Greenland Just Gained A Record-Smashing 7 Gigatons Of Snow/Ice; + A Major Stratospheric Cooling Event Is Unfolding Across The Entire Southern Hemisphere…
Greenland Just Gained A Record-Smashing 7 Gigatons Of Snow/Ice
Impressive surface mass balance (SMB) readings–a calculation to determine the ‘health’ of a glacier––have been posted across the Greenland ice sheet all season, particularly during the so-called summer ‘melt’ season.
Case in point is yesterday’s (Aug 29’s) record-smashing 7 Gigaton GAIN — a reading that would be impressive and at time of year, but one that has entered the books as the largest ever daily gain during the summer (with data extending back to the 1980s).
This unprecedented August GAIN has advanced the ice sheet’s SMB further-above the 1981-2010 mean (grey line):
Greenland continues to defy AGW Party orders, refusing to melt as prophesied.
And this year is far from an anomaly — since 2016, an overall net gain has been observed:
Here’s the 2016-2017 season:
And here’s 2017-2018:
The incompetence/fraud is clearer than ever.
Despite decades of reliable satellite measurements–resulting in unambiguous and unalarming data–the official narrative remains one of fire and brimstone, one hellbent on pushing a suicidal demonizing of affordable and reliable fossil fuels:
And while it is true that the Greenland ice sheet lost mass from around 1995 to 2012, that trend of loss has now reversed, almost completely. Liike the gradual turning of a vast ship, from the year’s 2010 to 2015 Greenland’s SMB changed course and has been on an upward trajectory ever since:
And now we have 2021/2022 season ending with a bang and advancing that trend of growth further still:

A Major Stratospheric Cooling Event Is Unfolding Across The Entire Southern Hemisphere
Fierce cold anomalies are being detected in the stratosphere over the Southern Hemisphere, cooling on a scale that has never been witnessed before in modern satellite records. The culprit? Hunga Tonga’s January 15th eruption.
Powerful volcanic eruptions are capable of firing different gasses and materials into the stratosphere, and beyond. Depending on the type of particles and the volume of ejecta, this can lead to different regional and global atmospheric effects.
Hunga Tonga is a submarine volcano located under the South Pacific. Its violent eruption on Jan 15, 2022 produced a massive volcanic plume consisting of sulfur and water vapor that touched the mesosphere. It was the highest eruption ever recorded.
Sulfur sent to such lofty atmospheric levels has a global cooling effect. Pinatubo’s 1991 eruption is recent evidence of this. As shown below, Pinatubo’s VEI-6 ‘pop’ cooled the entire planet for approximately 3 years, and by a substantial margin, too:
Similar to sulfur, water vapor also has a cooling effect, although not at the surface, rather in the stratosphere — cooling that is achieved in the same manor to sulfur; that is, by reflecting incoming solar radiation.
It has been calculated that Hunga Tonga’s eruption resulted in a 10% increase in total stratospheric water vapor content (from 1560 Teragrams to over 1700 Teregrams) which is an immense achievement for a single volcanic event:
The injected water vapor reached the upper stratosphere with the main concentration holding between 20-30km (12-18 miles):
Below is NASA’s analysis of the water vapor anomaly at approx 25km (15.5 miles) up.
Visible is the significant increase following the eruption, but also worth noting is the ‘overlap’ from the Southern Hemisphere into the Northern Hemisphere — the ejecta isn’t confined to one region, it spreads:

The cooling related to this event can be tracked using the reanalysis data from NOAA’s Physical Sciences Laboratory.
Below is May 2022’s mid-stratosphere temperature anomaly (so approx. 4 months after the eruption). Clear to see, by May there was already significant cooling afoot across the Southern Hemisphere with the strongest cold anomalies around 30S:
By July 2022 the cooling effect was even stronger. The cold anomalies were substantial (10 degrees below the norm). And not only had they intensified but they had spread further towards the south pole, too:
NOAA’s mid-stratosphere temperature graph also shows the unprecedented level of cooling:
According to the latest analysis (Aug 2022), the stratospheric cooling has continued to intensify with the temperature anomalies expanding even further towards the South Pole…
…where they’re also seen to be influencing the polar vortex dynamics more directly — along with the temperature, the pressure is also seen to be decreasing:
The very latest analysis (Aug 27) speaks for itself — the stratospheric cooling has now engulfed the southern polar regions:
Implications For This Coming Northern Hemisphere Winter
More often than not, southern stratospheric cooling results in a negative NAO pressure pattern (North Atlantic Oscillation: the pressure pattern affecting North America and Europe). A negative NAO means higher pressure over the north Atlantic and Greenland and, conversely, lower pressure to the south.
