Extreme Freeze Intensifies Across Asia–Iranian’s Told “To Bundle Up”; “More Snow Than Forecast” Buries European Slopes–Even More To Come; + U.S. Agri Exports To China Smash Records
Extreme Freeze Intensifies Across Asia
In Siberia, and as discussed on Wednesday, temperatures have plunged to their lowest levels in at least two decades: around minus-80F (-62C). This exceptional cold is now projected to persist, intensify and expand across the majority of Asia.
The bitter cold is stretching as far west as Eastern Europe and as far east as SE China, and is holding temperatures as much as 55F (30C) below the multidecadal norm.
The rural northern Siberian town of Dzalinda (Zhilinda) plunged to -79.8F (62.1C) this week: the locale’s lowest January temperature ever recorded, and the lowest in all of Siberia since at least 2002. It is suspected, via the models, that a few spots dipped even lower, but with a lack of thermometer stations in this part of the world, these won’t be confirmed.
Arctic Outbreaks in Asia have become both more prevalent and intense in recent years, which is a headache for the AGW Party. A lack of weather stations –most notable across Siberia, Mongolia and the ‘stans– is The Agenda’s only saving grace here, it’s the only thing stopping the trusting, compliant masses from realizing that Central Europe’s two-weeks of winter warmth is nothing compared to the deadly freeze pervading across an area 20-times the size situated a mere thousand-or-so miles to the east.
Just half-dozen official Russian stations dipped below -60C this week, but if this region had the coverage of even Central Europe, let alone Europe as a whole, the fallen low temperature records would amount to the thousands — that’s how fierce and widespread this injection of polar cold has been:
A large swath of Arctic air has descended from the southern Barents Sea, through Scandinavia, to the Sea of Okhotsk, down through transcontinental Russia, into western and central Asia, and also over the north of Japan — and there’s still more where that came from.
Despite the reality, though, we have to contend with absurd, ‘narrative-maintaining’ nonsense published by legacy media outlets: “Such cold has become uncommon in recent decades because of human-caused climate change,” reads one recent ‘damage limitation’ article from the Washington Post regarding Asia’s record-breaking onslaught: “Global warming decreases the frequency and intensity of cold air outbreaks, but it does not eliminate them.”

It is possible for extreme cold in Siberia to spill into the eastern United States with, on average, a two-week delay.
This scenario actually played out just before Christmas, when hundreds of cold-records, including twenty all-time record-lows, fell across a large portion of North America (not just the east); baltic conditions which stranded tens-of-thousands of Holiday travelers, freezing around one-hundred of them to death.
Weather models are already picking up on the possibility of Siberia’s polar cold sweeping westward and so into the US, but the picture is murky. Key to this shift could be the development of high pressure over western North America, which would need to block storms from hitting California and create a pathway for the Russia’s extreme freeze to cross into the Western Hemisphere.
Returning to Asia, the snow is proving just as troublesome as the cold.
In Kazakhstan, highways have been blocked by accumulations in the feet; schools have been closed across Tajikistan; trees and electricity pylons in Uzbekistan are crashing to the ground under the weight of snow; while officials in Kyrgyzstan are pleading with apartment-dwellers to close windows to basements to avoid water pipes freezing.
Even vast swathes of Turkmenistan –typically regarded the warmest country in the region– is blanketed in white.
At least 60 roads are shut in Kazakhstan, with authorities instructing motorists in the worst hit regions not to travel at all until the weather eases. As well as the issues caused by drifting snow, plunging temperatures “could lead to the risk of vehicle fuel systems freezing,” national road management service Kazavtozhol said in a statement after temperature crashed into the -30s.
The global economic woes and cripplingly-high cost of ‘winter’ diesel has compounded the issue–but, you know, the planet needs saving so needs must, i.e. the people must suffer: Motorists, seeking to economize, have opted for the cheaper ‘summer’ fuel, which can freeze at temperatures as high as -5C (23F).
In Tashkent, workers have been battling to clear the streets amid the risk of cracking tree limbs under the weight of the snow, overhead heating pipes buckling, and store awnings collapsing.
Many households across the country are at the onset of a truly miserable, genuinely life-threatening spell of anomalous cold. The capital, Dushanbe, is unused to the mercury slipping below the freezing mark, particularly for such sustained period.
While in Kyrgyzstan, people have starting fueling their stoves with household waste.
Health officials here have pleaded with stove-owners to refrain from indiscriminately burning anything at hand, and have urged the public, particularly those with respiratory conditions, against going outside so as to avoid breathing in the poisonous air.
