South America’s Antarctic Blast Pushes North, Sending Temps Crashing Into The Tropics; “Severe Summer Snowfall” Causes Mass Livestock Deaths In N. India And Pakistan; Record August Chills Sweep Morocco; + Rare Summer Freeze Strikes Iceland
South America’s Antarctic Blast Pushes North, Sending Temps Crashing Into The Tropics
Argentina has been suffering an exceptionally cold and snowy 2022.
The nation saw its coldest autumn (March-April-May) since 1976 earlier in the year; witnessed its coldest month of June in two decades; suffered a frigid July with historic snowstorms; with similarly fierce storms returning in August (this week, in fact).
Unfortunately for Argentina–and for the South American continent as a whole–the injection of polar cold is now pushing north, forecast to drive into the tropics over the coming days and threaten Brazil’s key “safrinha” crop from which 70% of the nation’s corn is produced.
A mass of Antarctic air began buffeting the region Thursday, according to Brazil’s National Institute of Meteorology (INMET); and by Friday, harsh frosts are forecast to ravage Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and Parana–among other locales.
During the past two decades, Brazilian farmers have gotten used to “double-cropping” soybeans and corn. Double-cropping has seen the country use its unique climate to increase annual yields, and is the main reason Brazil has risen to become the main competitor to U.S. exports for both crops.
However, the window is tight; and as you’d expect, the Grand Solar Minimum looks to be closing that window.
Like most tropical locales, Brazil has a distinct wet and dry season. Over the past few decades, the wet season has lasted roughly September to May, allowing a good soybean crop in the spring and summer, followed by a good front-half to the corn season before turning drier.
However, if the season does not go as planned–for any reason–catastrophe can easily strike. This is the threat posed this year, and was the reality last year after numerous record-breaking freezes hammered key growing regions leaving soybean, corn, sugarcane and coffee crops all decimated in their wake:
It was noted that Brazil’s coffee crops will take years to recover from 2021’s big freeze, and now many of these same regions are about to be hit again. Below is a look at the Antarctic outbreak set to move in, according to the latest GFS run:

And looking further ahead, another blast is set to push north as the calendar nears September:

The planet is cooler than they’d have you believe
Below are the temperature anomalies for today, August 19, according to the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine.
Clear to see, but I’ll spell it out anyway, Earth is not suffering some CO2-induced bout of terrifying terra firma broiling, quite the opposite, in fact: the planet is COOLING, and has been since 2016.
Today’s global average temperature–if such a thing can even be measured–OFFICIALLY stands at just 0.1C above the 1979-2000 base:
I believe that the elites know full well that time is ticking on their anthropogenic global warming narrative (scam). Just look at the additional ‘catastrophes’ they’ve thrown at us over the past few years. All have been exaggerated, if not completely fabricated, and all just so happened to result more and more government intervention and overreach.
One even resulted in a mandated experimental gene therapy: no jab, no job, which, no matter how you look at it, is a troubling road to willingly trot down. Those who backed the mandates should be utterly ashamed of themselves; those who implemented the policy ought be imprisoned.
Looking ahead, it doesn’t take a crystal ball to project what’s next: Economic melt down (perhaps preceded by a melt up) with global food and energy shortages, i.e. famine.
Be sure to work yourself and your loved ones into a position whereby you can resist their digital IDs and CBDCs when they’re dangled in front of you during the depths of this coming economic misery. Despite the rhetoric and compelling marketing campaign, these measures will not be your savoir to the hell that they themselves would have instigated with their ill-conceived climate policies and total annihilation of the global supply chain–most notably crop inputs (fertilizers, and the like).
I’ll say it again: Resist. Resist. Resist. Don’t let them buy you when you’re down.
“Severe Summer Snowfall” Drives Mass Livestock Death In Northern India And Pakistan
One I missed from June–thank you to a reader for pointing it out: Every spring, some 300,000 livestock are herded up to Kashmir’s Neelum valley to graze on the abundance of summer. This year, however, herders were met by severe summer snow.
In late-June, 4 feet of snow accumulated across the Neelum Valley, killing thousands of livestock–mainly goats.
“We lost 107 goats due to the June snowfall”, said one herder from Mansehra, in Pakistan, who, along with two fellow farmers walked their 650 goats and sheep some 200km to the pastures at Ratti Galli in the Neelum Valley.
“We were not expecting snowfall, nor was there any prior warning,” said the herder.
Another herder with 1,025 sheep and goats lost 240 animals, mostly goats, to the summer snow. But as well as the cold and snow itself, the inclement conditions brought other unseasonal dangers: “Some of our goats were killed by local bears that normally stay on top of the mountains but come down during winter snowfalls,” he said.
