Monte Rosa, Italy Logs Earliest Sub -20C (-4F) Ever; UK Sees Rare September Snow; Brisbane’s Coldest Winter On Record; Polar Cold Not Done With Australia Just Yet; + Rapidly Growing Sunspot
Monte Rosa, Italy Registers Earliest Sub -20C (-4F) Ever
Europe’s well-documented summer of toasty African plumes seems a distant memory as many nations now find themselves ‘above’ an increasingly weak and wavy ‘meridional‘ jet stream flow and therefor subject to frosty Arctic outbreaks.
A pair of low temperature records were recently busted at Capanna Margherita in Monte Rosa, Italy –adding to the many that fell across Italy and France over the weekend, as reported here— a weather station that was opened way back in 1899.
The mercury plunged to -21.2C (-6.2F) during the morning of Sept 17, which busted both the coldest-ever temp for the day (the -19.7C (-3.5F) set in 2013) and the date for the earliest sub -20C (-4F) in history, by a full week no less (Sept 24, 2004).
During the following night, temperatures dropped even lower, reaching -22C (-7.6F). This tied the station’s record monthly low for September set on Sept 26, 2020, serving as yet another indication that despite the mainstream narrative –and despite brief bursts of intense summer heat (driven by a wavy JS, not atmospheric CO2)– terrestrial temperatures are in fact cooling.

In addition, Europe experienced its first substantial snowfalls of the season over the weekend.
As reported by, the sharp and sudden drop in temperatures across the continent was triggered by descending Arctic winds blowing in at nearly 90 mph — the first significant polar gales since April.
The Snow Brains article concludes: “We hope there is an epic ski season in the forecast after such an early cold snap.”
UK Sees Rare September Snow
The UK hasn’t been immune to mainland Europe’s early taste of winter, far from it.
To round off what has been a mostly average summer –punctuated by a few record 40Cs (the majority of which were logged at airports, topped by Heathrow’s 40.2C)– a swing between extremes has now occurred with rare September snow settling up north.
The UK’s first snows of the season have been reported on the Scottish Cairngorms.
The mountain range received a healthy dusting last Friday morning, with accumulations noted at Ben Macdui and Braeriach in the eastern highlands, according to the The National–a local media outlet.
Snowy weather is historically unlikely in Cairngorm in the month of September, continues The National, adding that a jet stream of cold air was to blame for the early season flurries, which transported Arctic chills unusually-far south.
Britain has been holding very cold of late, with the Met Office in recent days confirming sub-zero readings (degrees C) up and down the country, including the -1.7C (28.9F) at Shap in Cumbria.
Below is the MSM’s take on Britain’s rare September chills:
2022 Was Brisbane’s Coldest Winter In Recorded History
Even according to the UHI-ignoring and minimum temperature restricting Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), the Australian continent is coming off the back of a colder-than-average winter (0.03C below the multidecadal norm).
Moreover, many locales experienced their coldest winters in recorded history. The benchmark-breakers in sub-tropical Queensland, for example, include the Beerburrum Forest Station and also the state capital Brisbane.
With a reading of 15.9C (60.6F), Brisbane suffered its ‘record lowest mean winter temperature’, according to the BoM’s official data — a substantial 0.9C below the average.
Cape Moreton Lighthouse and the University of Queensland Gatton were among the other QLD locales to have endured their ‘Lowest winter mean temperature for at least 20 years’, with both experiencing their coldest winters since 1990.
Also, an additional seven locations registered their ‘lowest winter mean daily maximum temperature for at least 20 years’, including Amberley AMO which comfortably busted its previous 1990 record by half a degree (C).
Polar Cold Not Done With Australia Just Yet
Staying down under, it looks as though winter’s Antarctic tailwhips are not finished with the continent (perhaps far from it).
Below are the latest GFS runs.
What they show are masses of ‘blues’ and ‘purples’ engulfing vast swathes of Australia over the next week-or-so.
Here’s Sept 21:

Sept 27:

And Sept 28:

Looking further ahead still –admittedly into the unreliable time frame– the model is hinting at a continent-wide polar blast during the first week of October:

