“Big Dangerous Sunspot”; “A Glitch In The Matrix”; Cold Sept For Sweden; “Hypothermia Risk” In New Zealand; + Global Temp Drops
“Big Dangerous Sunspot”
One of the biggest sunspots in years has just rotated over the sun’s northeastern limb.
‘AR3112’ has more than a dozen dark cores scattered across 130,000 km of solar terrain:
The image above is a magnetic map of the sun’s surface with a white light photo of AR3112 inset.
What it shows is positive and negative magnetic polarities are bumping together–an explosive mixture that could easily produce an X-class solar flare, points out Dr Tony Phillips over at spaceweather.com, who calls this a “big dangerous sunspot”.
The emergence of AR3112 already fully formed and unstable is set to herald two weeks of high solar activity as the sunspot group transits the solar disk, facing Earth the whole time. ‘The big one’ is a matter of when not if — could Oct, 2022 deliver the ‘kill shot’, the monster X-flare that takes out portions –or all– of the global grid…?
Likely not, but the threat is there.
Stay tuned for updates.
“A Glitch In The Matrix”
Pink auroras are rare. Pulsating auroras are rare, too. On Monday night in Abisko, Sweden, sky watchers witnessed both rarities simultaneously — a show likely bolstered by Earth’s ever-waning magnetic field strength.
“My guides who photographed the display couldn’t believe their eyes,” said Chad Blakley, owner of Lights over Lapland. “They are all saying things like ‘I have never seen anything like this before!’ and one of them described it as ‘a glitch in the Matrix.’“
“The best way to describe a pulsating aurora is to imagine the sky as a large checker board,” explained Blakley. “As the pulsating begins, black squares on the board would illuminate as a green aurora. Then, in an instant, all the black squares lose their illumination and the red squares on the imaginary checkerboard immediately glow green.”
In this case, however, the green was pink. Pink auroras appear when solar wind particles penetrate unusually deep in Earth’s atmosphere, striking nitrogen molecules less than 100 km above our planet’s surface, writes Dr Tony Phillips — a crack in Earth’s magnetic field on Oct 3 allowed the particles to reach that low level.
Despite NASA routinely launching rockets into them in an attempt to learn what makes them tick, pulsating auroras remain something of a mystery. In 2018, researchers led by S. Kasahara of the University of Tokyo did conclusively link pulsating auroras to “chorus waves” in Earth’s magnetosphere, but their findings failed to explain the shape of the ‘squares’ and why they blink so quickly.
Possible Cannibal Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Event
According to NOAA forecasters, multiple CMEs are heading for Earth. ETA: Tuesday, October 4.
This could be a “Cannibal CME” event.
NOAA have modeled the potential impact below (click here for the video):
Cannibal CMEs form when a fast-moving CME devours one or more slower CMEs ahead of it. The combined cloud contains tangled magnetic fields that can do a good job sparking auroras. Storm levels could reach category G2 if/when the Cannibal arrives, particularly given our planet’s ever-waning magnetic field strength. Additional auroras, perhaps even more pink pulsating ones, are likely.
Cold Sept For Sweden
As was the case for the vast majority of European nations, September 2022 in Sweden had an average temperature below the multidecadal norm — 0.5C below in the Swede’s case, which is in stark contrast to the ‘forever fire and brimstone’ narrative the corporate media continues to sell to the misinformed masses.
The below map comes courtesy of SMHI:
“Hypothermia Risk” In New Zealand
New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) is warning there will be a real hypothermia risk for people and livestock this week as an fierce blast of polar cold invades from the south.
Nearly all eastern and southern lowland areas of the South Island will have an “effective temperature” (a reading which takes into account wind chill and humidity, as well as the normal air temp) of between -5C (23F) and -15C (5F) early Thursday morning, according to NIWA, which will prove record-breaking for many.
The pulse of freezing air is set to engulf the entire country, ripping in from the south on Tuesday evening. The air is “taking a direct line from the Antarctic ice sheet to the South Island”, so says MetService meteorologist, Angus Hines.
NIWA principal scientist, Chris Brandolino, has warned people not to underestimate the incoming cold.
“Dress in layers,” he helpfully suggests. “If you don’t have to go out best not to, to avoid the exposure. Wear a hat, most of the heat in your body is lost through your head. Don’t lick lampposts. If you’re cold go somewhere warm. And, of course, get triple boosted.”–I added those last three.
Brandolino points out that these incoming temperatures would be noteworthy even in mid-July, let alone in October: “There will be issues with livestock. Farmers will have to think about how to reduce those risks,” he said.
The likes of Christchurch won’t be spared the cold southerly change. Daytime highs are set to struggle to just 10C (50F) on Wednesday and Thursday, with an early Thursday record-challenging low of -1C (30.2F) expected.
Southerlies are forecast to arrive in Wellington on Wednesday, and will drive the mercury to 2C (35.6F), and perhaps lower, early Thursday morning. Such a reading would equal Wellington’s second-lowest October temperature ever recorded.
MetService foresees record-setting temperatures impacting much of the country this week, including in Masterton, which is looking at a high of 7C (44.6F) which would comfortably bust its current record-lowest October max of 8.4C (47.1F); and also in Invercargill, with its forecast high of <6C (42.8F) set to take out its lowest Oct high ever recorded.
The ‘freezing pulse’ not only threatens unprecedented rd temps but also heavy snow to swathes of the South Island –down to sea level– as well as settling flurries to the lower and central North Island, including rare October flakes in downtown Wellington.
MetService has put initial heavy snow watches in place for the South Island down to 400m (1,300ft) covering Tuesday night.

A second burst of late-season snow is then expected to follow on Wednesday, lasting through Thursday for most — it’s during this second burst that heavy snow is forecast to accumulate at historically low levels for the time of year.
Road snowfall warnings are already in place for much of South Island as well as Remutaka Hill Road and the Desert Road in the North Island. Snow is expected to lower to 200m (660ft) around Wellington on Wednesday night, and there is a possibility it could fall in the CBD on Thursday morning, depending on the wind direction, which would be an incredibly rare feat.
It had been reported by stuff.co.nz that accumulating October snow in Christchurch would be the city’s first in 50 years; however, MetService walked back that statement, clarifying that some of the historical data was incomplete — the AGW Party can’t have such inconvenient headlines promulgating among the masses now, can they.
Still, Metservice’s Hines does admit that October snow is “certainly very uncommon”, adding that although “it is possible that it happened during those incomplete years, it hasn’t happened much.” Looking ahead, Hines concludes that “even when the rainy and snowy weather clears, the overnight temperatures are still going to be really cold.”
Global Temp Drops
The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for Sept, 2022 has come in at 0.24 deg. C above the 30-year baseline. This is the second monthly decline in a row, down 0.04 deg. C from Aug and 0.12 deg. C from July.
We’re also now 0.47 deg. C below the 2016 high, with all indicators pointing to a continuation of this downward trend over the coming months/years as La Nina conditions/historically low solar activity persist (with a few bumps along the way).
Substantial monthly declines were noted in two of the six individual regions identified by the UAH dataset — the first being the Southern Hemisphere, with its drop of 0.18 deg. C; and the second was Australia, with its 0.28 deg. C plunge.
The COLD TIMES are returning–despite the mainstream garble…
…and the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).
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Curious how sunspots look like melanoma.