The snowfall swept both Northern Indian and Pakistan.
On the Indian side, the pastures and valleys around Marsar Lake in south Kashmir provide a summer refuge for almost two million sheep belonging to 70,000 farmers, according to data compiled by the region’s sheep husbandry department.
This year, however, the usually safe summer refuge was hit by rare blizzards that brought heavy losses to the herders. It snowed constantly between 19 and 22 June, coating the lush green meadows with a layer of snow some 3 feet deep, according to the shepherds — an incident that the administration of Jammu and Kashmir declared a State Specific Natural Disaster.
“I have lived all the summers of my life in these mountains. It had never happened before, that it would snow in June,” said herder Assadulla Chopan, who had traveled to the pasture with his 1,600-strong flock of sheep in early-June.
“I felt my hour of death had come,” recalled Chopan. “I prayed for forgiveness and thought this is how my life is going to end.”
Chopan lost 100 sheep to the storm — many died from the cold, while others fell off a cliff as they tried to escape the icy winds.
After an official count, at least 7,000 sheep perished in the snowstorm, with many more goats lost.
As always, and no matter the climatic phenomenon, the establishment returns to the same old dogma: Global Warming. Completely ignoring the fact that, 1) the sun is experiencing its lowest activity for 200 years (since the Dalton Minimum), and 2) the impact such a decrease in solar output has on the Earth’s jet streams as well as other climatological forcings.
“We are in the midst of a severe climate crisis,” said Irfan Rashid, assistant professor at the University of Kashmir’s Department of Geo-Informatics. “[Climate change] will expose mountain communities and infrastructure to such unheard-of-in-the-past events,” he continued. “This is getting out of control.”
Fear and superstition are clearly rife, even in academic fields.
We humans may have made stupendous technological advances and improved living standards dramatically, but our brains are wired just as they were tens of thousands of years ago, and beyond, when we would offer-up sacrificial virgins to the Gods in the hope of receiving good growing conditions in return. And so, like the sheep of the Neelum valley we humans are just as easily led, only not but the promise of lush meadows–although metaphorically, perhaps–but by fantastical tales of existential threat and mortality.
Sardar Sarfraz, a meteorologist at the Pakistan Meteorological Department, predictably echos Rashid’s sentiments: “We haven’t seen or heard of snow falling in June before … We can link it to climate change because it is a rare phenomenon”–a baffling run of logic there, one that the ‘face-palm’ emoji was surely created for. What a baseless pile of claptrap. And simultaneously, what a perfect summation of today’s cLiMaTe ScIeNcE: “I can’t explain what just happened, so it must be caused by today’s boogeyman”.
Sardar Muhammad Rafiq, director of the Pakistan’s Environment Protection Agency, believes “It would be too early to say this snowfall is a climate change phenomenon. We would call it climate change only if it repeats next year.” 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
Herders such as Chopan haven’t been made aware of “global warming” or the “climate crisis”, yet their explanation for why this summer’s unprecedented snow rings similarly superstitious bells. The herders find refuge in their faith, rather than in the science: “There is a shrine in these mountains and its custodian these days is not a good man, that is why this happened,” said Chopan of this summer’s deadly blizzards.
Record-Breaking August Chills Sweep Morocco
Summer chills have swept Morocco this week.
With a low of 11.2C (52.2F) at Rabat Airport, August’s minimum temperature benchmark has been busted.
And looking a little north, parts of Europe have swung from hot to cold, record winds have been noted in Corica, while very cool conditions have been felt in both Northern Spain and Italy, with temperature records challenged.
Portugal, too–where I’m based–has experienced a sharp cool-down. Earlier in the week, daily highs wee limited to 27C (80F) in many low-lying central regions (colder across the mountainous regions, of course) — that’s some 8C below the seasonal norm.
Rare Summer Freeze Strikes Iceland
Cold and snowy weather has prevailed in Iceland this summer.
This week, minimums reached -4.4C (24.1F) in inhabited areas, and -10.3C (13.5F) on the top of the glacier (at 1690m).
According to the official data, 22% of inhabited area stations have recorded freezing lows of late — an incredibly rare feat for mid-August.
Moreover, Iceland’s cold and cloudy summer has led to well-below average glacier melt (similar to what we’re seeing on Greenland), which could translate to a net mass balance GAIN (see below).
Persistent snowfall has been noted in June, July AND August as Earth edges ever-nearer to its next Grand Solar Minimum.
The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).
Social Media channels are restricting Electroverse’s reach: Twitter are purging followers, while Facebook are labeling posts as “false” and have slapped-on crippling page restrictions. And most recently, the CCDH stripped the website of its ability to advertise with Google.
