Sydney’s Longest Spell Of Days Below 30C In 140-Years; Coldest Start To A Year Since 1982 In São Paulo, Brazil; + Historic Snow In Western U.S. Helps Drive Northern Hemisphere Snow Mass *Further* Above 1982-2012 Average
Sydney’s Longest Spell Of Days Below 30C In 140-Years
It was a cold 2022 across Australia, with many daily, monthly and even all-time records felled — 2023 has started in the same chilly vein.
Sydney is on the verge of recording its longest spell of days below 30 degrees Celsius (86F) in 140 years, since 1883.
The Harbour City has warmed since its pre-Christmas record cold spell, but Tuesday’s maximum of 26.6C at Observatory Hill marked the 323rd consecutive day under 30C — already the longest stretch in three decades.
And with daily highs forecast to remain comfortably below 30C for the remainder of the week, the run of sub-30C days will be extended to at least 327 — the most since the all-time record of 339 days set in 1883 (the onset of The Centennial Minimum).
Even Australia’s warm-mongering network, ABC, is struggling to obfuscate-away from this influx of persistent, record-breaking cold: A rare year without ‘hot’ weather, is their compromise, adding: Considering Sydney’s weather station averages 15.2 days above 30C each year, to record nearly an entire year without reaching 30C is exceptionally rare.
But they then immediately spoil things with this agenda-driving drivel: What makes this run even more irregular is in a global warming world the number of days where the temperature reaches 30C has been increasing during recent decades.
ABC spends the opening paragraphs relaying the data, but then devotes much of the rest of the article to ‘damage limitation’.
The data doesn’t lie, though:
Sydney’s last 30C was on Feb 21, 2022, and throughout all of 2022, the city failed to log even a single day above the Bureau of Meteorology’s threshold for what it considers a “hot” day, which for non-tropical coastal regions is 32C (89.6F).
This means that the great and sprawling metropolis that is Sydney, with its strong urban heat island effect, has not officially been “hot” in over a year now, with 2022 the first year since records began (1859) to hold below that BoM threshold (32C).
As the below graph reveals, the number of days above 30C in Sydney has been in free-fall since 2019:
Even that all-time 1883 record of 339 days of <30C is under threat, as eastern Australia isn’t forecast much in the way of ‘heat’ into the month of February: Sydney: A year without a summer…?
Coldest Start To A Year Since 1982 In São Paulo, Brazil
Brazil has been another country to suffer anomalous chills in recent months.
Most recently, between Jan 1 to Jan 8, São Paulo –one of the world’s most populated cities– logged a maximum-average of just 24C (75.2F), which, according to Brazil’s National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet), is the coolest start to a year since 1982’s 23.7C (74.7F).
For reference, the city’s historical average for the month of January is 28.6C (83.5F).
Inmet is keen to ‘blame’ this anomalous cooling on an abundance of cloud cover, which is fine and makes logical sense.
My issue, however, is that every explanation for cooling always turns out to have a natural cause, whereas every explanation for heat is carefully framed within the ‘global warming’ narrative–at least where the MSM is concerned: A string of anomalously hot days would never be explained by a lack of cloud over, for example, which, curiously, is a reality recently observed in the UK:
Returning to São Paulo, just 36 minutes of sunshine was logged between Jan 5 and Jan 8.
According to the city’s Climate Emergency Management Center (CGE) –-I didn’t know such a waste of time, effort and money existed– the average temperature on Monday, Jan 9 was just 20.2C, although temperatures are set to “gradually rise [over the coming days],” according to the CGE), “with heavy rain showers … returning from the second half of January”.
Historic Snow In Western U.S. Helps Drive Northern Hemisphere Snow Mass *Further* Above 1982-2012 Average
Additional major storm systems are pounding California, Nevada and other western states.
At California’s Mammoth Mountain main lodge, snow removal crews were dealing with three feet of fresh snow on Jan 10, which comes hot on the heels of the historic dumpings seen at the turn of the year.