This is worth keeping a close eye on — the GFS has fared pretty well of late, even on 300+ hour forecasts.
If it plays out, a myriad of monthly cold records could fall, bringing widespread crop damage with them.
Rapidly Growing Sunspot
Sunspot AR3105 emerging over the sun’s eastern limb is growing rapidly:
We discussed this sunspot yesterday — it’s AR3089 (renamed AR3105) returning after a 2-week trip around the farside of the sun.
Instead of decaying, the old sunspot seems to be growing again, writes Dr Tony Philips over at
If this continues, it would soon pose a serious threat for Earth-directed flarings.
Stay tuned.
The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).
Social Media channels are restricting Electroverse’s reach: Twitter are purging followers, while Facebook are labeling posts as “false” and have now locked me out of my account. And most recently, the CCDH stripped the website of its ability to advertise with Google.
So, be sure to subscribe to receive new post notifications by email. And also consider becoming a Patron or donating via Paypal (button located in the sidebar >>> or scroll down if on mobile). The site receives ZERO funding, and never has.
Any way you can, help me spread the message so others can survive and thrive in the coming times.
Well I hope Ali is wrong.
If that sunspot flares(CME) Earth is in big trouble.
Something to file away next time someone attributes the South Asia monsoon variability (or lack of) to AGW:
Now that I think of it, a total knockout of everything with a chip, would not in the end be a very bad thing; As an immediate measure it would serve as a “wake-up” juice to all the vaxxed and agw zombies, and people would have to revert to using simpler tools, revert to using smart brains instead of smart phones, revert to a lot more common sense than exists today. I don’t necessarily see the “end of the world” carrington-event as a bad thing, but it will as God wills it. If he wills we should endure a carrington-event, then so be it. His will be done
The point is, we should be a lot more ready for an event of this type, not to mention the GSM, than we are.
And that’s not God’s fault. We have allowed ourselves to be misled by evil people who prefer to benefit from the misfortune of others, rather than using the knowledge they have to help others.
I simply have a different view on things; had God wanted us to have it easy and paradise-like, how would we know to value it and cherish it?
As to the point about allowing ourselves, that too can be returned to God; people accept the fairytale spun by the devil through the mouths of men, that God doesn’t exist and if you accept that, what are you left with in this world: yourself and the devil; to whom does that position benefit?
I don’t invoke, chant or summon the end of the world; I’m simply saying, we should be ready for such an event, and not fear any of it, should it come to pass. Pray it never comes, but fear not and act accordingly so that it doesn’t come
Thy Will be Done on Earth as It is in Heaven
In saying “Thy will be done”, we recognize God knows best, and willingly surrender our troubles and worries to him. Scribtor Church Lady Logos. Amen.
And this is the will of the one who sent me, that I should not lose anything of what he gave me, but that I should raise it [on] the last day. For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him [on] the last day.
(John 6:39–40 NABRE)
Jewgenics/Aryangenics is just war, willed by God, by a different name. Jesus/Our Father in Heaven decides the outcome of all battles. Eugenics/genocide/genital mutilation and globohomo logos works because God wills it to be so. His will be done. Amen.
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Jesus/Our Father in Heaven and the Holy Ghost decide the outcome of all battles… always forget to give credit to the third spirit.
If God wished to superimpose His will on ours, there would be no battles in the first place.
I already checked it out, since you were pushing it so hard.
I couldn’t get past the privacy statement. It looked to me that if you signed it, you wouldn’t have any.
Are you sure this is not a site to single out Christians for future persecution?
Always remember and never forget: It is God’s will that we humans always have free will, even if it goes against what He would will for us.
Most, if not all of the problems of mankind can be traced to this fact. But if we did not have free will, we would simply be robots.
No one can free you from a demonic spirit until you are ready to let go of it.
A spirit of anger gives the person it is attached to a sense of power, which is very attractive to people who have been made powerless, eg: through abuse, as children.
As adults, we can realize that we no longer need to use anger to exert control over our own hearts, minds and lives. When we say no to anger, the spirit of anger will leave or can be cast out in the name of Jesus Christ.
Just an example. There are many types of spirits. In order to be set free, you need to discover what is the perceived benefit of the behavior the spirit enhances, and learn to let go of it. God will help you if you ask Him. The behavior will always be what we call a sin.
Luckily I have a pre 1980 truck that’s impervious to CME.
These trucks have a steel encased brains which are damn near indestructible.
And they are easy to fix.
Top picture in today’s post: The Margherita Hut or Capanna Margherit
The Margherita Hut (Italian: Capanna Regina Margherita) is a mountain hut belonging to the Italian Alpine Club, located on the summit of Punta Gnifetti (ital., in German Signalkuppe) of Monte Rosa, a mountain massif of the Alps lying near the border between Italy and Switzerland. At 4,554 metres (14,941 ft) above sea level, it is the highest building in Europe. It was originally opened in 1893 as a research station for high altitude medicine which it still is, but also serves as a simply equipped mountain hut for alpinists.