The below image is an example of this, it shows the temperature pattern of a negative NAO winter season. Note the colder temperatures over the northern and eastern half of the United States and Europe:
If we take the modern Northern Hemisphere winter seasons that followed anomalously-cold southern stratospheric years, we see a strong correlation with this negative NAO pattern; that is, high pressure over Greenland and lower pressure over the mid-North Atlantic:
Taking the same years again, we can see that the pressure pattern in the northern stratosphere shows a weaker polar vortex (positive pressure anomalies can indicate weaker polar circulation):
Warmer stratospheric temperatures above the North Pole seem to follow southern stratospheric cooling. This warming high above the Arctic–aka ‘sudden stratospheric warming’ (SSW)–often leads to weaker stratospheric circulation, which, in turn, often results in a disrupted jet stream flow:
A strong Polar Vortex means a strong polar circulation: a setup that keeps cold Arctic air locked at the Polar regions resulting in milder conditions for the United States and Europe; while on the flip side, a weak Polar Vortex leads to a wavy jet stream pattern and the vortex has a much harder time containing the cold — Arctic air masses are effectively unlocked and freed to ride anomalously-far south into the United States and/or Europe:
January’s eruption of Hunga Tonga in the South Pacific injected sulfur and a large amount of water vapor into the stratosphere.
We see that this water vapor is now causing significant cooling of the southern stratosphere, and have also noted a correlation between Southern Hemisphere stratospheric cooling and Northern Hemisphere stratospheric warming (SSWs).
Stratospheric warming during the Northern Hemisphere winter often leads to a disruption of the Polar Vortex, causing large pressure changes, which, in turn, can result in masses of Arctic air being unleashed into the United States and Europe.
These, at least, are the current lines of thinking, backed up by historical data.
However, there are many other factors and forcings at play. Earth’s climate is an impossibly complex system and much more research is needed. This winter will, however, be a great real-world test. Hopefully the season doesn’t play out as expected. Simply put, nation’s are not setup to deal with a harsh winter of unrelenting polar outbreaks, not this year, far from it.
I don’t know what else to do but keep my fingers crossed and employ some blind hope.
We humans are powerless against such grand cosmological plays, regardless of what TPTB tell us. No amount of taxing and/or virtue-signalling will impact the climate. Mother Nature rides her cycles and her cycles within cycles regardless. It is sheer folly to think we can knock these ancient, predetermined destinies off course.
As eminent Russian space scientist, Habibullo Abdussamatov says: “The so-called ‘greenhouse effect’ will not avert the onset of the next deep temperature drop, the 19th in the last 7500 years, which without fail follows after natural warming.”
Social Media channels are restricting Electroverse’s reach: Twitter are purging followers, while Facebook are labeling posts as “false” and have slapped-on crippling page restrictions. And most recently, the CCDH stripped the website of its ability to advertise with Google.
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Any way you can, help me spread the message so others can survive and thrive in the coming times.
Time to turn that tree into firewood.
Right on Deb!
The hurricane setup for 98 was similar to the August anomaly now.
Accuweather predicting August will break two records, one in 97 and one in 99.
Remember 98 was an anomalous warm global temp year due to the 98 El Nino.
It was actually in 97-98
Since we are just coming off a 3 year la nina, it seems a El Nino could occur next year, posing a similar cold weather event risk for not this winter, but the winter of 2023-2024.
That would correlate August 2022 no storms of August 1997.
How does this seem to you?
This morning in SW Florida after an anomalous 5 days of the same morning predawn temps the weather has taken a turn towards stronger storms and more rains.
Yesterday we received 1.3 inches.
I awoke to more distant lightning which has now closed in on me with terrific cracks nearby as I write this post. Also another heavy tropical downpour occurring.
Jealous … our monsoon here in Phoenix has ‘dried up’ and since it officially ends Sept 15th there’s not many more chances to add to our rainfall totals. With the La Niña building for a third consecutive year it portends low winter precipitation amounts, right at a time when the entirety of the Western US is in desperate need for vastly increased quantities of winter snows.
The next seven days Greenland with see temps 10 to 20 degrees celcius above normal. But you wont read about it on this website.
What are you suggesting, that I shouldn’t report on record-smashing ice gains?
