Snow Falls Across California, Sets Records In The South; LAX Busts Low Temperature Record; Portland’s Snowiest Day Since 1943; + Europe’s Looming Arctic Outbreak
Snow Falls Across California, Sets Records In The South
A high-impact winter storm continues to impact the vast majority of the North American continent, with close to a million homes without power early Friday morning in Michigan state alone — where is is taking down trees and powerlines.
Winter storm/blizzard warnings stretch from Oregon south to California’s border with Mexico, as Arctic air invades the Lower 48, bringing snow levels down to historically-low elevations, including the coastal areas of Northern California.
The National Weather Service LA posted its first blizzard warning since 1989, with the NWS office in San Diego issuing its first blizzard warning for the San Bernardino Country Mountains for the first time ever.
The unusually-cold outbreak will reach its maximum intensity Friday through Saturday, though Northern California is already experiencing its best snow event since February 1989: Snow is settling at exceptionally-low elevations (<300ft) in the Eureka and Crescent City areas, with the Eureka NWS Office –which sits at less than 40ft asl– registering a freezing 32F (0C).
Snow in southern California is even rarer, and these latest falls are starting to bust records.
“We don’t often get this cold of air coming into California,” said NWS meteorologist Brooke Bingaman as temperatures in Santa Rosa –for example– dipped to 28F (-2.2C) on Thursday — tying the previous record low for the day set in 2022, 1955 and 1911.
While in LAX, a record low 41F was observed on Thursday — a reading which ties the old record set as recently as 2019.

“One of our bigger concerns is the fact that the winds are going to be picking up as the system moves through overnight,” continued Bingaman. “It’s a cold air mass, so it’s going to be cold in the morning. If people lose power because trees are blown down and impact the power line, that’s going to be really cold for people.”
And it’s only forecast to get colder Friday (and into the weekend):

Note: all but a slither of the SE are suffering severe cold–but guess which region the ‘warm-mongering’ MSM are devoting their ink to.
And snowier:

As of the Finish Meteorological Institute’s latest data-point (from Feb 21–so before these latest rounds of heavy snow), total snow mass for the Northern Hemisphere is trending up, holding above the 1982-2012 average, as it has all season, and threatening to take out the standard deviation, too:
Portland’s Snowiest Day Since 1943
Portland hasn’t seen this much snow all at once in 80 years.
“This is a big deal,” said NWS meteorologist Tonja Fransen.
Portland International Airport logged 10.8 inches Wednesday, besting the 9.3 inches that fell on a January day in 1956 but not quite reaching the greatest snowfall accumulation in the city;s history — the 14.4 inches from 1943.
Gusty winds hampered clean-up efforts Thursday, and drove already frigid temps of 27F (-2.8C) down to a wind chill of 10F (-12.2C).
Below are Portland’s top 10 snowiest days since record began in 1939 (data courtesy of the NWS, compiled by
January 21, 1943: 14.4 inches
February 22, 2023: 10.8 inches
January 26, 1956: 9.3 inches
December 19, 1964: 8 inches
March 8, 1951: 7.6 inches
January 13, 1950: 7.5 inches
November 22, 1977: 7 inches
December 20, 2008: 7 inches
January 27, 1996: 6.6 inches
January 10, 2017: 6.5 inches
Europe’s Looming Arctic Outbreak
It was another frosty start for me this morning in Central Portugal — the 17th frost I’ve noted this February.
As per the latest GFS run, Portugal’s chill wont lift anytime soon, either.
Anomalous cold is forecast to persists across Western Europe for at least the next two weeks:
And with regards to that SSW-induced Arctic Outbreak we’ve been tracking, the weather models are doubling-down that ‘something is coming’ to Europe; however, latest runs have nudged those ‘blues’ and ‘purples’ a little to the east so as to engulf nations from France and Germany to the Ukraine and Russia — starting ‘proper’ around March 6:

Enjoy your weekend!
I’m off out to plow a 1/2-acre plot, readying it for (trial) spring plantings of quinoa, Emmer, sorghum and sweetcorn.
I managed to source a knackered-old Hinomoto compact tractor that a local was renovating. I couldn’t let the opportunity pass and so pillaged the bank to buy it (€1000 for the tractor, two plows and a box — a steal!).
I’m considering uploading videos of our homesteading efforts onto YouTube, to demonstrate to others that such a venture is possible even with ZERO experience. But please let me know if I’d be wasting my time.
Do it. It’d be a nice companion to Off Grid with DOUG and Stacy.
