Heavy Snow In South Korea; Russia Logs Coldest January Temperature Since 1982; Arctic Air Hits Europe, Delivers Feet Of Snow; + Cooling Australia
Heavy Snow In South Korea
On Sunday alone, more than 100 traffic accidents were reported amid heavy snowfall in South Korea’s Gangwon province.
Impressive totals have been posted across Gwangwon as well as surrounding provinces, including the 55.9 cm (1.8 ft) in the Misiryeong mountain ridge, and the 52.3 cm (1.7 ft) at Hyangrobong hill.
Vehicles became stranded for some time on a highway near the coastal county of Goseong, with drivers struggling to steer their cars out of accumulated snow for a number of hours before police, fire, and the military came to their aid.
Roads in Sokcho and Yangyang were also blocked.
Gangwon Governor Kim Jin-Tae held a virtual emergency meeting on Sunday, instructing officials across the province’s cities and counties to begin “all-out works to remove snow from the roads”.
Looking ahead, colder-than-average temperatures are forecast for the remainder of the week.
Flurries are also hitting North Korea, particularly eastern regions.
While further east, sea-effect snow is extending into Japan, with the likes of Hokkaido and Honshu expecting accumulations registering in the multiple feet to build Sunday through Tuesday.
Russia Logs Coldest January Temperature Since 1982
Extreme, record-slaying cold is persisting across Siberia as well as the wider Asian continent.
Over the weekend, a remarkable -62.4C (-80.3F) was officially registered in Tongulakh. This is a new all-time low for the locale, and also marks Russia’s coldest January temperature since 1982.
The extreme freeze is set to linger, too.
In fact, Tongulakh rivalled that record-low this morning (Monday) with a reading of -62.3C (-80.1F); while the likes of Selagoncy –to pick another locale at random– plunged to -61C (-77.8F) in the early hours, its lowest temp since the early-1990s.
Low temperature benchmarks have been falling across Transcontinental Russia in recent days/weeks, and it stands, if this part of the world had similar station coverage to, say, Central Europe then the number of fallen records would run into the thousands.
And on that topic…
Unofficial -75C (-103F)
According to residents of the eastern Siberian village of Essey, the mercury recently plunged to -75C (-103F)
This would be a new worldwide low for a location outside of Antarctica; however, there is no Central Siberian Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (UGMS) station in Essey, meaning the reading can’t be officially verified.
“We cannot confirm or deny,” said Dmitry Ulyanov, lead forecaster at UGMS.
The closest UGMS weather stations to Essey is located a hundred miles away. It registered a mere -53C (-63.4F) at the time of the big freeze.
“A photograph from Naberezhnaya Street [showed] -72C, and even three degrees lower — it is -75C,” said Essey resident Andrey Miroshko, who is confident in the reliability of his village’s weather station. “Today it reads 64C,” he added.
Russian Climb on Twitter picked up on the story:
Yakut village, Oymyakon –aka the ‘Pole of Cold’– maintains the official all-time low (-71C/-95.8F) in books dating back to 1926.
To The South
Siberia’s polar blast has descend south, too — even touching the Indian Ocean.
Across the likes of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, as well as Kazakhstan and Mongolia, longstanding records are falling.
Nokkundi in Pakistan, for example, logged a low of -10C (14F) over the weekend, which matches the locale’s all-time lowest temperature ever recorded, with monthly lows also neared/bested in Pangjur (Pakistan) and Zabol (Iran).
Historic lows have also been set in Turkmenabat, second largest city of Turkmenistan. Its Sunday reading of -25.4C (-13.7F) comfortably bested the previous all-time low of -23.8C (-10.8F) set 123 years ago, on Jan 22, 1900 (The Centennial Minimum).
While in India, snow has also been building, triggering an avalanche near Baltal, along the Srinagar-Kargil-Leh highway:
Arctic Air Hits Europe, Delivers Feet Of Snow
Fierce, wintry conditions are ravaging swathes of Europe just days after the MSM labeled the season a ‘no-show’.
Snow is falling in the UK, with the Met Office issuing weather warnings for snow and ice as temperatures plummet below -15C (5F) across parts of Scotland.
Rare flurries hit the western Isle of Barra this morning:
Heavy snow is also pounding mainland Europe, with feet clipping the continent’s higher elevations: Mother Nature is giving the cultist, anti-human scumbags flying into Davos a friendly wintry welcome (let’s pray their private jets don’t skid off the runway).
According to reports, the roads around Davos have 5,000 troops patrolling them, with anyone attempting to get anywhere near the ‘non-governmental lobbying event’ checked and fingerprinted (I hope the elites feel the love that Joe Public has for them).