So, be sure to subscribe to receive new post notifications by email. And also consider becoming a Patron or donating via Paypal (button located in the sidebar >>> or scroll down if on mobile). The site receives ZERO funding, and never has.
Any way you can, help me spread the message so others can survive and thrive in the coming times.
“Let’s find someone to blame!”
I hope they don’t burn that poor custodian of the shrine at the stake. It is this very human desire to find someone to blame that the PTB have tapped into, in convincing so many people that we are to blame for screwing up the climate.
This is just a back-handed way of exerting control over events, by claiming that some human is responsible. I guess it’s just too scary to contemplate that some things are out of our hands.
I suppose that a lot of people would rather take the blame for something than acknowledge that they are at the mercy of impersonal forces. But better yet, let’s blame the other guy!
Wind generation equipment. When you drive from Dallas, Texas to El Paso one can marvel at the expanse of the wind farms. As plentiful as blades of lawn grass. It used to give me bubbles to see them. Now after diving into, and understanding the cold weather threat we face compliments of the approaching GSM,
they appear more like toys and tombstone 🪦.
If we are fortunate enough to get rid of the Democrats from our chambers of government a real scientific study and discussion on climate should begin. One taking into consideration the approaching grand minimum. We just may be out of time and out of money thanks to greedy government politicians.
In the USA it is common to see a cross or other religious monuments at the sight of a fatal highway accident. They do serve as a reminder that things can go terribly bad at any moment. Too bad we can’t do the same for wind generation equipment. A nice cross of Star of David painted on the main Stanton where everyone can see the mounting death toll.
Now the windmills are tilting at Don Quixote.
My comment is that I don’t get any of the pics.
Well Said Deb,
Thank you, Dallas.
See how nice I’m being? I must be growing spiritually.
… and horizontally.
Thank you, dear, for answering my question about whether you were pushing my buttons on purpose or not. Guilt flies out the window!
Interesting Deb!
Someone making it look like it is me Dallas by posting anonymously.
I see how nice you are Being!!!
Remember on the Be-Do-Have cycle the middle part, the ACTION that connects the Spiritual to the Material can be slanted in either direction –
good deeds to enhance your Beingness (spiritually), or towards increasing your Havingness – material possessions (horizontally(!!
Have a good day!
Dallas Who?
And Winston, you pig, don’t think you’re off the hook with that horizontal comment!
And Monsier le Cochon, don’t think you’re off the hook with that horizontal comment!
Oops! Oh dear.
… lol… Dallas who?.. obviously Dallas another nice non-secular eunuch…. I see how nice you are Being!!! [two birds of a feather, both “nice” and both providing clown world comic relief glurge] Nice.
Too bad visitors of this site cant post charts here to debunk some of these claims.
Tell that to John Steinbeck
Do you have a link to any weather balloon data?
The tribes Medicine man has always been able to scare the subjects and blame them for the bad weather and the gods anger.
Medicine men ware just the first politicians and lobbyists.
History rhymes
“The Idiots Will Go To The Slaughterhouse On Their Own” – Jacques Attali (1981)
Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human-machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to run intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine! [the free vaxx/food/water/EMF/MSM poisons/disinfo (like the cheese in the mouse trap) are the self selective tool(s) for extermination and IQ test]
We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.
We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the [final] solution.
The selection [set up] of idiots will thus be done [by us globalists] on its own:they will go to the slaughterhouse [by their own signed consent] on their own.” (The Future of Life) – Michel Salomon interviews with Jacques Attali (1981)
CharlesGaltonDarwin The Next Million Years How to Kill Off Excess Population 1953.pdf
The Medicine Men and Witch Doctors/Nurses and Clergy and Politicians and MSM and socialist progressive woke socialists/feminists are merely the “tools” being used, conned, coerced, bribed to get the job done by the globalist ranchers. Eugenics works… and it’s OK.
Shaka Zulu and the witch doctors – Shaka figured it out over 200 years ago and got shed of the tribal witch doctors – “fixed” the religious woo-mongers and fixed the “problem”.
Only victims are “at the mercy of impersonal forces”… keep cranking on the preps and don’t let the dirty buggers or woo-fear monger witches getcha down. Avoid the poisons, avoid the traps, make preps and stay prickly.
Chapter 7 – Off-grid solar photovoltaic systems (good chapter, charts, graphs)
Solar has become way less expensive and high tech/efficient now compared to just a few years ago. Literally placed just only 2 ea. x 400W panels on a south facing corrugated steel roof (with a short bottom strip to prevent them from sliding off), with a 60A MPPT solar charge controller – keeps batteries charged full up and easily runs (from 120V AC inverter) more than a few freezers/fridges, computer, water well pumps etc. for 5 hrs/day. Getting two more panels and that’s it (unless of course the “real” SHTF takes longer to come – which it usually does fortunately… for at least 16 years now). Keep those batteries right topped up to make ’em last. Beware though, solar’s kinda’ addictive once you get started.