Despite the blizzard-like conditions, Bill Benkwitt, who has been skiing these slopes for 50-years, was out.
“This is the most intense, longest-lasting snow I’ve ever seen,” said Benkwitt. “I mean it’s incredible, so God knows how much will be here by tomorrow.”
Tuesday morning’s additional three feet saw Mammoth pause its operations.
“We’ve been able to be open for the last few weeks but today we decided to close for the safety of our guests and employees,” Mammoth Mountain Communication Director Lauren Burke told CBS 8.
The amount of snow that has already fallen this year is staggering.
“Since we opened November 5th, we have received about 315 inches of snow, already surpassing last year’s numbers,” added Burke.
2010/11’s all-time record for snow (668.5 inches) is on course to be challenged.
“There’s a lot of big snowfall months ahead of us so this could be a record-breaking season. Definitely, a record-breaking 30 days, that’s for sure,” concluded Burke.
Looking at California’s statewide snowpack, the best start to a season in 40-years is marching on.
As of Monday, the snow water equivalent increased to 199% of normal for the date, according to the California Department of Water Resources. However, ‘water experts’ are reluctant to signal too much optimism, because, I don’t know, ‘fear is sexy’?
“It’s great that we’ve been getting these storms, but we really can’t predict how long this will keep up,” Jeanine Jones, Interstate Resources Manager at DWR, told KTLA.
Jones added that the series of drenching storms might be too much of a good thing.
“We’re happy that we’re getting snowpack and we’re happy that we’re getting these storms. But we would like them to be suitably spaced out so we’re not having the flood risk,” she whined.
The forecast for the coming days and weeks is looking very snowy along the crucial Colorado River basins — Southern California’s primary source of drinking water.
Snow water equivalent in the Rockies is generally tracking similarly to that of Calis.
As it is in Utah, where state water experts there have said, “We’re about as wet as we can get.”
All of Utah’s basins are sitting at 150% of normal, with statewide snowpack climbing to 176%.
“It’s really positive,” said Jordan Clayton, supervisor of the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Utah Snow Survey. “This is the fifth best start in our year for water supply in the period we’ve had records,” he added.

North America’s snow is helping push Total snow mass For the Northern Hemisphere’s further above the 1982-2012 average:
December Temperature Data Is In
As we’re in the U.S., the official temperature data for December is in, courtesy of NOAA.
The final month of 2022 across the Lower 48 averaged-out at 33.28F, which is 1.06F below the multidecadal norm.
This continues December’s ‘non-trend’ even in propagandizing, UHI-ignoring datasets extending back to 1895:

Also, the year 2022 as a whole –again according to our friendly warm-mongering government agencies– finished with an average temperature of 53.40F. This puts it 18th in the list of warmest year on record and 0.12F above the multidecadal norm.
NOAA writes that 2022 ranks “in the warmest third of the record” — I guess ’18th’ wasn’t juicy enough for them.
It remains a mystery how the warmists have been convinced that Earth is heating in oblivion.
The power of propaganda, I suppose; the blind acceptance of trusting, compliant sacks of meat and bones.
Accept your experimental jab-jab-jab, the telescreens instructed, without questions; and while you’re at it, willingly accept a drastically lower living standard, and all, you know, for the sake of lineally and exponentially rising global temperatures:
The sheep are walking us all over the cliff.
Personal experience, from europe no subzero temperatures, no snow, even the ski resorts are closed.
AGW is real, sadly.
Look at Russia and Siberia, the far larger land mass.
Also the last summer here in Europe was hot as hell they wont listen to you here tho.
What city are you discussing?
Northern Spain, near France, almost everyday from June to late September above 35C, when It used to be no more than 10 days with that temperatures in all summer.
Also October was the hottest on record.
Sadly, they seem to be right on this one.
Europe is 6.8% of Earth’s surface land area. How about all those cold records across the remaining 93.2%.?