The construction of the hut was directed by the Italian Alpine Club in 1889. The hut was pre-built in the valley, then brought to its final destination by mule and then by men, and assembled on site. It was opened on 18 August 1893, in the presence of Margherita of Savoy, Queen of Italy, to whom the hut is dedicated.
The hut can only be accessed on foot. The traditional approach starts from Alagna Valsesia, the town where was organized the first ascent to the summit in 1842 realized by the parish priest of Alagna Valsesia, Giovanni Gnifetti. [both men of the cloth in service to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ] The walk to the hut usually takes two days; climbers spend a night at the Gnifetti Hut, the Monte Rosa Hut or the Resegotti Hut (from the last one the climb is very difficult and technical since you have to climb the Signal ridge), from where they set off for the Margherita Hut on the following morning. The walk requires physical fitness and a good knowledge of alpine techniques.
Just a short statement for all the good comments so far. Jesus said he would help us “through” the hard times. Many people pray to be saved or spared “from” these events. So have faith in the truth of his word.
… just like Jesus will help the 7.5 billion not being “spared “from” these events”. So have faith in the truth of his word.
… because His eternal place of love and acceptance in Heaven or the heavens of outer space is infinite and good… and so it is written. Amen.
Just don’t forget to find time to learn new survival skills. Jesus will give you a rowboat to cross a large river or sea, but if you can’t row, what good are just prayers?
Like they say,
Q. “What’s the difference between praying and doing nothing.”
A. “Nothing”
You might want to drop the honorific “Father” if you can’t tell the difference.
Exactly! But that requires that you have a personal relationship with Him, that you can know His voice well enough to distinguish it from counterfeits. It’s very important to make friends with Christ before the crisis is upon you.
Don’t mess with the counterfeits, it’s all part of the plan.
This guy is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. He talks the talk but don’t walk the walk. Counterfeit.
Vulnerable countries demand global tax to pay for climate-led loss and damage
– 19 Sep 2022
Poor nations exhort UN to consider ‘climate-related and justice-based’ tax on big fossil fuel users and air travel
Damages to poor countries are expected to increase as the world heats up further. A separate submission to the UN, by Antigua and Barbuda, warns that increasing sea and air temperatures in the Caribbean could create a superstorm within years that would wreak £7.9bn of damage in the island nation alone, six times its annual GDP.
Adelle Thomas, the director of the climate change adaptation centre at the University of the Bahamas and a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said: “The case of Antigua and Barbuda underscores the need for ambitious climate action addressing [greenhouse gas emissions reduction], adaptation and loss and damage. For countries in the Caribbean that have contributed the least to climate change but are already struggling with current impacts, it is critical that global warming is limited to 1.5C, that funding for adaptation is significantly increased and made more accessible, and that there is new and additional finance and support available to address loss and damage.”
[… and the all too beautiful psyop/beat goes on]
Starting at midnight tonight 2022-09-21 (5 hours from the posting) Russian men between 18-65 will be prohibited from leaving Russia.
… now just 3 shopping days left ’till Sept. 24.
For all the DC solar panel [they’re all DC] and 12V DC battery bank [arc welders – intentional or not] newbies here’s a good vid to help visualize what’s going on inside the DC switch if/when you might power down/switch off or load break from solar panels during daylight hours… or would somehow accidentally short circuit (i.e. have an unintended arc welding event] the DC battery bank… especially a large battery bank with plenty of available amps, battery acid and hydrogen/oxygen gas therein. Solar panels and especially DC thrills and kills or maims so be careful. Eye protection from spitting metal, hot sparks, expanding gasses and or battery acid is essential. Lose an eye during SHTF, or even before September 24, God willing and praise the Lord, and it will take pretty much all the fun out of seeing the glory of His many works to come. Bless you all.
AC versus DC load breaking comparison with a knife switch (arcing)
New Christian Worship Songs 2022 With Lyrics
According some warmists it seems to me that the new ‘excuse’ even with a few days or short periods of extreme heat (Meridional Jetstream Flux) for them will always be the AGW that causes the temperature extremes.
They already are contradicting themselves (corrupting the AGW) when they claim or assume that it will have extremes (cause here including negatives temps), as the AGW only accepts raise the temps, isn’t it!? In general….La Niña means cold trends, will we go to the 4th year in a row of La Niña?
One Man [… er… All the Globalist Eugenicists] Wielded [Deployed and Continue to Deploy] the Most Powerful [Selective/Silent/Efficient/Effective] Weapon [of Mass Soft/Slow Kill Destruction/Eugenics] Against the World [and it’s working “beautifully”] [they told us they’d do it… they did it… and they continue to do it… in full light of day… completely unfettered… and the zombies actually can’t get enough of it… blindingly beautiful] [Full Stop]
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: Criminal mRNA [“Vaxx”] Injections And How They Kill