Northern Hemisphere Snow Season Off To A Near-Record Start; Cold September Across Scandinavia; October Snow Hits NZ; Antarctic Air Approaches Australia; Record Cold NYC; + 30% Chance Of An X-Flare
Northern Hemisphere Snow Season Off To A Near-Record Start
Looking at all the available data, the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere snow season is off to an impressive start.
The Finish Meteorological Institute’s ‘Total Snow Mass for the NH’ chart –that I track on Electroverse– has yet to plot its first datapoint of the year, but we have Environment & Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Rutgers data to use in the meantime.
ECCC has a ‘Snow Extent Tracker’ and a ‘Snow Water Equivalent’ (SWE) chart.
Both are showing above-average gains:
This ‘healthy’ growth is supported by the Rutgers Global Snow Lab, which uses a useful 1967-2022 base to draw its departures.
Clear to see, and contradicting the absurd MSM rhetoric, ‘Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Extent’ had fired above the 56-year Mean as per the latest datapoint and is in fact knocking on the door of the 56-Year Max:
Turning to NOAA’s ‘Multisensor Snow/Ice Cover’ map, we see that the majority of these early-season accumulations have occurred in Siberia and Northern/Eastern Russia:
This region of the world has endured a historically early onset of winter this year, with ‘blobs’ of Arctic air regularly descending down and lingering over vast areas of Transcontinental Russia (as well as Kazakhstan and Mongolia) for the past 12-or-so weeks.
Again, not a whiff of this reality has been allowed to penetrate mainstream consciousness. But there is still time, MSM — the region’s unusually cold and snowy spell isn’t over yet, not by a long stretch:

Cold September Across Scandinavia
September was a cool month for much of Europe, including for the continent’s most northern reaches.
September 2022 in Finland had an average temperature of approx. 1C below the norm. Readings were slightly cooler than normal in the North, and as much as 2C below the multidecadal average down South.
Maps courtesy of @meteorologit:
September in Denmark had an average temperature of 13.2C (55.8F) which is 0.4C below the norm:
September in Norway also came out cooler than average, particularly in the North and South.
Map from @meteorologene:
And finally, and as mentioned in yesterday’s article, Greta also noted a colder-than-average September.
Last month, temperatures in Sweden held 0.5C below the multidecadal base, which is in stark contrast to the ‘forever fire and brimstone’ narrative the corporate media continues to peddle to the misinformed masses.
Map courtesy of SMHI:
October Snow Hits NZ
The forecasts calling for record lows and sea-level snows ACROSS New Zealand haven’t disappointed, at least not so far.
Following cold and snow up and down the South Island on Tues and Weds, the North Island is about to join the ‘freezing’ line.
Wellington, up North, is set for record-breaking October snow down to 200m (660ft), and a ‘snow watch’ has been issued for Wairarapa, including the Tararua Range south of Mount Bruce, and the eastern hills.
Elsewhere, heavy snow warnings remain in place for Banks Peninsula, Southland, Stewart Island, Clutha, Dunedin, Central Otago south of Alexandra, the Southern Lakes District south of Queenstown, and Fiordland from Te Anau southwards until Thursday.
New Zealand’s out-of–season polar outbreak is tied to a weak and wavy ‘meridional’ jet stream flow, a natural phenomenon which, itself, is tied to the historically low solar activity Earth has been receiving in recent years.
What we’re seeing in NZ this October is exactly what those who study the sun predicted would occur; that is, a ‘loopy’ jet stream pattern –once considered rare– funneling climatic extremes to the mid-latitudes (both NH & SH) on an increasingly-regular basis:
For more on this:
Antarctic Air Approaches Australia
This week’s exceptional chills won’t be confined to just New Zealand. Nearby Australia is also on for numerous batterings of polar cold as the jets lift air directly off Antarctica’s ice sheet and careens it north.
According the latest GFS runs (shown below), ‘blues’ and ‘purples’ are on course to buffet the majority of the Aussie continent.
Here’s Oct 8:

And Oct 9:

And below is a glimpse at next weekend, Oct 15:

Also, additional –and potentially record-breaking– spring snowfall is on the cards for the southeast (including Tasmania):