The MSM has ‘the heat’ more than covered. I offer some balance. And you are a troll.
Very Well Stated Cap!
Roll On!!!
DS (Not BS, that’s my cousin the University Professor)
The next 7 days Greenland will see temps 10 to 20 degrees celcius above normal. But you wont read about it on this website…
I traveled out the Pacific North West in mid August. They (mainstream weather channel) forecasted every day in the mid to upper 90’s. It ended up being in the upper 70’s and low 80’s all 7 days. So I don’t put much stock in what they forecast. Greenland will be hot and cold over the next few weeks. That’s what is indicative of the GSM. The reason he only reports on the cold is because EVERY other news source ignores the cold anomalies.
Predicting the future is hard, especially when forecasting…
How weird that according to the writer the Hunga Tonga event will only influence Europes winter. It wont affect summer nor spring nor autumn. Just winter…Maybe the author has an obession with (cold) winters…
did you take the vaccine jopeck? i think its sending the vaccinated crazy
Record cold winter here down under in Oz! Hunga Tonga erupted mid summer in Southern Hemisphere and we may have gotten a couple of days over 30C in my region so not a hot summer at all. Back in January 2013 it touched 46.5C in Sydney for one day – that was fun on a non-airconditioned train commute….
It will be a winter as usual,some colder days some warmer.You cannot trust warmists or coldists,just stay in the middle and observe.This fearmongering happening on both sides is getting out of hand.I welcome a very cold winter just to see the asshole green party here freeze their bullocks off.
Cap This proves that Man has never controlled jack Sir.
@Jopeck: Looks like you cannot understand what you read. Your comments are so ridiculous they are not worth it. But it makes us aware of how much you have been hypnotized by the narrative and the Normalcy Bias that has been injected into your mind.
Well Said JG,
You have a cold bias. Its normal you dont understand me
That connection is always there. If there is more ice in the Arctic, which was the case last year, you will see that there is less ice in Antarctica. This despite the cold winters in the past two years there. What could happen now will reduce the ice on the Arctic. Now you have demonstrated that connection for the air mass via satellite. The analysis of August 27 shows this nicely.
The phenomenon is known, just now an expedition has left for Norway to study the ice and the climate there. After next winter, they will hope to prove that our planet is warming even faster.
On your picture of the North Pole, the prediction of a warm Arctic winter is also visible and that is exactly what the agw scientists are counting on.
This can be seen nicely in the last series of images of this article.
This explains to me why the storm season does not want to get started. The warmer air that now hangs in the NH can hold more water. There is also less cloud formation and there is less temperature contrast in the NH. Where it collides with a cold air bubble, an abnormal amount of water falls in record time. That is also a logical consequence of what you just described. It’s so simple but nobody wants to see it.
On the forecasts at meteoblue you can only see after this week that more cloud formation will finally occur over the Atlantic Ocean from the north towards the equator.
Good analysis,
Thanks DS
Cap, you have had a few more trolls lately, keep up the great work showing the truth.
Cap Allon is unique in showing the interested part among us what happens, apart from the MSM agenda narrative, on large part of the world for weather trends and related aspects. Thank You for that!
In a way its an encouraging sign that trolls for the Gates, Sorros, Schwab’s, Zuckerberg’s and the likes are trying now to disturbe also this site, like they did earlier on WUWT and others.
Stay positiv.
Brilliant article Cap, both the Greenland update and specially the details of the effect of the Tonga eruption. I didn’t know about the effects of water vapor in the stratosphere. Thank you for helping us to understand better the complexity of Earth’s climate and the beautiful and powerful cycles of Mother Nature.
Just a side note, some researches show that the increase of CO2 in the troposphere also forces a cooling of the stratosphere. Would this “stratospheric cooling”, as they call it, be also a source of disruption of the jet stream in your opinion?
I tend to think that a powerful disruption of the jet stream could trigger the end of Interglacial periods, because the pattern of glacial ice caps strongly resembles the pattern of the disrupted jet streams, and I keep asking to myself if are we witnessing the step by step setting of stage of the end of the Holocene?
I see the UK Met Office has predicted a future of longer drier summers due to ‘human emissions’.
I think the only human emissions heating the atmosphere are coming from the mouths of the crack pots making these statements. This comes hot on the heals of summer 2021 when floods ravaged NW Europe and the Met Office said we could expect more heavy rainfall in the future because of, you guessed it, climate change! Whatever the weather no matter what it’s always the same; we can expect more of it because of climate change.