Davos attendees believe that wealth gives them the right to control the direction of humanity. And while technically –and depressingly– true (via their acquisitions of big business, the legacy media and global governments), there remains one obstacle in the elites’ way: some 8-billion innocent souls that feel and know deep down that ‘something’ is very wrong.
We are some 8-billion fast-reducing souls (admittedly–with their measures beginning to ‘work’) but still, we are an 8-billion strong army vs only a handful of pampered elites, and they should know that rope is cheap to come by, with gallows easy to assemble.
The usual hypocrisy is on show as King Klaus and his merry-band-of-frauds thunder their way in to a sleepy Swiss town, visually announcing “do as we say, not as we do” as they hit the runways and helipads — hypocrisy that legacy media lapdogs and sycophantic alarmists-alike find suspiciously easy to ignore.
Hilariously, what’s arriving in tow with the global cabal is heavy, agenda-wrecking snow:
And there’s much more where that came from:

All this snow is only going to increase Northern Hemisphere mass over the coming days and weeks, total mass which is already, as of Jan 13 (the latest datapoint), punching above not only the 1982-2012 average but the standard deviation, too:
Historic coverage across Asia is bolstering this season’s NH snowpack, as are the extensive, persistent and record-smashing accumulations registered in the Western United States.
California’s snowpack, for example, has blown past 337 inches which surpasses the state’s previous all-time high for the time of year. In some spots, totals are even covering second story windows, turning homes into igloos.
“We’re going to be shoveling for months,” so said Clark Tapia, owner of Old Faithful Property Management who has a group of 30 men working round the clock, and, as we see across Europe and Asia, there is much more on the cards:

Cooling Australia
And finally, Australia is cooling, according to the satellites — at a rate of -0.132C per decade since 2013:
This chimes with that we’re seeing globally, at least via the satellite data –not necessarily the UHI-skewing, agenda-driving mainstream obfuscations (more on those below)– with temperatures for the lower global atmosphere currently sitting at just 0.05C above the multidecadal baseline, which is down significantly from the 2016 peak.
As discussed by Dr Roy Spencer, who recently conducted a thorough analysis (linked here): “I’m convinced that there is spurious warming in the temperature data [due to the urban heat island (UHI) effect]” — i.e. what the establishment has labeled a ‘global warming trend’ is in fact the result of selective temperature station-siting/data-collation and the expansion of urban areas.
There is no global warming, let alone any ‘Climate Emergency’.
Earth is cooling.
AGW is a prosperity-limiting, poverty-inducing scam.
Wake up, already.
Ok, a new form of censorship by Google has arrived!!!
It appeared two days ago on this site: https://beforeitsnews.com/
Then I found it today on this site: https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/r2/?url=http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/
A link from BIN to the economic collapse blog by M. Snyder, no relation. To go to the site, just click on “Details” and “Visit this site”.
Items of interest that may have triggered this was a report on the
Biden House Document raid where CNN was NOT invited.
Have a good day! DS
When it reaches -108* f CO2 will freeze. No wonder the ice core samples show so much CO2. It has been snowing CO2 in the past and may again in our lifetime. Probably already has in Antarctica. They hit -112* f last winter
Thank you for this info!
Now the AGWs want us to think with excess CO2 we will be like Venus at several hundred degrees hot but fail to mention that Mars at 98% CO2 freezes 25% of it’s atmosphere into CO2 Snow each Martian Winter!!!
Apparently the distance from the sun influences the climate temp more than CO2!!!
So if we see a CO2 reduction anamoly on planet earth it may be the freezing temps are making it fall out as CO2 Snow!.
Will it make the Net Zero guys happy? Of course not!
A Natural Cycle is Kryptonite to the make you wrong persons for you personal life style of prosperity and abundance!!!
Not only does distance from the Sun influence temperatures on the “rocky” planets but the mass of the atmosphere is significant.
The only way CO2 can cause global warming is if the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere increases atmospheric mass. This is not a problem on Earth.
The mass of the Venusian atmosphere is the cause of the temperature not the spurious “greenhouse effect”.
All of the “gas giants” have high temperatures deep in their atmospheres that cannot be explained by the solar radiation.
The greenhouse effect is nonsense.
I’m not too scientific however, for the last few years, following Cap’s analysis, my wife’s garden has been saved for the last 3 years towards spring planting time. Anyway, those Davos WEF guys just might be in danger not from people but from the weather. I think the temp can get to the point that it is difficult if not impossible to de-ice runways and also de-ice planes. Maybe we can lose the entire WEF? hopefully.
