China Suffers -50C (-58F) For First Time In 54 Years; The Russian Towns And Cities Enduring All-Time Record Cold; Kyrgyzstan’s Lake “That Never Freezes Over” Just Froze Over; + Arctic Blasts For Europe And North America
China Suffers -50C (-58F) For First Time In 54 Years
China did it, the forecasts were accurate: The northern city of Mohe has logged China’s first -50C since 1969.
During the early hours of Friday, January 20 the official weather international station of Mohe dropped to -50C.
This is the first time in since Februay 15, 1969 that China has officially logged such as benchmark.
For reference, China’s lowest-ever January temperature remains the – 51.5C set in Fuyun, Xinjiang; however, this record is under threat, as a further intensification of the cold is expected into the weekend.
Stay tuned for updates.
The Russian Towns And Cities Enduring All-Time Record Cold
The majority of Asia has been holding exceptionally-cold in recent weeks and months — the depth freeze cannot be overstated.
The slew of MSM articles promoting Central Europe’s winter warmth are nothing but cheap, cherry-picking obfuscations. To the east, the region of Asia enduring persistent and historic cold is some 20x the size of Central Europe. Kazakhstan alone is comparable in size, with this 1,000,000+ km2 nation shivering through one of its coldest winters on record.
Compounding the misery, Western Asia –in particular– is suffering a deadly energy shortage with residents across the likes of Iran, Iraq and Turkmenistan (most of the ‘stans, in fact) suffering rolling blackouts as temperatures plunge below -30C (-22F).
In Afghanistan, hundreds of people are reported to have frozen to death in temperatures not seen for half a century.
While Uzbekistan’s president has said he is “tormented” by his nation’s failed ability to cope with the energy demand, exclaiming, “Why is this happening in the capital? Why didn’t we prepare in advance?”.
Desperate Uzbeks are turning to stealing gas, and are being shot as a result. Gas boilers are also exploding due to frozen pipes, killing people. This is not considered newsworthy in the west, for it would no doubt harm ‘The Narrative’ — facts often do.
Though desperate, Uzbek officials had turned down an offer from Russia to reverse-flow extra gas supplies to Uzbekistan in return for the handover of assets including the country’s gas transmission system. However, given the worsening crisis that deal may be back on the table (a scenario I’m sure Putin hoped would play out in Europe this winter; however, and as global energy CEOs recently forewarned, Europe’s real energy woes are due to hit next year).
“[The] energy crisis in Central Asia is so bad that families with children are forced to sleep in the cars because the latter are warmer than the houses,” writes Bishkek-based ethnographer Asel Doolotkeldieva.
While shifting north, into Russia, the Siberian village of Tongulah broke its all-time record low temperature on three occasions this week, bottoming out at -62.7C (-80.9F) on Weds, Jan 18 (Russia’s lowest January temperature since 1982).
Also worth noting, residents of the eastern Siberian village of Essey are adamant that their thermometers plunged to -75C (-103F). This would have been a new worldwide low for a location outside of Antarctica, Essey lacks an official UGMS station, meaning the reading could not be verified.
This part of the world –that is to say the majority of Asia— suffers from poor weather station coverage–which is just as well for the warmists as the busted records would list in the thousands if thermometer coverage was on par with, say, Central Europe.
Average-wise, Russian towns and cities, such as Norilsk, the world’s northernmost city, are suffering anomalies of more than -14C below the January norm, which in the case of Norlisk is also 2C below its coldest January average on record — as recently tweeted by Zdenek Nejedly:
Asia’s freeze is unprecedented, widespread and long-lasting, but the legacy media is keen to keep western citizens in the dark, focusing instead on winter’s late start in Europe–winter that is now well underway, by the way, and returning with a vengeance.
The snow is back:
As is the cold:
Kyrgyzstan’s Lake “That Never Freezes Over” Just Froze Over
Staying in Asia, Kyrgyzstan’s famous Issyk-Kul lake has done something miraculous: Extreme cold conditions this past weekend saw the “lake that never freezes over” freeze over.