Are these people so stupid they think no one will remember the all the conflicting climate claims?
I really believe the AGW campaign has become so jaded by their constant failure ever to predict anything meaningful they are running on autopilot.
The Met Office is a laughing stock. After Micheal Fish said there was nothing to worry about on the eve of the 1986 hurricane which took out 30% of the trees in southern England and Vine said “soon children won’t know what snow is” a couple of years before the entire country came to a standstill in a snow storm and local authorities had sold all the snow clearing vehicles.
[[ Evidence builds of deaths from Experimental Gene Injection ( my term ) : ]]
— Covid Hoax serves Climate Hoax serves NWO —
I N T R O D U C T I O N :
Quoting Robert Felix, last page
of his book, “Not by Fire but by Ice“ :
Page 218 :
“Unfortunately, the last beat of the Little Ice Age
cycle occurred almost exactly 360 years ago.
‘If this pattern holds,’ say Fairbridge and Sanders,
‘then a comparable Little Ice Age can be expected
to begin . . . early in the twenty-first century.’ (I
think, of course, that it has already begun.)
“But wait. It gets worse. Multiply the Little Ice
Age cycle by four, and you get a 1440-year cycle
of even harsher climate conditions. This cycle,
discovered in the Greenland Ice Sheet, was
reported by Paul Mayewski et al. in 1997. (Journal
of Geophysical Research, 30 Nov 1997.)
“The 1440-year cycle brings with it ‘dramatic and
rapid’ changes in climate (dry in some areas, wet
in others) and worldwide glacier expansion. The
cycle appears to be related to internal oscillations
in the ocean-climate system, says Mayewski
(which I attribute to underwater volcanism, trig-
gerred by the changes in the sun).
“Whatever causes it, a similar 1440-year cycle has
been found in North Atlantic deep sea cores (Bond
et al., Science, 14 Nov 1997). Our climate plunged
into frigid conditions about 4200 years ago, said
Bond. Similar declines occurred about 2800 years
ago and 1400 years ago, which means—you
guessed it—that the next beat of the 1400-year
cycle is due.
“As if that weren’t enough, multiply the 1440-year
cycle by eight, and you come up with 11,500-year
ice-age cycle.
“So here we sit. The next beat of the 179-year
solar retrograde cycle is due. The next beat of the
360-year Little Ice Age cycle is due. The next beat
of the 1440-year ice-age cycle is due. The next
beat of the 11,500-year ice-age cycle is due. The
next beat of the 100,000-year ice-age cycle is due
. . . and we’re worried about global warming?
“It’s ludicrous to be worried about global warming.
“We must prepare for an ice age. As Fairbridge
and Sanders put it, ‘Nature’s dice are somewhat
loaded.’ If we can heed the lessons of history writ
large in the geologic record, maybe we can reload
those dice in our favor.”
- Covid Hoax / ‘Cyclical Solar-Effected Climate Change’ (see quote, bottom of page)-
Forwarded Message :
Dear ScienceAlert Editors,
Covid Hoax // Climate Hoax :
You’ve Been Duped by
a Globalized Science
F R A U D !
Read and Learn,
then stop misinforming
your readers :
— Introduction —
1) They are not “vaccines,” given the recent re-definition of that term by the Medical Mafia—they are EGIs : Experimental Gene Injections ( my term ).
2) Social distancing is a silly, useless exercise—unless air has stopped circulating.
3) Masks are useless because of the definition of a MICRON—which defining size helps to understand why the so-called “virus” ( and variants ) – never has been isolated, but depicted by pretty drawings ! – is 1/10th the size of a MICRON, passing through masks like tossing sand through a chainlink fence.
It’s all been Kabuki Theatre for effecting POWER, CONTROL, and PROFIT—by the Medical Mafia of treat-the-symptoms-not-the-CAUSE “medicine.”
Original Message :
– Steps to Effecting a Hoax // The Climate Change Hoax and Global Government –
Steps to EFFECTING a Hoax :
Secretly plan to weaponize normal
year-to-year cold and flu-bug epi-
demics—in order to cover-up a plan
for effecting massive Vote-Fraud;
for STOPPING logic-driven Trump
and his massive voter-base.
How would Biden & Team expect
to win while Biden could not get 60
people on a parking lot ! (( hidden
by MSM using cropping of pictures
and videos )) when Trump was able
to attract 16,000 into a stadium ?