“I would like to appeal to the population living in the private sector [residential areas] not to use fabric waste, tires, and plastic for heating. Burning those items releases carcinogens into the environment,” said the government’s department for disease prevention in a public appeal.
Yesterday (Jan 11), temperatures plunged as low as -38C (-36.4F) in Kazakhstan, -27.2C (-17F) in Uzbekistan, -22.4C (-8.3F) in Turkmenistan and -26.6C (-15.9F) even further south, in Iran…
…Iranian’s Told “To Bundle Up”
Iranians have been told to turn down their heating, wear warmer clothes and use thicker curtains as the gas-producing nation struggles to meet record energy demand — a repeat of previous winters when Iran had to halt energy exports to Turkey to meet its own domestic needs after western Asia/southeastern Europe was gripped by historic Arctic blasts.
Gas consumption hit a record 660 million cubic meters for Tuesday.
On Wednesday, Oil minister Javad Owji made an appeal to the people: Iran was on the brink of reaching “peak gas consumption.”
Schools, banks and government offices are currently closed in Iran, and working hours have been cut in at least 15 provinces in an effort to curtail energy usage.
Iran’s oil and gas reserves are vast, the second-largest on the planet, but the country has suffered from decades of chronic underinvestment. This is a scenario which has also played out across the west as ‘green’-hamstrung politicians continue to do the bidding of their totalitarian masters and, intentionally or not, continue to lurch us all towards a future of high energy prices and ultimately fuel poverty during what I have been convinced is a controlled demolition of society, aka ‘The Great Reset’.
“More Snow Than Forecast” Buries European Slopes–Even More To Come
After unusual warmth struck during the first two-weeks of the season, alarmists decreed winter a no-show in Europe. But what these climate ambulance-chasers continually underestimate is Mother Nature’s ability to regulate and balance herself.
This week, a powerful snowstorm blanketed the Alps — late, yes, but not never.
The snow started falling on Monday, and is forecast to continue to sweep across the continent over the coming days and weeks, from Europe’s mountainous peaks down to its valley floors. .
Already, the change has been dramatic:
A healthy 3 feet of snow is forecast over the French Alps by Friday, but this prediction may be an underestimation. The region comfortably eclipsed the expected totals for the first half of the week: Glacier 3,000, located near Gstaad in Switzerland, for example, recorded 2 feet of fresh snowfall during the first 24 hours of the storm alone, almost double what was predicted.
Despite the warm-mongering mainstream media headlines, the majority of European slopes are actually open, with tourism officials saying bookings, overall, remain on par with last years.
Wim Thiery, a professor of climate science at the University of Brussels and firm member of the AGW Party, explains that the same jet stream that pulled brutal air from the Arctic into the U.S. has now fanned warm air from subtropical zones into Europe.
However, Thiery then removes his ‘scientific hat’ and dons one aimed at appeasing his establishment backers.
Seemingly discarding his previous statement entirely, Thiery goes off about the ravages of climate change, offering no explanation as to the mechanism, and instead calling on people to cut their use of cheap and reliable fossil fuels.
“By the end of the century [it’s] just going to be over,” Thiery prophesizes, “skiing in the Alps as we know it,” he clarifies: “In the future, these problems will get worse because the snow will continue to melt as long as the climate warms.”
It’s important to hold warmists like Thiery to account–as has been done with countless others over the years. The AGW Party do not get to erase their many, many, many failed predictions of the past — from snow cover to polar bears; from the Greenland ice sheet to Great Barrier Reef coral cover — they do not get to airbrush their ‘catastrophic’ failures from the history books.
In fact, let’s hold Wim Thiery to account right now!
Latest GFS runs are calling for something of an Arctic invasion into Europe beginning this weekend and lasting through the remainder of the month; conditions that are set to bury much of the continent (even the UK) under tremendous volumes of SNOW which, as we’re seeing in the U.S. (particularly the west), will fire nationwide snowpacks, from Spain to Ukraine; from Scotland to Turkey (and North Africa, too), well-above their multidecadal averages:

As mentioned above, winter in Central Europe was merely late, Thiery, not never.
Moreover, let’s look at total snow mass for the Northern Hemisphere as a whole.
As it has done for the past 5-or-so years, NH cover is tracking above both the 1982-2012 average and standard deviation, according to data from the NSIDC, ECCC and the Finish Meteorological Institute (FMI) — and rising:
U.S. Agri Exports To China Smash Records
Food inflation/shortages in the United States? Can’t be. America exported a record-smashing $36.4 billion-worth of agricultural exports (corn, soybeans, sorghum etc.) to China in 2022.
Higher global commodity prices and China’s robust buying were the main factors behind the record export value, with that figure of $36.4 billion surpassing 2021’s record and seeing China as the U.S.’s largest export market for the second consecutive year, according to USDA data.