Australia’s late-season chills are following what was a colder-than-average winter (BoM), during which a number of locales, including Queensland’s state capital, Brisbane, experienced their coldest winter’s ever recorded.
These, once again, are narrative-jarring facts that the AGW Party is working hard to keep under wraps:
Record Cold NYC
A myriad of daily low temperature records have fallen across the Northeast U.S. this week…
…including in New York City where the NWS climate station at John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens struggled to a high of just 52F (11.1C) on Monday, breaking the previous record of 53F (11.7C) set back in 1974 (solar minimum of cycle 20).
For reference, the locale’s average high temp for Oct 3 is 70F (21.1C)
Along with New York, many other NE states saw low temperature records fall on Monday and Tuesday, including, but not limited to, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maine, and Virginia.
30% Chance Of An X-Flare
Yesterday, on October 4, a 200,000-km long filament of magnetism in the sun’s southern hemisphere erupted.
Snapping like a rubber band, it hurled part of itself into space:
Debris from the blast might be heading for Earth. SOHO coronagraphs saw hints of a Corocal Mass Ejection (CME) emerging from the blast site–but the data stream stopped before the full CME was visible. The missing data should arrive later today.
Moreover, Behemoth sunspot ‘AR3112’ (shown below) is looking poised to explode:
NOAA forecasters estimate a 65% chance of M-flares and a 30% chance of X-flares today, October 5.
Any eruptions will be geoeffective as the sunspot is almost directly facing Earth.
Stay tuned for updates.
The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).
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Almost no snow in Canada. And the snow in Siberia is going to melt soon because of above normal temperatures.
Does snow trigger you? You seem to hate it.
Your biased reporing triggers me. we hardly have snow here so how can i hate it?
Nine feet of new snow forecast this location Canada next ten days:—add-more-layers/overlays?snowAccu,next10d,60.366,-139.660,9,m:flJacgu
E Siberia, -12F forecast and a foot of new snow, four feet for Kamchatka Penn:—add-more-layers/overlays?temp,2022101021,59.512,162.729,4—add-more-layers/overlays?snowAccu,next10d,62.785,160.906,5
Canada snow forecast above already upgraded to eleven feet next ten days:—add-more-layers/overlays?snowAccu,next10d,60.246,-139.904,11,i:pressure,m:flzachY
Japan’s Island volcano Nishinoshima adding to the mix:—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,27.703,140.779,5
Snow is not a thing of the past, don’t worry!
@Jopeck what you say doesn’t change the facts or warm cold trends.
It doesn’t seem to have questionable arguments or to have heard about continentality (Canada…Siberia).
There was an X 1 flare Sunday and a Japanese Island volcanic eruption:—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,27.742,138.318,5
Sky News Australia last night was reporting a few notables about this Antarctic intrusion across both islands:
1. If snow falls in Christchurch it will be the first time since 1963 for the date.
2. The mountains will be getting over a meter (36″) of new snow.
3. The snow may be short-lived (it IS happening in late spring, after all) but there are real risks to livestock since they’re in the thick of lambing season.
Throw in an X-class CME flare and knock out the global power grid for a few weeks (or months, or years) and see people scurry for cover as the food and heating supply dries up. We’re already hearing plenty about there being real food shortages here in the U.S. (I’d have to see it to believe it, and even then, would pin blame on manufactured shortages by government decree rather than actual shortages) so I can only imagine what other places like Europe will be facing this winter.
Pop the popcorn and pull up a chair, it’s gonna be an interesting 6 months coming up.
Lets see: I wonder what sphere or WHICH sphere of ignorance Jopeck lives in. He, or she, or whatever pronoun…definitely is in climate denial. The denial is that all indicators are pointing to shortened growing seasons, colder temps overall, and food shortages due to farmers not being able to get the crops because of cold temps and loss of sprouting. Anyway, its ok to live that narrative if someone wants to. But please do not come to my door cold, hungry, and expecting a handout. I do not have anything extra.
How cold was the temp in Germany”
The September temperature anomaly in the UK was +0.5 degrees.
This seems slightly odd given the temperatures seen in other European countries.
I’m not sure if this means that we were under a wavy jet stream and central Europe was above it, or other countries use a better quality network of weather stations i.e. ones that are only minimally affected by Urban Heat Islands.
Don’t moan Matt I take it all winter, these blessed islands with abnormal warm winters is why the place is so lovely 😜
No typhoons or hurricanes, electrons low:
Dramatic sudden rise in temps over Antarctica must be from the cold drain north into the areas mentioned .Arctic temps also went up so same thing happening..Arctic will regroup can the Antarctic rebuild the cold as well this late in the season?..
One other thing I’ve noticed is that as cold as it’s been in the Antarctic for quite a long time now the Ice extent is lagging…underwater warm vents..volcanic activity?