Record-Breaking Freeze To Slam The United States; Northern Hemisphere Snow Mass Tracking Above 1982-2012 Average (And Climbing); + Greenland Snow/Ice Above 1981-2010 Norms
Record-Breaking Freeze To Slam The United States
An early-season Arctic Outbreak is sending temperatures crashing to January-like levels across the US — a staggering 25-35 degrees Fahrenheit below the average.
Residents from Minneapolis to Chicago, St. Louis and Oklahoma City are among those in the firing line as a shot of polar air, colder than what is considered “normal” for mid-January, engulfs the majority of the CONUS.
Freezing lows and substantial snows have already felled many benchmarks this week (with hundreds toppled last month), but meteorologists, including those at AccuWeather, are warning that the coldest conditions are yet to come.
“Many places in the Plains and Midwest will experience high temperatures 10F-or-more below what a typical mid-January day would be,” AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Joe Lundberg said, who provides the below graphic:
And by Friday, the latest GFS run (shown below) has that pocket of “warm air” also being pushed out:

In Chicago, for example, daytime highs are forecast hold in the 20s on Friday, while a normal mid-Jan high is 31F.
Also –and as depicted above– locations farther south will not be spared from Old Man Winter’s early arrival, either. In Oklahoma City, following a wintry hit snow at the beginning of the week, temperatures will close out Friday in the upper 30s — well below the city’s lowest average high during the winter, which is in the upper 40s.
Ranking this November cold wave vs those of year’s gone by, 2022’s is on course to be a biggie, one that will likely topple hundreds of low temperature records through Sunday, at least, adding to the hundreds that were toppled in mid/late-October:
AccuWeather’s Lundberg attributes this early-season freeze to an area of high pressure over Alaska–which sounds about right… cold is natural, of course, whereas those summer heatwaves –now a distant memory– were anthropogenic and dangerous.
This week’s powerful Arctic Outbreak will shift east over the next few days, and will see Northeastern residents joining in the Jan-like shivers. Also by then, a potentially record-breaking lake-effect snow event should be in full swing over the Great Lakes:

Northern Hemisphere Snow Mass Tracking Above 1982-2012 Average (And Climbing)
The snow clipping North America this week will only further bolster the Northern Hemisphere’s ‘Total Snow Mass’ readings, which –as visualized below– are already advancing the trend of growth witnessed over the past 5-or-so years.
Looking at the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s (FMI) chart, we see that NH snow mass took a notable turn up as per the latest data point (Nov 11), building on what has already been an above-average opening to a snow season:
The Rutgers Global Snow Lab gives us the Daily Snow Extent (for Nov 13).
It shows that practically all of Russia and Canada, as well as sizable swathes of Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China and the Lower 48, are currently blanketed by early-season snowfall, which, again, is contrary to AGW Party narrative of forever fire and brimstone.
Greenland Snow/Ice Above 1981-2010 Norms
The Greenland ice sheet has been faring increasingly well in recent years — media tizzies of ‘mass ice loss’ and ‘imminent doom’ are wildly unfounded.
While it is true that the world’s largest island lost mass from around 1995 to 2012, that trend of loss has now reversed, and since 2016, a sharp uptick in the Surface Mass Balance (SMB) –a calculation to determine the ‘health’ of a glacier– has been detected.
More on that here:
And most recently, the 2022-23 season appears to be continuing that trend, routinely posting impressive daily totals across the ice sheet since the season officially commenced on September 1:
Moreover, and as shown below, the season’s Acc. SMB is tracking not only above above the 1981-2010 mean but also the deviations, too; Greenland is on course to log yet another above average season, perhaps even a record-breaking one:
If you want proof of mainstream media lies then you need look no further than their reporting of the Greenland ice sheet.
The above data outlines the reality, yet here is how the Western corporate media –whose job it is to instill fear and forward agendas, not to impart truth– has been misinforming the masses:
“Phenomenally high rates of melting have been discovered at the base of the Greenland Ice Sheet”, reported Cambridge Independent; “Melting Ice Sheet in Greenland Becomes the Largest Contributor to Global Sea Level Rise”, reads a Nature World News headline from Feb, 2022; and “Thinning Greenland Ice Sheet May Mean More Sea Level Rise” stated France 24 just last week.
The science, in all fields, has been hijacked by vested interests; that quote from Dr. Paul Reiter again rings true: “As far as the science being ‘settled,’ I think that is an obscenity. The fact is the science is being distorted by people who are not scientists.”
The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).
Social Media channels are restricting Electroverse’s reach: Twitter are purging followers, while Facebook are labeling posts as “false” and have now locked me out of my account. And most recently, the CCDH stripped the website of its ability to advertise with Google.
So, be sure to subscribe to receive new post notifications by email. And also consider becoming a Patron or donating via Paypal (button located in the sidebar >>> or scroll down if on mobile). The site receives ZERO funding, and never has.