Soybeans accounted for nearly 50% of US agri exports to China at a record $16.4 billion, surpassing the previous year by 16%.
Corn to China exceeded $4.8 billion, down from a record in 2021 but still the second-highest level in history.
With U.S. sorghum exports hitting a record $2.2 billion, nearly tripling over the last 2 years with China scooping-up 90% of America’s total sorghum export volume. Sorghum proved an attractive, better-priced alterative to Chinese feed producers.
Worth nothing, China has accumulated 65% of the world’s corn and 53% of global wheat exports. It is also the main importer of barely and oilseed. The CCP’s continued expansion into North Africa is also worth examining.
Does China know what’s coming? Or is it merely battling to feed its vast population? According to USDA figures, the country is home to 20% of the global pop. but has just 7% of usable arable farmland.
Higher CO2 concentrations are helping, however:
Thank you Cap,
For providing us a look into the climate of Europe,
which would prove harder for us in the US to research
and comprehend.
I am a true believer in the Little Ice Age coming, the bankrupty of MMGW. However, for Europe, it has been a warmer than normal winter
I have given up talking or being near the AGW people / friends. Cannot stand them anymore. Let them freeze. They are the real deniers.
We received a newsletter that included a summary of Chelan County, Washington, USA temperature data for November and December 2022. In November the average temperature was 30% below average (coldest in 25 years); the average temperature for December was about 19 degrees F, or 10 degrees colder than normal.
Not in the newsletter, but we have had snow on the ground since early November, which is a first for us since moving here in 1986. Precipitation has most recently been a rain/snow mix, with temps around 32 degrees F. We are low elevation, however, and the mountains are getting snow.
Telegram-Kanal “Neues aus Russland” ( ist in Germany nur über VPN erreichbar) berichtet:
🥶 -75 C degrees !
Residents of Essey village in Krasnoyarsk region report 75-degree frost.
“It is difficult to breathe. But there is firewood, water, everyone was working. Stores were also open,” reported a local resident.
According to him, the temperature dropped below 70 the night of Jan. 11, and now it’s only -64: thaw.
Meteorologists can neither confirm nor refute the data because there is no weather station in the village.
The nearest station registered -53 degrees.
Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
🥶 -75 Градусов
Крайне низкие температурные отметки зафиксировали жители посёлка Ессей на севере Красноярского края. Там температура воздуха опустилась до -73 °C.
Такое экстремальное похолодание произошло 11 января 2023 года. Местные жители говорят, что на их памяти – это самое сильное похолодание, сообщает tvknews.ru.
Селяне отмечают, что в такой мороз становится трудно дышать, а спасаться от холода приходится валенками, тёплыми носками, шубами и варежками. Главное, говорят, не стоять на морозе просто так.
Scroll down to graph! Looks like it beat their Record Low!!!
Note the Record HIGH of MINUS -1 F January!
Record HIGH for Feb Even Colder at MINUS -2.2 F.
View from Mission Ridge cam looking North at Chelan Co up the Columbia River into Canada:
Interstate 2 closed Chelan Co due to avalanche danger detour available with weight restrictions:
winter in Central Europe wasn’t late, in fact it came rather early, first significant snowfall was in November and by the middle of December some areas of Eastern Poland had record-breaking snow cover. It’s just that the cold retreated eastwards around Dec 17. Oh and this week has been pretty snowy in the Carpathians.
Five days after Tropical Cyclone Hale was downgraded to ‘former’ or ‘ex-cyclone’, NZ’s state broadcaster, and MetService, are STILL calling it a ‘cyclone’ – classic misinformation, disinformation, AND fake science.
According to ACE, TC Hale didn’t even survive 24 hours as a cyclone (a mere brief blip on their chart) a short-lived Cat 1 storm which then drifted down to NZ, as a ‘low’, causing flooding on the East Coast – standard summer weather…
Except we’ve had no summer yet: cloud, rain, wind, temps in the low 20s Celsius, waiting on the sun to reappear. None the less, NIWA declared 2022 the HOTTEST EVAAAH! for NZ, by a majickal 0.2 of a degree. Can you feeeeel the heat?
China is in big trouble due to their demographics and in particular the retirement of a huge percentage of their workforce. Due to the one child policy they will not have enough working age people from this decade onwards. As mentioned above they import most of their food because the growing zones are not as fertile as the US or Australia has. Even if they invaded Taiwan and took over the semiconductor factories, they wouldn’t know how to run them! The US has China very dependent on them for food…otherwise famine. Add in a GSM to the mix and not a rosy picture for China.