Colder-Than-Average Iceland; Skiing In Southern Africa; More Snow Down Under; + Farmers’ Almanac Foresees “Record-Breaking Cold” And “Snowy” U.S. Winter
Colder-Than-Average Iceland
Iceland’s average temperature for July finished at 10C (50F), which was 0.4C below the multidecadal average.
This is quite a shift from July last year, which would up being Iceland’s warmest since 1933.
The image above shows Iceland’s average July temperatures extending back to 1822 (although years prior to 1874 are generally taken with a pinch of salt due to unreliability).
Still, the chart is fascinating as it clearly reveals a natural waxing and waning of the temperature over time: another perfect example of how climate on Earth, as with everything else, is cyclic, never linear.
The year 1933 –Iceland’s warmest July on record– signaled the peak of the prior warming cycle (prior to today’s) — one that began in 1890 and ran for a little over four decades. And after 1933, it was downhill until 1970 — another roughly 40 year spell.
It is my contention that Iceland’s modern warming spell ended last year, in 2021 — the nation’s warmest July since 1933.
This natural period of warming –driven primarily by the sun experiencing its highest output in millennia (the Modern Solar Maximum)– ran from 1970 to 2021, with a few bumps along the way (namely 1993 & 2015).
When looking at the 10-year average (green line), however, the peak likely occurred earlier, in 2008. This correlates with the onset of The Grand Solar Minimum with 2008 signalling the beginning of the historically weak Solar Cycle 24.
The temperature data prior 1874, although somewhat unreliable, shows another waxing and waning, meaning we have three identifiable warming and cooling episodes, all of similar length and with similarly-sized peaks and troughs.
We can speculate what comes next.
It’s likely already begun.
“The so-called ‘greenhouse effect’ will not avert the onset of the next deep temperature drop, the 19th in the last 7500 years, which without fail follows after natural warming.”
Russian space scientist, Habibullo Abdussamatov
Last week, Iceland’s Fagradalsfjall volcano erupted–for the second year in a row: another signal of low solar activity.
“Yesterday around 2 a.m. I was lucky to see the erupting volcano and noctilucent clouds (NLCs) for the first time ever!” said an excited Madelon Dielen, who captured this picture from the Reykjanes Peninsula:
NLCs are Earth’s highest clouds.
Seeded by meteoroids, they float at the edge of space and form when summertime wisps of water vapor rise up to the mesosphere, allowing water to crystallize around specks of meteor smoke.
Crucially, upper atmospheric temperatures need to be exceptionally COLD for the clouds to form.
For more:
Skiing In Southern Africa
Lesotho, a tiny mountain kingdom situated within South Africa, has an obscure geographical claim to fame: it is the only country on Earth where every inch of its territory sits more than 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) above sea level.
Although cold winters aren’t all-that rare in southern Africa, snow most certainly is and ski resorts are even rarer.
At an altitude of 3,000 meters (9,842 feet), Afriski, situated in Lesotho’s Maluti Mountains, is Africa’s only operating ski resort south of the equator.
Thanks to an impressive blanket of snow, more competitors than ever lined up last month for the annual Winter Whip Slopestyle snowboard and ski competition at Afriski’s Kapoko Snow Park — the only freestyle snow park on the continent.
Ski instructor Meka Lebohang Ejindu has taught in Austria for more than a decade, but this is his first season in the southern hemisphere: “For a competition like this to happen in southern Africa is so heartwarming,” he said.
Although not quite at the level of Europe’s vast Alpine resorts, a love of winter sports is catching on at Afriski. This is thanks, at least in part, to the record snowfall observed in recent years, most notably the truly historic dumps (and chills) of 2021:
Heavy snow is continuing to fall across Lesotho, including into Monday morning at the Let’seng Diamond Mine…
…further inconveniences for the AGW Party.
More Snow Down Under
Australia’s state of Victoria is on track to deliver its strongest ski season on record, reports Early, record-setting snowfall allowed Victoria’s slopes to open weeks earlier that normal.
Australian Ski Areas Association chief executive Colin Hackworth said visitor numbers were expected to break records, which he is putting down to an early start combined with a keen desire for skiing following two years of pandemic-related restrictions.
“It’s a recipe for better times,” he said.
Hackworth, buyoed by mid-range weather forecasts, said he expected the solid attendances to continue through to September.
“The season’s already mapped out now,” he said. “It’s going to be really good right to the end.”
Major Victorian ski resorts have the ability to generate their own snow, used to bolster natural accumulations. But Mt Buller communications manager Rhylla Morgan said more than a meter (3.3 feet) of natural snow had already fallen by mid-June–a record-breaking amount–which allowed the resort to open its fields earlier than normal and without the need for snowmaking.
NEVER let the AGW Party–working in cahoots with their mainstream media lapdogs–forget how catastrophically, woefully and embarrassingly inaccurate their agenda-based prophesies of the past have turned out to be:
As hinted at earlier, Australia’s snowy conditions are set to continue.
Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) forecaster Matthew Thomas said there more snowfall is likely on Monday, followed heavier accumulations from Thursday, mostly at the higher resorts, including Mount Buller, Falls Creek and Mouth Hotham.
“It’s good news if you’re out wanting to ski,” he said.
Switching attention to Western Australia, a wintry mix of hail, blustery thunderstorms and even a second round of rare snow flurries in as many weeks are on the cards, as the south-west corner of the state, including Perth, braces for what could be its coldest temperatures in years.
A gusty cold front reached Perth just before midday on Monday, reports, one that is now set to sweep over the remainder of the South West Land Division into the evening.
BoM senior forecaster Caroline Crow said WA’s latest cold front would be followed by yet another pool of Antarctic air on Tuesday, which would send maximum temperatures plummeting and deliver damaging hail to a large area of the state.
“Broadly speaking,” said Crow, “it’s the coldest outbreak for the south-west of the state that we’re looking at for this season so far, given the region of hail potential which is quite far inland.”
Crow added that maximum temperatures would hold as much as six degrees Celsius below the norm on Tuesday, with temperatures in the Great Southern region struggling to reach the low teens–potentially record-breaking.
The polar blast could mean additional snow on Bluff Knoll, in the Stirling Ranges–for the second time in a fortnight.
Farmers’ Almanac Foresees “Record-Breaking Cold” And “Snowy” U.S. Winter
The Farmers’ Almanac has released is extended 2022-23 winter forecast.
Unlike the Old Farmers’ Almanac, which bases its weather predictions on a combination of animal signals, chicken bones, pig spleens, and other weather lore, the Farmers’ Almanac bases its outlook on a “mathematical and astronomical formula” dating back to 1818 that takes sunspot activity and other astronomical anomalies into account.
The outlook is calling for “unreasonably cold” and “snowy” conditions across much of the U.S., especially come January, but it foresees an earlier start to winter, too.
“December 2022 looks stormy and cold nationwide with an active storm pattern developing and hanging around for most of the season over the eastern half of the country,” reads The Farmers’ Almanac report.
The Almanac continues, calling for a record-breaking 40F-below-zero across parts of the country, especially the North Central United States–the coldest Arctic outbreak in years; but even Gulf states are expected to be chilly, wet and slushy.
“According to our extended forecasts, this winter season will have plenty of snow, rain, and mush—as well as some record-breaking cold temperatures! We are warning readers to get ready to shake, shiver, and shovel!”
Snow lovers will be happy in the Ohio Valley, Great Lakes states and North Central states, which will see “a fair amount of storminess during the winter season”. Even South Central states could see accumulating, record-threatening accumulations.
“The big takeaway for our winter season forecast is that frigid temperatures should flow into many areas nationwide”:

Time, of course, will tell how the Almanac’s predictions fair, but the clock is ‘tick-ticking’ down. Fall arrives next month, and it could signal the beginning of a fierce, long-lasting wintry season of debilitating cold compounded by energy and food shortages.
As is always my advice: prepare, and stay free.
The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).
Prepare accordingly — learn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.
Social Media channels are restricting Electroverse’s reach: Twitter are purging followers, while Facebook are labeling posts as “false” and have slapped-on crippling page restrictions. And most recently, the CCDH stripped the website of its ability to advertise with Google.
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the Old Farmers’ Almanac, which bases its weather predictions on a combination of animal signals, chicken bones, pig spleens, and other weather lore
Sadly, still more accurate than Michael Mann
100% better even!
Cap great job Sir.
People are listening and preparing for bad times. Given that We live in a rural KY area, we already stock/ store extra food stuffs.
AND where I live…we are armed and ready.
Again Thank You for your Service Sir.👍
Very Well Done on this report!
Look at that Greenland SMB climb!
And in SW Florida we broke 72 F on the downside this morning, 71 F,
something that doesn’t usually happen until October!!!
And the skies were filled with 5 parallel tracks contrails across the blue sky against a big X marks the spot offshore here I know could be seen from space!
About Lesotho:
I was working there a few years ago and one of our team was up country where they had a 2 metre snowfall. He was trapped there for a week and the whole town ran out of food.
It took bulldozers to clear a road to relieve them.
There are several ski resorts on the east side of Lesotho in the Maluti mountains of South Africa.
Today Tuesday 9 Aug 2022 was another cold start in SW Florida.
With a sky temp of 37 F the ground temp was 70, 72 under the tree where it stays warmer.
“Normal” the ground temp doesn’t drop below 72 until Oct./Sept.
Last year the sky temp for Aug ran in the 40-60 F range, never below 40.
It only hit 39 F on Sept 05, 12, 26th then 20 F, 22 F, & 30 F the last three days
of Sept 2021.
For 2020 I did not have the sky reading then. They started 8 March 2021 with the acquisition of the handheld infrared thermometer. I don’t consider these readings a accurate. Nevertheless, temps for 2020 are in the 70s, 80s, 90s even hitting 100 on Veterans day 11 Nov 2020 with NO Drop below 70 until Thanksgiving 25 Nov 2020.
Looks like Climate Change has arrived, and the FUTURE IS COLD!