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The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down
Of the big lake they called Gitche Gumee
The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead
When the skies of November turn gloom
First larger Snow next two days predicted, no huge amounts, just enough to remind the “drive fast and take chances crowd” that you do not speed during snowstorms.
Two seasons in WI , Winter and road construction seasons
Balboa from Madistan, WI
Same thing in my own Montreal. And it’s just as true in Montreal that there are two main seasons – winter and road-construction seasons!
We know gets most of it… maybe they really were china-s-j-20-stealth-fighter-jet full or 1:25 scale unmanned models that HTRS reported in that Chinese airshow piece?
… but now GONE, wiped from the internet history… even for subscribers [checked] now gone/gone but not the embedded narratives that still likely linger in the average CL Logos stage (1)(2) minds as real … >
Or, Are They Remote Controlled Models?! Watch the take off/landings at the beginning/end – noted it odd that some of the spectators in the HTRS clip a couple dazeago were barely paying attention like at the average model plane airshow but not the biggies..
I used to build/fly R/C Models lots including a Shoestring Racer, gliders, even home made gliders and put 35mm cameras in ’em, and real full sized models of a quite a few types that they didn’t call ’em models ’cause they were so big you could ride inside ’em … and I’ve been to the beach and seen more than a few models there too… ’cause like the immortal/immoral globalists like to say, “You’re only as old as the women you feel.”… and even if you’re not a globalist… same-same.
Kids/gents got it way too easy nowadaze w/ ARF – and they really missed out on 90% of the education and anticipation and the “old Gus” super master balsa builders R/C pioneer good ‘ol boyz at the field and meet-ups. But they did keep #16 looking fully original. That bird could pull some “unmanned” “Gs”… those wings were built up/designed, balsa sheeting, silk/dope or iron on plastic skinned like a brick scheiße house… take yours or someone’s head off if you weren’t careful… and they dang near landed like a glider. No wonder some kids used to like sniffin’ dope before there was lotsa smokin’ dope around. I never inhaled or exhaled… until she was safely back on terra firma. Still got ‘er.
… at one summer Fun Day at the flying field in the ’60s one guy put his plane’s fuselage only, right through the driver’s side open window and out the other side of another guy’s [luckily unmanned] parked car [I was just kid there back in the ’60s with my uncle who had and old “Champ” that prolly weighed almost as much as me… a scratch over built nose heavy flying tank]. It wasn’t a planned event [caused a bit of a social stir as there were lotsa kids and women there too who started to offer a bunch of advice to the guys] or part of the “on field, not the parking lot” thread the needle competition like airplane limbo with smaller and smaller and lower and lower crepe paper bars/narrower hoops… and pile ups… and “pouting lower lips. Also lots of go really fast turn left pylon races and also cut the other guys crepe paper fairly long trailing streamer dog fight events too… it was always a crowd pleasing schadenfreude “heart breaker’ when someone’s tail section got chewed off or when there were the inevitable quite audible intersection and the wings and disintegrated junk would all come fluttering down except for the front half of the fuselage with the engines, batteries, servos, and cockpits with the “toy pilots” to look for and try to recover. Happens more often than one would think unfortunately given all the available air space up there… just have to do it long enough. Crowds halfway come for all the crashes like race car or bull riding events I figure. Saw some pretty half sniffy weepy looking professionals that came all the way up from America in their campers that didn’t like the education sometimes too good especially after playin’ a bit too close the edge where the edge of the air meets up with the dirt. Like they say sometimes it better to wish you were up flying rather than the other way around… taking off is always optional, landing ain’t.
At an air show in China Saturday, the Chinese Air Force [shit gibbons] displayed their J-20 Stealth Fighter Jet capabilities. I’ve never seen an American fighter Jet be able to do some of these maneuvers! Utterly amazing. Video below . . .
[… holeee scheiße… those have got to be un-manned drones… pulling those sharp direction change hyper “Gs” would be near impossible for a non-Chinese shit gibbon to endure. The future looks… wowzer^2 and yikes! [NOW GONE]
Or, Are They Remote Controlled Models?! Watch the take off/landings at the beginning/end – noted it odd that some of the spectators in the HTRS clip a couple dazeago were barely paying attention like at the average model plane airshow but not the biggies..
I used to build/fly R/C Models lots including a Shoestring Racer, gliders, even home made gliders and put 35mm cameras in ’em, and real full sized models of a quite a few types that they didn’t call ’em models ’cause they were so big you could ride inside ’em … and I’ve been to the beach and seen more than a few models there too… ’cause like the immortal/immoral globalists like to say, “You’re only as old as the women you feel.”… and even if you’re not a globalist… same-same.
… like the immortal/immoral globalists/Masons like to say, “You’re only as old as the children you rape.”
