Lake Superior Holding 7F Colder Than Normal; + Another “Historic” Snowstorm Pummels Southern Argentina
Lake Superior Holding 7F Colder Than Normal
While the media focus on brief bursts of summer heat –as the establishment continues to work to make us fearful of a season– there are far more telling climatic phenomena at play, such as Lake Superior holding much COLDER than normal.
The deepest of the Great Lakes is known for its cold depths, but the water on its surface usually warms-up in the summer.
This year, however, Lake Superior is running more than 7F (4C) below the long term average, according to NASA — such low water temperatures at this time of year have only occurred twice since 1995.

The map above shows water surface temperature anomalies of each lake on Jul 18, 2022 — data courtesy of the Multiscale Ultrahigh Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (MUR SST) project, based at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (MUR SST blends measurements of sea surface temperatures from multiple NASA, NOAA, and international satellites, as well as ship and buoy observations).
Colder air temperatures lead to colder lake temperatures, explains the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL)–they’re sure earning their funding. And this year, fiercely cold air –funneled south on the back of a weak and wavy ‘Meridional‘ jet stream flow– chilled Lake Superior’s surface waters to an extraordinary degree.
In fact, according to regional climate reports, January air temperatures were as much as 9F (5C) colder than normal in the Great Lakes region; and by February, air temperatures in the western Superior basin were holding 11F (6C) below the multidecadal average.
Water temperatures soon responded to the ambient chill, consistently falling January through March.
The graph above shows the lake’s average daily temperature for each year compared to the 1995-2021 average.
This year’s colder-than-normal temps started to emerge in early-Feb, where they’ve struggled ever since; so much so, in fact, that by July 19, 2022, the average surface temp was 47.5F (8.5C — only 1996 and 2014 exhibited colder readings on that date.
Another “Historic” Snowstorm Pummels Southern Argentina
Another record-busting blizzard battered the Andes region over the weekend, resulting in blackouts, collapsed buildings, mountain rescues and the issuance of a “Climate Emergency”–the real kind.
The snowstorm, which many local meteorologists have described as “historic”, generated close to a meter (3.3ft) of snow in several locales, including Esquel and Trevelin.
Other affected towns and cities included Lago Puelo, El Bolsón, Epuyén, El Maitén, and El Hoyo–with the latter launching a rescue operation to save a group of people stranded at its Ski Center, and also suffering the collapse of its municipal gym roof due to a high snow load.
Fortunately, the gym, which had stood for 40 years ago, was empty–despite it recently functioning as an emergency shelter.
“Luckily … we made the decision to move [the] evacuee center that was in the Municipal Gymnasium to the House of Culture. We never imagined this, but it was a success,” said the mayor of El Hoyo, Pol Huisman, who is already foreseeing the next issue: “Once this snow thaws, we will surely have problems with the canals, streams and the Epuyén River, so we are already on guard.”
Due to the record snow, authorities in the municipality of Lago Puelo have declared a “Climate Emergency” lasting 90 days.
This, among many other things, has allowed Army facilities to be used to accommodate and feed those residents who have found themselves woefully unprepared for such a climatic event, according to the ADN Sur portal.
Elsewhere, roads located near the mountain range “Curva de los Guanacos”, in the province of Chubut, became blocked by snow drifts on Saturday, July 23, and the National Gendarmerie launched an operation that wound-up saving 47 stranded souls.
The rescue operation, carried out in the early hours, utilized Esquel’s 36th Squadron who successfully evacuated a stranded bus, among other vehicles, in a coordinated effort with volunteer firefighters and the civil protection of the Municipality of Esquel.
The 47 were taken to a local community center where all are reported to have made a full recovery.
Fierce conditions in the Río Pico area have had an impact on farmers, too — not only growers, but also those raising livestock.
And as you might expect, the heavy, record-breaking snow load has taken its toll on Southern Argentina’s power grid.
The electricity is currently out for tens-of-thousands of homes, which, according to authorities, will take “at least five days” to restore, reports FM Paraiso.
Low temperatures have compounded the misery, and have contributed to road accidents and livestock deaths.
In El Calafate, lows of -12.2C (10F) were registered, with the windchill bringing it down to -16.8C (1.8F); the city of Río Gallegos suffered -4.2C (24.4F), with it feeling like -9.1C (15.6F); and in Esquel, a low of -3.6C (25.5F) was noted, with a windchill of -9.2C (15.4F).
According to the National Weather Service, the ravaging lows and “historic” snows will continue into Monday and Tuesday.
The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).
Prepare accordingly — learn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.
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Some good news. Cosmic rays have dropped to -.8
which they describe as below average. Sun spots seem to be dropping also so the cosmic rays may start creeping back up soon.
Sunspot number: 80
Updated 25 Jul 2022
Oulu Neutron Counts
Percentages of the Space Age average:
today: -0.5% Below Average
48-hr change: -1.0%
Max: +11.7% Very High (12/2009)
Min: -32.1% Very Low (06/1991)
explanation | more data
Updated 25 Jul 2022 @ 1700 UT
Noctilucent Clouds
Noctilucent cloud season is underway. The clouds are currently spreading as far south as +45N (Oregon).
Realtime Noctilucent Cloud Photo Gallery
“Some good news. Cosmic rays have dropped to -.8???”… point eight what… units?… like maybe -0.8% Below Average? and also where’s the mystical backup link? Don’t come up short no mo’ Mystic. Cheers
Anthropological Trans-Act-Whores
Laura Lynn TYLER Thompson [Canadian Controlled Opposition Religious Tranny Actor] “Born in Uganda” and then moved to “Tuktoyaktuk ” at seven… aligned with UN tranny Sacha Stone et al.
Laura Lynn “Tyler” Thompson & Sacha Stone (Jason Shurka/UNIFYD) [psyops within psyops incl the psyop cons exposing the other psyops ]
Television and online personality Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson is the new provincial leader of the Christian Heritage Party of BC.
The former co-host of the national daily show The 700 Club Canada was acclaimed as the leader of the CHP-BC during its annual general meeting in Abbotsford on Monday.
The Natural
If you would like to see more on these DirTEA Masonic Shills, make sure to watch: The Frankfurt School Effect, Screen Captures Series, Coded News & The Shills, 1717 (part 3), Knights of Tea, 7 Code and the Shills, and the next video I will upload: Random Trans & The Shills. With Trans-Masons: Charlene Ward Group, London Real Lies, Asleep with JP, Fighting Corruption (who is always in danger! (LIES!). But cannot stop uploading shit-lie mirror videos, and supports the First TEArump family.
The Frankfurt School – Trans-Models & AcTwhores – Nachash
Very interesting.
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