Don’t know where you are located, but there is no runway at Davos. The WEF clowns land down in the plain near St.Gallen. Temperature will not go below a few -C°.
The weather in Sydney is all over the place. And more unpredictable than ever. Weve had some heat, but nothing like its been for decades now. Ive grown up with scorching summers. And i dislike the heat immensely. Its plain to see its cooling.
The Shite is hitting the fan already with these psychopaths.
Their aim was always is to destroy humanity. Thats the end game for them. They are not human. Thats a fact. But as George W Bush stated. “They know everything”. The time for regeneration is here. The cabals have been warned and are being rounded up as we speak. Big wake up call coming for the whole of humanity. The U.S warships where docked in every state in Australia recently. What more evidence do people require? Baal worshiping, adrenochrome harvesting child trafficking murderers.Theyve been at it for six thousand years. Its their drug. Humanity is about to get slapped so hard with these facts shortly. Then all the denials will go out the window. But we are few. And ignorance rules the world as always. Tribunals start mid year when martial law lockdowns occur across the world. Military solutions are the only way.
And theres plenty more where that came from.
But the masses wont be able handle it.
Evidence everywhere once theres a sniff of facts.
They planned on using Australia as their headquarters. We fight hard here. Were known for it. And i hope i can be involved in that. S.G Anon info. Look him up. Up to #35 communication decode drops.
Polar Vortex incoming
Polar Vortex Unload on US WARNING:
For Sure the models predict a very heavy dumping of snow at the end of the month Jan 2023 on the North East US!!!
Now we have UNPRECENDENTED cold temps here in SW Florida
zip code 34223 per my Sky Temp Pre-Dawn Infrared Temp Gun compared to last year when I started recording them.
Start was March 2021. So no temps for Jan-Feb then with
the last below 0 at Minus -6.0 F on 10 March 2021.
For 2022 the last below 0 temp Minus -8.0 10 April 2022
Jan 2022 saw Only 2 Days at a time below zero until the end of the month (when our polar vortex will hit this year) with
ONLY 4 days running, the last one being 1 Feb 2022.
Now THIS Jan, today 17 Jan 2023, is the TWELFTH (12th) day
of close to Zero (1 F or 3 F) temps in the Minus range down to
Minus 33 F so far. Last year’s lowest was -54 F for the record.
Will we run past April this year for low’s? It will be interesting.
May 5 (Cinco de Mayo) is a date close to Maximum snow melt in the US as river rafters in northern Idaho like to get out then!
I have seen these guys up there. Too cold for me.
I bet the melt runs later this year.
How does this seem to you?
There’s something very unusual happening with the polar vortex this winter, http://www.metcheck.com/SEASONAL/stratosphere.asp
The vortex should be roughly circular and centred near the North Pole. It is currently highly elongated with the centre over the middle of Greenland and is not forecast to return to anything like “normal” for at least 2 weeks.
The vortex is in the stratosphere and it isn’t guaranteed that changes in the vortex lead to changes in global circulation patterns and hence extreme weather lower down in the atmosphere, but the probability increases, often with a 2-3 week time lag. The rest of the winter could be very interesting.
California is over 411 inches of snow at this time…
Can we keep the comments on here confined to the immediate issues of AGW data manipulation and the real climate change?
I try to bring people to this site to give them the actual data of what is happening with the climate but running into political hypotheses about deep state cabals means I don’t get them over the line and this is a one shot deal – they won’t be back.
So if we are to stand any chance of widening the circle of people that are against the manipulation of climate data then that needs to stop, thank you.
People should be able to differentiate between fact and opinion, and it should be obvious to any reasonably intelligent person that talk of global cabals is opinion which they are free to disagree with, but reports on extreme weather are facts that can’t be argued with and they need to be aware of to have a balanced view of climate change.
Thank you Robert for your concern~!
It’s just when you discuss manipulation of climate data one runs into who and why? Then one has to know some history of it starting with England and the coal miner’s strike there where Margaret Thatcher found linking it to climate worked out for her. Then we have the Canadian oil man Maurice Strong. He said government wouldn’t bother him when he worked for the UN, so he moved there. He was responsible in 2007 converting the chant from “Global Warming” to “Climate Change” when the rise in temps paused. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/strong-denies-part-in-un-oil-for-food-scandal-1.540516
I leave with a little joke: What is the difference between a conspiracy theorist and MSM – Main Stream Media headlines?
5 years!!!
Keep counting the clouds and raindrops, along with the snow depth. That will save the world.