What is this??? Sorry, but I disagree, except that it must be for that date!
“While in LAX, a record low 41F was observed on Thursday — a reading which ties the old record set as recently as 2019.”
In the fall/winter of 1968 I was training at Camp Pendleton, Oceanside Calif, perhaps 100 miles south of LA. I was US Navy Corpsman training to be deployed with the USMC. It snowed on the beach. Not a lot, but it also was cold enough and snowy enough for the Marines to call off our field exercises only to hold the training indoors in the barracks. I considered this mighty interesting.
I had managed to land a local girlfriend who I later married. So I had access to the newspapers and TV stations others did not. The headlines were so contradictory I could never forget them. In the LA Times, the headlines front page read:
LA Temp 35 F – 5 Homeless Freeze to Death !
This is True, Dallas Schneider
Maybe the official weather station wasn’t at LAX in 1968, so the records only go back 30 or so years. Don’t forget that more and more weather stations are being located at airports because all that tarmac and all those jet exhausts result in artificially high temperatures that can be used to claim that AGW is real and scary.
We had one temp station here in KY where the temp gauge was on the South Side of a concrete block building, ON the BLACK asphalt and right across the lot from BIG \electric transformers. Oh by the way…just a little over a 100′ was a wooded area where they could have placed the unit!
AND in a California University, they placed the unit on a ROOF next to an AC unit in FULL Sun!!!
Do it, Cap!!!
Money follows Attention, the more attention you can attract the more money will come!
Would love to see your homestead!
Well if it is like ours here in RAINY, WET, SOAKED South Central KY…it is MUDDY!
But I will take muddy & Wet over city livin’ anytime and all the time…fresh air (-cough cough cough- horse crap smell), quiet outside (SHUTTUP Guinea’s), Clean Spring water (Damn it rained again and it’s muddy), and last but not least…Bambi over for Dinner…and He tastes great…No I am not sick/weird I just love living out so far that the only thing I see out the window are our animals, plants, trees and other animals I will eat someday…I have been here for 31 years and will be buried here. I have no desire to move back anywhere in or near a city ever again…Right CAP???
There’s fresh elk tracks being chased by a cougar in the snow last night 200′ up the road this morning. A mountain lion. No blood, no score.
A friend of mine gets Elk every year in Daniel Boone State Forest in Eastern KY. Lucky bugger!
We have Black Bear and Cougar here in Metcalfe County but all have agreed NOT to hunt them until the numbers get much higher.
But Bambi is a different story…He tastes good fried in Butter with onions on top of rice!!! Oh and a shot of homemade moonshine to wash it down!!!
Hi Cap I apreciate your work very much. I read about your plowing efforts. I offer your to pay E1000.00 for your traktor and eqipment, if you give me a possibility to transfer the money.
Regards Bernhard Kleinhenz
Apologies for the seemingly dumb question but why do the FMI use a 1982-2012 period and not a more recent one of say 1992-2022? I quoted the FMI period to an alarmist and was accused of cherry picking a particular time period to fit my argument.
PS would be interesting to see your farming operations!
I think that there are plenty of homesteading videos on YouTube. I don’t know if adding more is “wasting your time”, but I don’t think there is really a need for it. But maybe others totally disagree. The thing with homesteading is that what works in your area might be a disaster 300km further away. Let alone in another country, with another climate, different regulations etc. I think you better spend your time working on your own place and writing highly appreciated content for this website.
The thing with homesteading is that what works in your area might be a disaster 300km further away…
Thank you Cap. It will be cold March.
I am definitely interested in seeing the videos what you are up to down there. I have grown sorghum and this year I will also try quinoa here in Finland. I grow them indoors first and transplant out mid-end may.
I have been following the Dutch farmer youtube channel. Maybe you know him. He is building homestead with his young family there in Pirtugal also.
I dont have a google account because I dont have a cell phone. So I can’t subscribe to any youtube channels.
I would watch your videos! To be honest I dont think it would be worth your time.
I tried building a youtube page long ago. It is almost impossible to get a following unless you pay for the subscribers.
I can tell you there are youtube stars like Wrangler Star but i would bet your chances are zero unless you know someone who can tweak your algorithm. Or if you are one of the Chosen Ones. Then maybe you will make some money.
The amount of work to produce a quality video with text and sound is pretty daunting for the average person. It is not a cake walk.
Since Ben Davidson( knows you he could help you get a jump start.
I have heard him mention you in a few of His videos.