I’m afraid the regular egocentric European goes around with their head in a tin can,
Despite that warmest ‘ever’ 31 december, the average temp for december was 0,1°C colder than de multidecadel norm in Belgium. I expect it wad the same in Germany?
If this is AGW than I am loving it. Everyday is a pow day I can hardly get any work done. Now that I know the secret formula,CO2 = powdays, I plan idle my truck in the driveway all summer!
You haven’t read anything Alon has written have YOU?
Read this and learn…
What you are doing is confusing weather with climate. A trick so often used by the alarmists to instill fear and further their agenda.
Europe is a very small area at 10million sq Km compared to Russias 17million sq Km.
Also, climate isn’t measured in one small area over a short time. Take USA, same size as europe but just before Christmas had heavy snow fall and sub zero temperatures.Europe
In the summer one day in the U.K. over 40°C (measured at Heathrow urban heat island) and we’re in the throws of extreme climate catastrophe.
But the 2 weeks extreme cold in early December and nada!
If you are truly open to being convinced read Tony Heller at Where govts have changed historical records, TH gets historical newspaper clippings with true weather/climate data
The warming part is real. Not the ‘artificial’ part
Despite that warmest ‘ever’ 31 december, the average temp for december was 0,1°C colder than the multidecadal norm in Belgium. I expect it was the same in Germany?
OK, Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the graph for Sydney:
Accuweather Daily Predictions on a monthly basis –
One needs to watch what happens on the 15th & 18th to see if the
heat prevails! The graphs go all the way to April. Amazing few warm days predicted. See for yourself.
Now in SW Florida it is Unprecedented cold here!!
The Sky Temp taken with my Infrared Temp Gun back on the 7th of Jan 2023 dropped from the 30 F & above into the Minus F range with a -3 F. It has been at 3 plus or below since then with lows at
Minus -15 F and today Minus 18 – F. Per last year this cold is starting a week early. But then in 2022 there is NO string of cold days like this!!! A continuous string of 4 cold days did NOT occur until the 29 Jan 2022 dropping to a jaw opening surprise
of Minus -54 F. Surface temps dropped to 24 F that day, a very hard freeze for us two days in a row.
These cold days occur with Cloudless Skys allowing the Black Body of the sky to absorb heat at night. I find the Sky temp reading to be an indication of the relative humidity, with cloud cover and fog normally reading high. So cloudless skies can promote cold, and also promoting heat during the day such as occurs in deserts!
That’s my take on facts, temps taken here locally for years, and my opinion on those facts.
Note: Jan 2021 Temps Missing from record! During the Texas Freeze of 14 Feb 2021 temps here 70 F more or less. Sky Temps
started the next month 09 March 2021 with a couple of below zero F. readings then jumping to 10 F to 60 F for the month, mainly below freezing 32 F.
No freezes Jan 2020, one day at 35 F, one day 42 F.
These temps are taken pre-dawn around 3-5 AM to avoid sun heating effects & cloud cooling effects during the daytime.
“Don’t underestimate the threat this fast-approaching winter poses. Frosts are already on course to grip Europe’s crumbling powerhouse, Germany, as early as next week, and there is no Russian gas –that’s zero– to help fend off the freeze.”
Excerpt from september 2022.
LMFAO now lol
What you are doing is confusing weather with climate. A trick so often used by the alarmists to instill fear and further their agenda.
Europe is a very small area at 10million sq Km compared to Russias 17million sq Km.
Also, climate isn’t measured in one small area over a short time. Take USA, same size as europe but just before Christmas had heavy snow fall and sub zero temperatures.Europe
In the summer one day in the U.K. over 40°C (measured at Heathrow urban heat island) and we’re in the throws of extreme climate catastrophe.
But the 2 weeks extreme cold in early December and nada!
