*Another* Historic Arctic Outbreak For Canada And The U.S.; Fierce Freeze Forecast For Europe, Including UK; + Two Russian Volcanoes Stir
*Another* Historic Arctic Outbreak For Canada And The U.S.
A low solar activity-induced ‘meridional‘ jet stream flow is setting up to divert another round of frigid polar cold deep into the North America continent.
Meteorologists for the Weather Network warn that a powerful polar vortex –aka Arctic outbreak– will bring “a sizable chunk of frigid air” down from Siberia and Alaska starting this weekend, with record-breaking lows and jaw-dropping snows starting Saturday and carrying into December.
Those ‘blues’ and ‘purples’ are forecast to extend from Greenland to Mexico, as visualized in the latest GFS run:

With the accompanying snow totals looking equally impressive and widespread:

Metro Vancouver –for example– can expect more snow as the mercury once again nosedives — flurries that will arrive hot on the heels of what was one of the city’s earliest snowfalls on record on November 7.
“We’ve seen this pattern before, Arctic air spilled across Canada earlier in November,” writes Weather Network meteorologist Tyler Hamilton.
Re. the upcoming outbreak, Hamilton explains that a ridge of high pressure over Alaska is about to bring a mass of frigid air to Canada from the core of a polar vortex currently situated over eastern Siberia — and it isn’t expected to clear anytime soon.
“Two upper ridges will anchor the next cold wave [in place] right into December,” added Hamilton. “Signs of a blocking pattern over eastern Greenland are building, compressing the cold anomaly into Canada”–and into Europe, too…
Fierce Freeze Forecast For Europe, Including UK
During recent winters –most notably 2018’s– blocking highs have resulted in bitterly cold air funneling into Europe from the Northeast and Russia/Siberia, often dubbed ‘Beasts from the East’.
The 2018 winter saw Europe endure conditions for months with record snowfall slamming many nations, including the UK.
With the Sun seemingly slipping into its next Grand Solar Minimum cycle –a prolonged of period of solar decline– these blocking highs are forecast to become more prevalent.
The AGW Party is desperate to link this increasingly common phenomenon to global warming, but the science and logic simply won’t stack up for them. To get to their conclusion, a string of nonsensical assumptions need to be made by the believer…
Firstly, that rising CO2 levels are disproportionately warming the poles, for which there is zero evidence for–Antarctica continues to cool, for crikey-sake; and secondly, even if the poles did warm first/more, the reduced temperature difference between them and the lower latitude regions would reduce extreme weather events, not intensify them. After all, weather events are driven by the temperature gradient between latitudes. A warming Arctic would result in less intense cold outbreaks and a lesser intrusion of polar air colliding with warm moist air in milder regions.
Climate alarmists have their science entirely backwards.
But this backwards thinking isn’t organic, it has been intentionally bred.
Looking at the latest GFS run (shown below), a fierce freeze is on course to batter the majority of the European continent as the calendar flips to December (admittedly in the unreliable time frame, but the GFS has proven itself remarkably accurate of late):