I began explaining the “Covid-19
Hoax” in June of 2020. Why a
H O A X ? :
—because gain-of-function efforts
ALWAYS Fail, because of this one
rule driving THIS universe of things :
E N T R O P Y !
Every variant of ANY bug handed
down from initial infectivity, is LESS
and LESS and LESS potent !
Another clue those idiotic masters
of DECEIT had done, was to inform
us in July of 2020 :
[ MSM reporting that : ] “The normal
year-to-year cold and flu infections
are down 98%.”
Why the idiots reported that ?—
because more and more people
had been asking:
“What happened to colds and flu?”
To what EVIL End, all this Kabuki
Theatre by ELITE, can’t-get-the-girl,
psychopaths ? : The Climate Change
Hoax!, as means to create One-World
Government, under the auspices of a
U.N.-directed/-imposed Global
Economic Socialism/Communism.
Change :
Forwarded Message :
Dear ScienceDaily Editor,
I’ve coined a term to
explain :
“CLIMATE Change”
— Cyclical Solar-Effected Climate Change —
Precession is an Earth-cycle of about 25,500
years, which always-recurring Earth-cycle is
billions of years old, where the tilt of the
Earth rotates around its axis, causing CLIMATE
Change—effecting shifts in Climate from
glaciation-to-warming-and-back-again periods,
NOT due to manmade pollution ( NOT due to
“greenhouse gases” ).
Anyone there know about that Solar-Cycle ?
Co2 pollution – re IMPACT on CLIMATE – is
akin to tossing a marble into an olympic-sized
swimming pool.
WARMISTS hope to reduce Co2 to ZERO!, even
though Co2 is food for plants and trees and
ocean flora !
If you examine non-WARMIST scientists’ research,
they gravely WARN us of starvation from a
coming ( “minimum” ? ) glaciation period.
It might be coming !
Find and study the late Robert Felix’s book,
“Not by Fire but by Ice”—a fine introduction to
the above paragraphs ( at least, read his last page ).
If you give it a fair/serious reading, you might be
prompted to begin to finance Hydroponic Facilities
across the U.S.
Curiously, there is one in West Virginia that is
massive!—and one near my property.
Why? Do they serve in-the-know military interests ?
Are you prepared—just in case ?
Please consider sending
my letter to friends and
Greenland Ice Sheet is Expanding
All about ENTROPY :
Behind the scenes EVIL Actors—Driving Global Terrorism :
Helena Glass, re Old and New Farmers’ Almanacs
Again :
Quoting Robert Felix, last page
of his book, “Not by Fire . . . “ :
Page 218 :
“Unfortunately, the last beat of the Little Ice Age
cycle occurred almost exactly 360 years ago.
‘If this pattern holds,’ say Fairbridge and Sanders,
‘then a comparable Little Ice Age can be expected
to begin . . . early in the twenty-first century.’ (I
think, of course, that it has already begun.)
“But wait. It gets worse. Multiply the Little Ice
Age cycle by four, and you get a 1440-year cycle
of even harsher climate conditions. This cycle,
discovered in the Greenland Ice Sheet, was
reported by Paul Mayewski et al. in 1997. (Journal
of Geophysical Research, 30 Nov 1997.)
“The 1440-year cycle brings with it ‘dramatic and
rapid’ changes in climate (dry in some areas, wet
in others) and worldwide glacier expansion. The
cycle appears to be related to internal oscillations
in the ocean-climate system, says Mayewski
(which I attribute to underwater volcanism, trig-
gerred by the changes in the sun).
“Whatever causes it, a similar 1440-year cycle has
been found in North Atlantic deep sea cores (Bond
et al., Science, 14 Nov 1997). Our climate plunged
into frigid conditions about 4200 years ago, said
Bond. Similar declines occurred about 2800 years
ago and 1400 years ago, which means—you
guessed it—that the next beat of the 1400-year
cycle is due.
“As if that weren’t enough, multiply the 1440-year
cycle by eight, and you come up with 11,500-year
ice-age cycle.
“So here we sit. The next beat of the 179-year
solar retrograde cycle is due. The next beat of the
360-year Little Ice Age cycle is due. The next beat
of the 1440-year ice-age cycle is due. The next
beat of the 11,500-year ice-age cycle is due. The
next beat of the 100,000-year ice-age cycle is due
. . . and we’re worried about global warming?
“It’s ludicrous to be worried about global warming.