If you are truly open to being convinced read Tony Heller at Where govts have changed historical records, TH gets historical newspaper clippings with true weather/climate data
I am surrounded by cognitive dissonance people, AGW pushers, those who live in their own self-imposed trances, those who cannot think themselves out of a paper bag. Fact for me: Where I live, it is cold in the mornings, for the next few days wake up to 20 degrees to 25 degrees F. There were 700 + people who froze to death in Texas. It should be a criminal offense to erase the true temperature records and make the state look as if it was warm. I also just learned that natural gas stoves will be removed as some states are now going to begin to remove those stoves (cooking stoves) from service and prevent them from being sold. They evidently do not teach botany or biology in schools anymore. CO2 is necessary for ALL green plants anyway. Those who grow marijuana install CO2 generators to INCREASE the CO2 in their greenhouses. But facts do not matter to liars, the AGW crowd. The government narrative is jabs are safe, and the world is going to burn up. That narrative is another tax on us. Solar and wind cannot produce enough electricity when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine. I have a picture ‘of a CAT 994H. It burns 1800 gallons of fuel in a 12 hour shift. This machine is required to remove 500,000 pounds of earth to get the minerals necessary for ONE single Tesla car battery. In what world does this type of math and green new deal make sense?
OH: New York City garbage trucks cannot plow snow like their diesel forerunners do. TACT. the batteries cannot go for more than 4 hours due to cold and cannot get the strength to move carry garbage plus plow snow. YUP! that actually was on the news.
Love your insights & input, equally because of it’s honesty & sarcasm! Keep waking the ‘woke’ my friend! Baby shake ’em if you have to! 😃
The BBC had an article on global warming open for comments, and one of the raving warmists who posts as DaveTel posted that Australia had seen record floods and heat and gave a link to a Guardian article to which my reply was:
DaveTel “Australia still had a record year for…heat!”
20th hottest is hardly “record” heat is it? And if all the hottest years are, as claimed, the last 20 years, that means it was the COLDEST it has been in Greta’s Thunberg’s ENTIRE LIFE.
So stop panicking.
Today in the ‘news’ : ‘Blood research under 400+ women suggest that climate causes genetic changes and serious illnesses’. 💉💉💉
And : ‘Rise in heart disease may be explained by extreme weather conditions: study’. 💉💉💉
And : ‘Children get asthma from gas stoves’.
Indeed, the sheeple are walking us all over the cliff.
The forecast for Sydney is for continuing cool weather , so I expect that by Jan 27 we will see a new all time record for number of days below 30 degrees C .
So now in NSW we have seen floods when the alarmists predicted drier hotter weather due to global warming , and we are now setting a record for a total lack of hot temperatures in Australia’s biggest city.
Their predictions of increasing temps and 50 degree maximums in our cities is failing miserably.
How long will it be before people wake up and accept that they have been mislead ?
Mammoth Mountain has + 35 feet of snow up there and if an earthquake (courtesy .50 cal) that would be a disaster of massive proportions!
Millions of tons suddenly moving all at once would cause a shift in the Earth’s weight/balance and then…well you can imagine.
Glad I live over 1800 miles away…but it may shake the Madrid loose and than…Head for the hills…well if they are still standing!!!
Another hurricane rolls off Ireland tonight and bashes into Scotland, forty foot monster wind chop over the wheel house. Snow in the forecast down to Africa—add-more-layers/overlays?gust,55.566,-2.593,5,i:pressure—add-more-layers/overlays?pressure,61.711,38.145,4,i:pressure,m:ff8afYb—add-more-layers/overlays?snowAccu,next10d,55.752,31.816,4,i:pressure,m:eF5agoo
17 dead from California hurricanes as of this morning and the next two are giants.—add-more-layers/overlays?pressure,56.023,-136.758,3,i:pressure,m:eQVa8U
The cyclones are being fed directly from volcanos following solar flares because of planets aligning:—add-more-layers/overlays?tcso2,56.023,-136.758,3,i:pressure,m:fbBakzI,-307.26563&extent=81.03862,30.23438&range=month