Scandinavia’s Cold December; A Busy Month For Sunspots; + If Global Warming Is Real And ‘Catastrophic’, Why Are The Deserts Greening?

Scandinavia’s Cold December

Along with the UK, Ireland, Iceland and the Baltic countries, Scandinavia was another region of Europe to suffer a far colder-than-average December of 2022.

Starting in Norway, anomalies of between 1C and 5C below normal were suffered, with the nationwide anomaly averaging out at a stark 2.9C below the multidecadal norm — making it Norway’s coldest December since the exceptionally chilly 2012.

Map courtesy of @Meteorologene:

Similarly in Sweden, last month was Arctic and delivered temperature anomalies of between 1C and 4C below average.

Map by SMHI:

December in Finland also held colder-than-average, barring a thin strip along the eastern border.

Finnish Meteorological Institute:

And finally in Denmark –which is officially part of Scandinavia (as is Iceland and Greenland, for that matter)– the final month of the year closed with an average temperature of just 1.5C, which is a substantial 1.3C below the multidecadal average:

A Busy Month For Sunspots

December was a relatively busy month on the Sun.

Senol Sanli, based in Turkey, stacked 26 days of solar images (Dec 2 – 27) from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory:

There were 24 sunspot groups last month, a handful were quite large, but the vast majority were small, posing little risk of flaring. “[The spots] were congested in two bands on opposite sides of the sun’s equator,” said Sanli.

The congestion of dark cores saw the monthly sunspot number reach its highest value in 7 years:

December was most-certainly an active month, but it was nothing to write home about.

This is clear when looking at the updated (Jan 3, 2023) solar cycles comparison chart, courtesy of (shown below). Solar Cycle 25 (SC25) is still on course to be another historically weak cycle, markedly lower than SC21, SC22 and SC23, and comparable to SC24–the weakest cycle in more than a century:

Solar Cycle 25 progression (green line) compared to 24, 23, 22 & 21 [updated Jan 3, 2023 —]

While December’s sunspot count was up, solar flux was down. As touched on above, there may have been more minor spots, but they failed to produce any substantial flaring.

As has been my contention since 2018, I see SC25 as being comparable to SC24, with its Solar Maximum occurring sooner than expected — likely sometime next year (2024).

It is the following cycle (so SC26) where I fear the real trouble could begin, where sunspots might be at a premium, and where even the establishment lifts the censorship on those three ‘agenda-wrecking’ words: Grand Solar and Minimum.

If Global Warming Is Real And Catastrophic, Why Are The Deserts Greening?

Carbon dioxide, as per the official measurements, is rising–and from historically low levels. Let’s agree on that.

However, contrary to all proclamations of the alarmists, who called for correlating planetary disasters and a decrease in biodiversity, the planet is greening, now some 15% greener than it was in the year 2000. This is an enormous increase, an area larger than the United States.

This is a good thing, it should be assumed… right…? It should be information that is celebrated and hastily passed on to the many poor souls, in-particular children, who are losing sleep over malevolently-sown beliefs that the planet has mere years left to run before its annihilation.

The most remarkable greening, according to NASA, has occurred, and is continuing to occur in semi-arid areas, which is most-certainly contrary to the alarmists’ claim that the deserts would expand and biodiversity would shrink as the planet cooked.

One of the reasons for this is that plants have, in recent ‘low-CO2’ times, evolved larger pores in order to feed on the ever-decreasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. These larger pores also mean the plants lose more water to evaporation, which, as a further upshot, has required them to adapt in other ways to dryer conditions.

And now that CO2 levels have started increasing again, plants are not only better equipped to take advantage of the higher levels of carbon dioxide (larger pores), they have also evolved to survive, and indeed thrive, in dryer environments. We are seeing plants ‘infiltrating’ deserts at a prestigious rate, harboring new life and increasing biodiversity as they go.

Perhaps Mother Earth allowed the proliferation of humans because we were increasing CO2 levels. Carbon dioxide was at around 150ppm before we came along, a level nearing the point where complex life cannot be sustained.

Mother Earth –or Nature– shouldn’t be underestimated, at least is my point. The planet isn’t anywhere near as fragile/in need of our input as the controlling elites have convinced the useful-idiots and pop-scientists among us is the case.

Earth is more than capable of regulating its own biomes and of supporting life during even the most tumultuous and genuinely catastrophic events of the historical past, with The Younger-Dryas being the most recent (approx. 12,000 years BP). This event brought about a sharp return to glacial conditions (a 20C cooling over a short period of time) which temporarily reversed the climatic warming following the previous ice age and brought about the extinction of many mega-fauna, including mammoths.

Conditions today are a comparative picnic to the bleak struggles of even the relatively recent past, and increasing CO2 should be viewed as a good thing. This isn’t hard to get your head around if you poses the ability to think critically. Those governed by propaganda, on the other hand, as most people are thanks to a compliance-breeding factory-schooling system, will have a hard time accepting that.

But it stands, if catastrophic global warming is your belief, then why is biodiversity increasing? Why are the deserts greening?