“We must prepare for an ice age. As Fairbridge
and Sanders put it, ‘Nature’s dice are somewhat
loaded.’ If we can heed the lessons of history writ
large in the geologic record, maybe we can reload
those dice in our favor.”
— transcription by
“Who is responsible for the biggest drought in the last 1,200 years? Wigington ( weather modification expert ) says documents show it is the U.S. military. Wigington says, ‘ Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor to Presidents Johnson and Carter, stated on the record that climate modification operations were the exceptional covert weapon of the U.S. military to make countries and their populations more compliant. Climate modification is the Crown Jewel weapon of the Military Industrial Complex. It’s not just for foreign adversaries, but for their own populations. They can bring them to their knees without them ever knowing they are under assault. Think how absurd this is when we have climate modification operations cutting off precipitation to tens of millions in the U.S., and nobody seems to have a clue. Nobody is willing to acknowledge this elephant in the sky. ‘ ” -Greg Hunter (USAwatchdog dot Com, 2022 )
Thank you for this comment Rick.
I forwarded the Felix quote to some influential friends of mine.
Team Biden is afraid of mobs of people. They demonstrated this by refusing to control or police the rioters, calling it a Peaceful Protest with the auto dealership burning in the background. Therefore they are scared stiff of the mobs of people Trumpers call “Political Rallies” LOL!!!
In Texas we are not afraid of mobs or rioters. We have the Texas Rangers!
Their motto is “ONE RIOT, ONE RANGER”, Bring it on!!!
Dallas, I thot you were in Florida.
Deb you ignorant thot… and “for STOPPING logic-driven Trump
and his massive voter-base” lol
Donald Trump I am the Father of the COVID Vaccine – Get Those Shots Everyone – 4 hours ago
Never Forget That Donald Trump Is The Father Of The MRNA Warp Speed Vaccine
Transvestigation of Trump (The Orange Tranny actor)
The truth is evergreen.
Top link from post above in case it was obscured by all the RWF logos.
@TheMronz: AGW IS on autopilot. AGW is to construct a control system to yup, control peoples lives and re-distribute $$$$ into the elite’s moneybags.
Last day of August, here in sunny Manchester and it is starting cool again. Two jumpers and a wooly hat to walk the dog with a body warmer…… Roll on winter………….
Tis 6.08 AM….
WoW! Anthony, thanks for the report.
SW Florida Wed morning, last day of August 2022.
Woke up to lightning in the skies again, going on for two weeks now.
Rained again yesterday 0.9 inches, after a 1.4 in downpour the day before.
No flooding for us, not until we get 10 inches or more as the soil is very sandy, ditches are along the street (swales) and alongside the house only 1,000 feet from a canal connected to the GOM – Gulf Of Mexico!
Again the same morning temp of 74 F. Never seen the same morning temps for so long a period of time, very very stable. It’s time for a cold front to come down, drop some more rain as it passes, and takes us into fall weather.
I’ve been following this site for a long time and find the predictions here to be dead on. I have lived in central Florida for the last 65 years and the weather here has if fact changed. The modern warming period ended here for me in 2004. This past winter we had sleet here for the first time ever, yes sleet. I saw lite snow back in 1990 but sleet is something new. Winters tending to linger, summers arriving late, leaving early, pollination is off as well. Quit working and I am learning to grow my own food. I am not a farmer and the learning curve is interesting
Have you seen any Texas Rangers down there lately?
Coutinho / Piter Scheuer
TLS ( lower stratosphere ) is very interesting:
The last two major stratospheric eruptions caused an initial warming, flowed by a persistent step down from pre-eruption temps. This happened twice almost identically. 0.5 deg C cooler after each event.
As you note, ejecta blocks sunlight from entering lower atmosphere. The warming indicates absorption, though there maybe increased reflection too.
The key point is the later drop. This indicates that the stratosphere become MORE transparent 5y after each event, thus letting MORE energy into the troposphere. This will lead to surface warming.
Sulphate aerosols destroy ozone. NASA estimates Mt Pinatubo alone caused a drop of 5-8% in stratospheric ozone. Climatologists draw a straight line through all that and attribute it CFCs, ignoring the detail which shows two step events , not a steady man made “trend”.
If this repeats with this event, expect 3 cooling then net warmer temperatures after 5y. Follow TLS since this is free of all the noisy weather which makes the surface record a lot harder to attribute to anything.
Thanks for the work here. Very interesting heat maps.