Old Pre-War Jew News/Notice from ADL – June 27, 1937
Well Shazzammmm, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise…Gall-lee
correction: June 26, 1937
Fall Flu Season is coming… look up… get your shots stage (1)(2)s only.
Weaponizing COVID to Promote Collectivism
Analysis by Barbara Loe Fisher – Mercola
Gute Arbeit dort, Herr Doktor Wetterliebhaber
Weaponizing COVID to Promote Collectivism
National Vaccine Information Center Published November 14, 2022
EXPOSED IN 90 SECONDS: Biden, Ukraine, Crypto and Pedos….All Connected?
a day ago
Here’s basically how it went…
The U.S. takes billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars and funnels those over to Ukraine.
Ukraine then puts those billions into FTX (remember, it appears to not be a real company, more like a government plant).
FTX is owned by Sam Bankman-Fried.
SBF then takes the billions and donates them back to the Democrat party.
This part is not speculation: SBF was the #2 largest donor to the Democrats right behind George Soros.
The Democrat party then funnels the money to people like Joe Biden (10% for the Big Guy!) and uses it to buy seats, errrrrrrrr, I mean run elections, in all states at all levels.
End results?
Key Democrats end up with millions…
Races are stolen, errrrrrrrr “won”…
And Americans are SREWED.
If this all ends up being true or even partially true, I just have one question: Is this treason? [… or just the globalists workin’ their magic/plan… well I guess]
For all the visual learners out there, Kim Dotcom explains it very simply like this:
Top string of comments on Mercola today.
Joined On 3/6/2019 11:00:25 PM
I will go down literally fighting before I succumb to a forced drug.
Dr. Demento from Alberta Canada
Joined On 1/6/2007 6:51:17 AM
Fall Flu Season is coming… look up… get your shots stage (1)(2)s only.
Joined On 3/6/2019 11:00:25 PM
Dr. Demento from Alberta Canada: Wear a hazmat suit on chemtrail day.
Dr. Demento from Alberta Canada
Joined On 1/6/2007 6:51:17 AM
Hardy har har thar, Suzie Har Har – the site that totally fully understands [right here] the big picture [unmentionable global cooling cyclical mini-ice ages, associated droughts, wavy jet streams, eugenical culls, injections, famines, engineered supply chain disruptions, engineered fake war theatre, global ranch management governance, WEF/UN/WHO corrupt gov, big business all pieced together major elephant(s) in the room] situation full spectrum [right now] … if ya got the real har hardy har har to “go down literally fighting” cahoonas/cojones to handle the Big Truth instead of the Big Lie.
Cheers thar tough guy;) Define Cahoona. pl.n. Vulgar Slang 1. The testicles. 2. a. Boldness or courage. b. Presumptuousness; nerve. Charles Fort: “The Earth is a farm. [with cyclical ice age warming/cooling winter/summer “seasons”] We are someone else’s farm/ranch property” [and just guess what season is coming up again – think really big thar, hardy har har.] See ya over thar sometime Suzie!
It’s also snowing across the higher parts of Australia, with some models predicting up to 20cm over the next week or so.
Would this be a new record for the latest significant snowfall?
At 8am on Wed 16th Nov, it was snowing in both Jindabyne NSW (900m) and Berridale NSW (850m). Lots of both small and big chunky flakes of snow, enough to make a covering in Jindabyne of maybe 1cm or so.
Engineered Institutionalized Global Stupidity
Publish-or-Perish | A Mental Health Crisis in Climate Science & Academia Infecting the World!!
note from 3:20 min mark
… a totally secular Tuesday with blue skies and white puffy clouds… need to have an “all clear” Tuesday rule every week, eh? OK, who seconds the motion? DS/BS? Herren Pitt/Grodeck?
… well if there’s nobody else guess I’ll have to second it. Secular Tuesday’s it is.
The Road to Totalitarianism (Revisited) – CJ Hopkins – Nov 13
Mitchell Henderson has some great advice for all specific to how to handle upcoming events. The time will come, keep your powder dry, don’t nobody try to help out on your own. Lotsa mavericks are already in the slammer.
2nd American Revolution And The 2nd American Civil War Coming…/rense_111422_hr3.mp3
Jeff & Erica – Nurse Anne, Hospital Vaxx Horrors, Unbound Iron Causing Severe Problems – Pt 2
Metcalfe County KY in South Central KY…we had ICE in deep puddles this morn. That usually happens in JANUARY not November.
One thing to note in the Greenland’s accumulated SMB graph: yes, this year’s (tracking year, not calendar year) is above the one standard deviation. But notice the previous year, after more-or-less following the average for the first nine months, the last three show a *much* lower melting rate than average. So going into the current year of tracking, the Greenland icepack is way ahead of the game.