BTW on Wednesday it was 78F here today it is been frozen all day. We have barely come above freezing at 35F at 1:00 pm today. Been like this for about two months here in Eastern Oklahoma.
Stanley Farmer
The weather models for roughly 4th-9th March keep chopping and changing. One model run shows heavy snow for the U.K. the next run shows it turning mild or staying cold and dry, then the next run is back to heavy snow but in a different part of the country or a couple of days later than the first run. I’m pretty sure the U.K. will see at least one big snow event, but when or where is still to be resolved. I live in Inverness (Northern Scotland) and we’re surrounded by mountains on 3 sides so see very little snow. During the 2018 Beast from the East we had no snow while 30 miles away they had nearly 40cm. I’m hoping for a good dump of snow but expect to be disappointed, the most I’ve seen in the city in 10 years is about 10cm and that was earlier this winter.
Let’s see your farm Cap. Thanks for your hard work.
Yes, please do. I also live in Central Portugal. Been here for 7 years. It’s never been this cold so late in the winter!! Got potatoes in my greenhouse that are doing well even with the frost. Planted my cucumber, tomato and chili seeds which have just come up. Very interested in seeing what you are doing here!! Thanks for all the great work you do
US hit by winter storm
A winter storm crossed the United States from west to east, bringing with it cold, snowfall and strong winds.
In just 2 days, more than 3,300 flights were canceled at the largest airports in the country. Traffic was also temporarily disrupted, especially in Wyoming. In Michigan, freezing rain damaged power lines, and in California, strong gusts of wind knocked down trees.
The victims of the winter storm were residents of Wisconsin, Illinois and New York. In Oregon, the height of the snow cover exceeded the record recorded in 1943. In North Dakota, the minimum air temperature reached -32 degrees, and in the city of Grand Forks, the thermometer could even drop to -46°C.
-Very usual news for the hottest days on Earth, the more snow falls, warmer it gets🤭.
The msm must already be going into a depression, as they are not finding many cities melting and the maximum temps do not pass 25°C soon…
Funny how the owners of blogs like this usually live in a warm country.Afraid of a bit of frost nibbling at your feet? Here in western europe we call it winter.The last real big cold outbreak was in 2013,not a few years ago like many would like you to believe.This winter didn’t have a single day where the temp stayed below zero all day.Winters here used to have much more real cold outbreaks,this one incoming isn’t one of them.
5AM ‘ere it’s 22F. Ave is 35F and the record was last year,18F. Last night’s low was 20F, Snow storm forecast to start in 12 hours for 12 hours.
More large solar flares yesterday, another big quake Kamchatka and the volcanos are still going off there:—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,65.201,-163.389,4,i:pressure,m:fciakMT
NH barometrics have gone wild, a large low pressure N of Bering St Alaska, and a large low pressure over Greenland. The high pressure that was off west coast US moved to center Pacific. High pressure over Scotland and six low pressure cells along N EU and Russia.,70.110,-93.164,3,i:pressure,m:fOEad5f
The 10 day new snow forecast for the west coast USA has gone wild. Three feet of new snow forecast on the ocean beaches of N Cali and S Oregon. Five feet on the hills? Entire NW snowed in, mountains in Cali into Mexico. Supply lines shut.—add-more-layers/overlays?snowAccu,next10d,44.980,-119.531,5,i:pressure,m:ePoacH1
The snow goes coast to coast, not just the west and Greenland has twelve feet forecast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two CMEs inbound riding a solar wind stream from a direct facing coronal hole. Brace for impact.
Global D chart gone wild. The giant low pressure area is above Svalbard now and a hurricane is of S of Greenland 100mph.—add-more-layers/overlays?pressure,70.110,11.953,3,i:pressure,m:e5Uae4H
Yesterday in Val Quentin Alberta it was -31 C. Last week it was +6 in the daytime and tomorrow it looks warm again. I love these polar outbreaks. It keeps the daily walks interesting.
Love your work Cap and your spirit!
We all know whats coming.
I have read with interest the articles on here for a few months now.
Unfortunately I have failed to see any significant cold/snowfall in the UK.
No more than any winters of my 40+ years of winters, in-fact by comparison actually nothing to really shout about at all.
I’m not at all doubting the articles highlighting varying degrees of climate change across the world due to multiple reasons which are not mentioned in the MSM. However, I think if the UK does not see any of this very extreme weather being reported or physically happen here most general public have absolutely no idea.
Sixteen inches of snow in nine hours today at Mt Hood Oregon USA, and it’s still a white out.