Issyk-Kul is located in the northeastern part of the Central Asian nation.
As well as boasting majestic, other-worldly scenery, the lake is of intrigue to scientists as its waters never freeze due to the sheer depth of the lake and its natural warmth — hence the name Issyk-Kul, which translate as “warm lake”.
But on Jan 14, thick ice formed across the body of water, with bemused locals saying, “we have never seen anything like it”:
“In some places the ice was 1.5 meters (5ft) thick,” one local told Reuters.
Temperatures south of -30C (-22F) have engulfed this region of late — historically low levels rarely endured here.
And Asia’s big freeze is showing no signs of abating, either.
Below is the outlook for central Russia on Saturday, Jan 21–with Mongolia and northernmost China to the south.
The light pinks indicate temperature anomalies of as much as -30C below the winter average.
Arctic air masses are predicted to continue extending to the southeast, too, with Kazakhstan (all the ‘stans, in fact), as well as the likes of Iraq and Iran, and even parts of India enduring more of the same in the days and weeks ahead (with Delhi having already endured its eighth ‘cold wave’ day this month, the most in at least 12 years, with a third of the month left to run).
Polar cold –as hinted at above– is also clipping Western and Central Europe this week, with much more on the cards…
Arctic Blasts For Europe And North America
Finishing with the latest GFS runs for Europe and North America, fierce freezes are on the cards for both.
The GFS is slow to propagate this morning, but here’s what the available data is showing, starting with Europe:

Note the continent’s snowfall totals, which look truly astonishing:

And here’s North America:

Enjoy your weekend!
I’m off out to sow more summer crops, including melons and cucumbers.
It’s been chilly here in Central Portugal of late, but I’m keen to get a head start on this year’s plantings. We have a lot of seeds sprouting already (thanks to our new polytunnel). While on the livestock front, our pregnant ‘mama’ (or ‘momma’) goat is about to drop. At the third time of asking, we’re praying she gives us a girl (for future milking).
This Article is a true “Wake-Up Call” for the
Actual Climate Change occurring, not the projected one!!!
Seems to me the models omitted the effects of Hunga Tonga.
Only after say the next three years will they have enough data
to plug it in most likely, but then that will be noisy due to the
planetary alignment peak in Nov 2024 occurrence!
Good luck with those super computers!
Will they like what their AI buddies ( )
tell them?
A cooling period would be much worse than warming. Under a cooling scenario, where will we grow the food to feed the world?
Warm periods in History were the times of greatest advancements.
Cold periods were the times of starvation, etc.
I think you should get for yourself a battery operated infrared vest and scarf and promote them like I do in my cold climate essays, which I have been publishing since 2009.
Would love to hear from you.
Have you heard that the ice age farmer has disappeared?
Yes, where did he go, i can’t find him anywhere
I wonder whether ocean current changes are more important factors than solar cycles. For instance the modern solar maximum and Gliessberg cycle peak of 1957/58 had a record amount of sunspots, whereas Cycle 24 and 25 have been very weak cycles. This must be caused by the North Atlantic Oscillation and the lack of ice today between Spitzbergen and Franz Josef Land. I notice that Western Europe and eastern USA and Canada always have mild winters today whether there is an El Nino or a El Nina in the Pacific.