Such conditions would prove a headache at the best of times, but this winter, of course, is bringing with it extra complications.
Europe, through its corrupt leadership and suicidal, foot-shooting ‘virtue-signalling’ energy policies, is headed into the cold season with very limited gas reserves–or, more accurately, with no clear way to top the tanks back up once depleted.
Forward power rates are surging on the aforementioned cold forecast. Nordic rates, for example, climbed for the third consecutive session on Wednesday, to 265 euros per megawatt hour (front-quarter baseload power contract ENOFBLQc1).
A cold winter is the last thing EU leaders needed, but a cold winter this is shaping up to be — thanks to low solar activity:
Mikhaël Schwander, et al, 2017:
The zonal flow characteristic of westerly types is reduced under low solar activity as the continental flow for easterly and northerly types is enhanced. This is also confirmed by the higher blocking frequency over Scandinavia under low solar activity.
The 247-year-long analysis of the 11-year solar cycle impact on late winter European weather patterns suggests a reduction in the occurrence of westerly flow types linked to a reduced mean zonal flow under low solar activity. Based on this observational evidence, we estimate the probability to have cold conditions in winter over Europe to be higher under low solar activity than under high activity.
Two Russian Volcanoes Stir
Towering clouds of ash and glowing lava are spewing from two volcanoes on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula and scientists warn that major eruptions could be on the way.
The eastern peninsula is one of the world’s most concentrated areas of geothermal activity, home to about 30 active volcanoes.
This sudden new activity followed a strong earthquake that struck Saturday.
The Russian Academy of Sciences’ vulcanology institute said that at Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Eurasia’s tallest active volcano, as many as 10 explosions an hour were being recorded. Lava flows and ash emissions also are coming from the Shiveluch volcano.
Kamchatka is sparsely populated.
These recent rumblings pose little-to-no direct risk to people on the ground.
What this uptick is, however, is indicative of the times.
Volcanic eruptions are one of the key climatic forcings driving Earth into its next bout of global cooling. They have been shown to increase in both number and explosivity during times of prolonged solar decline–thought to be tied to an influx of cosmic rays (CRs) penetrating and exciting silica-rich magma. In short, during solar minimums the Sun’s magnetic field weakens and the outward pressure of the solar wind decreases, which allows more CRs to enter the inner solar system, including our planet’s atmosphere.
For more on that, click the link below:
Hunga Tonga-Ha’apai’s mesospheric eruption of Jan 15 –the highest ever recorded– is continuing to exert a cooling affect on the Southern Hemisphere as ejected particulates continue to circulate the higher reaches of the atmosphere, blocking sunlight.
Now, those particulates are seeping north where they’re beginning to impact the NH, too — just in time for winter.
For more:
It’s only a matter of time before another eruption the size of Hunga Tonga or greater occurs – whether in Kamchatka or in another volcano-rich area. We in the rest of the world might not be as lucky in escaping the dire consequences as we were with Hunga Tonga early this year.
We have NOT escaped the dire consequences of Hunga Tonga just yet!
It may be another 12,500 years before another eruption the size of HT occurs,
as it co-incided with the predictable approach of events on the outer planets which occurred at six month intervals presumably caused by the solar system cutting through the galactic plane magnetic polarity shift! Jan was our turn! So why did HT happen?
No need to answer that for now. The last few days in SW Florida have awakened with high gray overcast foggy like clouds extremely high. Particulates from HT were reported last end of May to have reached the 20th NORTH Parallel above the equator just south of Cuba before the data stream was terminated!!! I speculate the current high clouds over Florida are water vapor from HT now reaching far into the N. Hemisphere!!
Remember per historical data from the cooling effect MAX cooling from HT expected 1 Feb 2023 !!! 1 year of cooling followed by 1 yr of Cold followed by 1 year of warming to get back to “normal” Nothing normal here, as that progression puts us into the Nov 2024 Planetary alignment not seen since extremely cold weather killed the Roman Empire along with Debauchery (Hollywood & Porn) & Barbarians (Dems).
May God Help the USA!!
“God” may be operating but not in the way traditional religionists would think. Maybe we will come under weather attack from Russian volcanos? Either way, the Northern hemisphere will likely have a deep freeze this winter that will drive up the price of oil and natural gas. This will help a certain “sanctioned” country. Meanwhile, watch the seismic activity around the Pacific rim. I do not claim “the gift of prophecy” and it certainly has not happened yet but I will relay my dream of 5/23/2011. I saw an elegant hand, as if drawn by 1960s Flash comic book artist Carmine Infantino, pointing down to a burning ring (the seismically active Pacific “ring of fire”). The voice in the dream told me “widespread destruction”. Some other scientists might say that cannot happen – until it does happen and I think it will.
Weather models aren’t particularly good at handling blocking patterns (large areas of high pressure) over Europe.
At the minute different models disagree about the position of the high pressure once they get to the 7-10 day period, and individual models chop and change between different runs. However they all seem to agree that there’s going to be a blocked pattern.
The position of the centre of the high pressure system is crucial as this is the area that sees very light winds. One recent run from GFS had the centre of the high over N. Germany, Denmark and the North Sea exactly where a significant percentage of Europe’s wind turbines are. This obviously means that there’ll be very little power generated from the wind just as demand skyrockets (exactly the situation sensible people have been warning about for years) and countries will have to burn a lot of gas in power stations to keep the lights on. Europe probably has enough gas in storage to see out this period of high usage, but reserves will be severely depleted, and if they can’t be quickly replenished it’ll be the second or third arctic plunge of the winter when TSHTF and the lights go out.