand and begin to cover more surface area, the warm air to frozen earth contact area will expand leading to more heat absorption &
accelerated cooling. A little logic would suggest that will be the case.
Short version: as the ice pack expands the cooling trend accelerates.
You are in a good position to write a book
detailing how the composition of the earths atmosphere is going to react to a reduced solar output. This isn’t the first cooldown and it won’t be the last.
GSM Eye whiteness account In great detail
A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. Proverbs 22:3
Thank you.
“…equally idiotic poking of the Russia Bear via U.S.-led political intervention in The Ukraine…” Dear Cap, 3 things for you sent constructively. 1. There is no The in naming the country of Ukraine, just the word Ukraine. You can ask them. 2, I believe Russia idiotically poked Ukraine way back on February 24 and is paying dearly for doing so. The ‘Bear’ now is an international pariah and sanctioned for her complete economic and military collapse of her economy. Putin has a plane standing by to whisk him off to Syria. 3. I don’t see that Electroverse really needs to have any business in International politics. Why risk many of your flock with issues that do not relate to Earth’s climate? Just trying to help here. Billy Best in BC.
From the Russian’s perspective THE Ukraine is actually a province, state, territory of Russia… it ain’t going no-where(s) anytime soon… without a fight… ww scorched earth as required… but that’s all theatre too. “Borders” and lands are mostly temporary ever changing [and currently quite porous people-wise] lines on maps.×783.png
Why should Ukraine, a sovereign nation, view itself from the Russian perspective? ??
If we believe that Ukraine is not and should not be a province of Russia, then we should avoid using “the” before the name of the nation.
… and likely one of THE Best of THE homo(s) in the flock within THE province of BC.
In the photo-where on Earth does “Pan Am ” run a railroad?
A. In the USA on Earth..
At midnight on June 1, 2022, CSX Corp began operating Pan Am Railways as a subsidiary of CSX Transportation, Pan Am Systems ceased operations.
In Siberia, snow is possible in August! – 18 Aug, 16:30
One of the biggest anomalies in Russia today is the cold weather in Siberia. The cold region extends from the Urals to Yakutia. Indicative is not even the max temperature, which for the most part is +12 … + 17°C, as much as the night minimums. Everything that is poured into green is below +10°C. Blue spots are frost.
Warm winter in NZ but too much rain – warm air holds more moisture
My reply to criticisms by wokesters at
It does not take long for cold weather to kill crops, or people. Note the huge crop failure on the Great Plains of 2019 and the Texas freeze of Feb2021 that killed hundreds.
Yes, it is early-stage, but I think I’ve nailed this – global cooling is happening now just as we predicted and published in 2002. See
Most scientists make their “predictions” in hindsight – no-risk, but also of absolutely no benefit to anyone.
It certainly is NOT warming anymore.
One more prediction – hope to be wrong:
We predicted it in 2002 and 2013 – it was all terribly costly – in dollars and lives – and all entirely avoidable.
A willful squandering of the lives of innocents.
Crimes against humanity.
[Witch Doctor] Medicine [mass eugenical democide/genocide] is the keystone of the arch of socialism.
People always have been and they always will be stupid victims of deceit and self-deception in politics.
The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.
There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. Scoundrel(s) may be of use to us just because they are scoundrels. [all of ’em]
Truth is the most precious thing. That’s why we should ration it.
Democracy is indispensable to socialism.
The goal of socialism is communism.
As an ultimate objective, “peace” simply means communist world control.
The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.
Trust is good, but control is [infinitely] better.
[it’s way past obvious (to the few) what is going down ww as we enter into the next period of global cooling “mini/maxi ice age” – fewer people needed with more top down control]
You undermine your credibility when you support the vicious Putin.
I have NEVER supported Putin.