IMO whether or not ocean current changes are more important than solar cycles depends on what time scale you’re talking about. Ocean cycles can have more effect than solar cycles if the time frame is up to roughly 30 years, after which solar factors are likely to dominate, and ocean oscillations are likely to change from a positive to negative phase (or vice versa). The North Atlantic Oscillation (aka the AMDO) turned positive (it’s warm phase) around 40 years ago, hence the decline in arctic sea ice. The decline ended roughly 15 years ago and ice area has been stable (with some variation from year to year), but IMO sea ice area will start to increase within the next 5-10 years as the AMDO slowly shifts back to it’s cool phase. Exact predictions are impossible because the AMDO and other ocean cycles go through regular cycles, but no 2 cycles are exactly the same in terms of length or intensity. Also due to the amount of heat that is stored in the oceans there will be some time lag between lower solar activity and decreasing surface temperatures. All of this means that IMO making precise predictions about temperature trends over the coming few decades is a mugs game, although we can be pretty certain that some amount of cooling is on the cards. It’s just very hard to know how much and how rapid it will be.
I also notice that whilst India, Siberia and Arabia have been experiencing a lot of cold winters recently, Europe and Eastern USA and Canada are always mild, with cold spells only in the Western half of the USA. This is unfortunate, as all the Western MSM journalists who live there can truthfully report warm spells. It is if nature is complicit in the climate change narrative, and that a given area in the West has more importance than, say, the same area of the earth in Saudi Arabia or Central Asia!
I’ve said for a while, we need London to freeze and stay frozen for large parts of the winter. lol
Normal snowpack, NW corner of the USA:
But that’s the point, there’s nothing to fix. Normal snow everything’s OK and we don’t need to quit driving our vehicles to save the planet. Stopping the use of NG won’t help anybody, it’s BS. I helped install 22 miles of 42-inch NG pipeline in 14 weeks to double the west coast NG supply so more people can live better. With our dependable hydroelectric system and NG it is one of the best systems anywhere. Clean, dependable and cheap. That’s why companies did so good here, Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon, we should build six MORE NG lines and get this party started ant shut our system down. WTF is wrong with these freaks??
Storm here tomorrow on the coast, wind 75mph, rain sideways, off=shore wind turbines would get hammered. High maintenance,
The hydroelectric system I’m on now was built 97 years ago!! In two years for the dam- turbine downstream and lines out with pow. With what? Steam shovels and Model T trucks? Wow. Then they built Highway 101 here in 1930, bridges still are in use, amazing amount of hard work back then. What have these freaks got done in two years beside f everything up on the planet? Zip. You’re FIRED !!!
Should read and not shut our system down. I can’t type and I can’t see the type in the comment box. I’ll go back under my rock and do my best to stay there.
Jopeck’s gone quiet 🙂
You jinxed us!
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory – the sixth frost record.
Severe cold in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has been established since the first days of the year. To date, the average daily temperature does not reach the norm of 7-12, and on some days even 16-20 degrees.
In Norilsk, on New Year’s Eve in the old style (on the night of January 14), the temperature dropped to -48.4°C, thus setting a new daily cold record. The following four days: 15, 16, 17 and 18 January were also marked by record frosts. The minimum temperature was -49.8, -51.1, -47.6, -48.3°C, respectively.
On the night of January 19, the frost “weakened” to -43.8 and the record of -44.7°C, set in 1987, remained unbreakable. But already on January 20, the previous record of 1999 (-44.0) did not hold. The minimum temperature dropped to -45.4°C.
So, in the January bank in Norilsk there are already six records of the minimum daily temperature.
*Jopeck must be hibernating…lol
Meanwhile, Germany and central Europe, plus the Ukraine have the warmest winter in history.
Weather manipulation is mis-information and conspiracies.
It is just a coincidence.
Warmer Winter not means the hottest year of the Earth.
Winter is there, it’s not finished yet. Snow is not a thing of the past.
China – 53.0 C
All time lowest
… crickets..
Media silencd hearts my ears
In order for an ice age to occur, the planet actually has to get warmer. This changes the convection and precipitation from the equatorial regions into the temperate regions also which brings moist air to the polar regions, resulting in more snow, expanding ice caps and ultimately a much cooler planet. Our current Holocene Period is an inter-glacial one, the Earth’s most common state is Ice Age interspersed with warm periods. I’d be far more concerned with a colder world than a warmer one.