PDF downloadable:
Then too, it was just this month that no less than Henry Kissinger told a media outlet that “things will escalate in mid-August.” Here we are.
I run all this past you so you can get a small glimpse into the info pouring in to me, and how hard it is to sift through apparently unrelated things, to come up with a picture of what might actually be. (check recent headlines)
Situation Update, Aug 19, 2022 – Powerful corporations preparing for imminent economic DEVASTATION event
Mitchell Henderson
Erica Khan
Cap, Your message would be greatly strengthened if you could resist the urge to proselytise. Few who read you will have the means of change which you advocate; others will be sick of the “lifestyle” message and will therefore discount the essential climatic message; and many will see you only as a self-deceiving loony who thinks that a move to Portugal is a move to “safety”.
I had little means of change when I took the leap.
I feel time is running out, and want to help people escape, or at least prep, before it’s too late.
I do take your point, though — I try and refrain from preaching.
And I’ll attempt a more subtle approach in future.
Make a firm decision to prepare, the means show up!
The universe complies!
There is no escape. We’re riding this one out and down together for as long as you have enough logos, energy and electricity to run the Electroverse Amigo. You have very few peers at your full spectrum level of situational awareness so hold your course Cap’n Quix Draw… subtle is for the easily offended woke [Sunstroke Sam] munchkin eunuchs and their GFs. Cheers.
Can we not call this grand criminal conspirators “elites”, that’s the euphemism they have coined for themselves to be used by their controlled mouth pieces like Alex Jones.
Speaking correctly matters. Thinking of them as elites, makes you succumb to them, why would anyone fight their elites? They can’t be beaten, it’s above your means.
More correction; “experimental gene therapy”. For that genetic sabotage bioshot to be called therapeutic, it needs have healing properties, not damaging. And do you really think it’s experimental? You believe that nonsense? They clearly have experimented for decades, they know the outcome more or less. The wording, experimental is strictly for liability protection, not because it’s an actual experiment and they’re looking for feedback, they are covering their own behinds, that’s all.
I have always wanted to count to a gatrillion but I lost a toe when I was little.
“Sewer rat criminals” could be a better name for the sewer rat criminals.
This here is worth a squizz, published yesterday.
Jolly good then.
To Mystic . The bird killing wind turbines contain large anounts of BPA ( Biphenol A ) in the epoxy . . This is linked to approx 80 serious diseases , including many cancers . As the blades deteriorate over their lifetime , small amounts of BPA end up in the surrounding terrain . 1 kg of BPA will pollute 10 Billion litres of water according to the EPA . The blades also contain the carcinogens Isocyanates in the polyurethane . Imagine the water table when these blades are cut up and buried ? Why aren’t the Greenoies screaming ? Oh that’s right , they are bind hypocrits wallowing in their ideological brain washing ! I forgot .
Those blade over the ocean have an unexpected unplanned for shorter life span than those on land as the salt particles in the air degrade the blades faster. So maintenance is more costly, having to replace the blades quicker.
Of course, the BPA will go in the ocean.
I contend the blades need to be incinerated!
Being a naive non academic this model is a stunningly 95+% accurate .
This article is unretracted I think because the math is bullet proof.
Here’s a counter argument but I’m
Zharkova’s solar model, noting that it was created based on just 35 years of data and fails to accurately reproduce past solar activity.
Huh? The model goes back 800 yrs.
Well I’m betting on Zharkova.
I live here (Curitiba) in the south of Brazil, it is necessary to correct: there was little ‘granular’ snow in high mountains, nothing to accumulate. Brazil is a big country, we had a hotter July and now a cold August, some crops will have losses, yes, it may not even interfere with coffee. Today with a record -12.8°C on the grass even in the ‘Serra Catarinense’, the cold will reduce in 2…3 days, general frosts in the 3 southern states, but the detail is the absence of heat, the max temps of 10… 12°C. There are only small home heaters, there is no public heating system, indoors today the max temps was 10°C still cloudy and windy for about 3 days, spring will likely be cold.
Updated today record (in grass): -13°C
Menor temps in the year in SC: -9,7°C Bom Jardim da Serra.
Always they claim that we’re in the hottest year of the Earth🙄🤦♂️
And yet – here on the North West coast of Ireland we have had one of the best summers in the last 19 year. The last really good on was 20 years ago. I blame it on climate change 😉
I think we need to sacrifice some virgins to make sure we have another good summer next year, oh wait, how about sacrificing some politicians instead?