“Too Much Snow” Closes New Zealand Ski Resort; Rare Cool Down Sweeps UAE And Oman; + Quiet Atlantic Hurricane Season (So Far)
Too Much Snow Closes New Zealand Ski Resort
Ski resorts across the Southern Hemisphere are having a ‘great season’ with ‘massive snowstorms dumping feet of snow on the mountains’, reports snowbrains.com.
The New Zealand ski season has been one for the record books, according to unofficialnetworks.com, and a number of ski areas are struggling to stay open with all the new snow.
Mt Lyford Ski Area has been forced to close once again after receiving feet upon feet of record-setting accumulations.
The resort, located near Christchurch on NZ’s South Island, announced the ‘bad news’ on social media:
SORRY. We tried. We are not going to make opening today. There is just too much snow on our road, the visibility is not improving. The lifts also have a good amount of rime ice on them so we will be spending the rest of the day getting everything sorted for a sunny Saturday with plenty of pow.
Of course, such climatic phenomena don’t qualify for mainstream publication, for obvious reasons — they’re cold.
And there are yet more ‘inconveniences’ on the way, too, with 22+ NZ Ski Areas expecting additional heavy flurries over the next 48 hours.
Rare Cool Down Sweeps UAE And Oman
Similarly ignored by the corporate media are the rare cool and rainy days sweeping Oman and the UAE this week.
Yesterday, at 14:45 local time, Al Ain peaked at ‘just’ 28.8C (83.8F) — a full 16C below its July average (44.8C/112.6F).
The rain has extended further west today (July 27) and also northwards into Dubai and Abu Dhabi — nigh-unprecedented for the month of July.
Climate Ignorance
The U.S. may of busted a handful of heat records in recent days, but the situation isn’t anything to write home about–not even close, it’s called ‘summer’. Watching MSM tricksters dupe the masses into becoming fearful of a season is deeply troubling.
The below temperature anomaly map puts things into perspective, just as the U.S. government launches heat.gov: “a website designed to help keep Americans safe from extreme heat.” I note there’s no ‘cold.gov’, which is curious, given that cold, by some calculations, kills 20x more people than heat.
Despite the ‘fiery’ rhetoric, however, much of the CONUS is experiencing temperatures BELOW the climatological average, an anomalous cool down that is forecast to persist into August, and across a high percentage of the North American continent, too:

This wasn’t the case in the past.
On July 25, 1936, Iowa suffered its all-time record high of 117F, set at Atlantic and Logan.
With an overnight low of 84F at both stations, the average temperature for the day finished at a staggering 100.5F.

Picture the furor if such readings were logged today.
Imagine the EOTW headlines and MSM-‘expert’ testifications that ‘this is the end’ and that crippling ‘energy reductions’ and expensive ‘carbon taxes’ are our only hopes to avoid our extinction (there’s always an element of hope, a carrot and stick).
But comparable climate ignorance has been around for as long as man has had to endure ‘weather’. It’s what we do about it that has mellowed somewhat — from sacrificial virgins of days past, to the eradication of a cheap and reliable fuel source today.
The below paragraph is lifted from page 2 of The Topeka Daily Capital, Kansas, dated June 18, 1882:
“Because the majority, perhaps, who belong to this generation have not investigated the subject anterior to their own lives, the belief is prevalent that great storms and cyclones are a new phenomena of nature”.
And on the point of ‘great storms’, where are the Atlantic hurricanes this season? As of July 26 there have been none.
Quiet Atlantic Hurricane Season (So Far)
Back in May, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center predicted an “above-average hurricane activity year”. The agency’s outlook for the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, which extends from June 1 to Nov 30, saw a 65% chance of an above-normal season, a 25% chance of a near-normal season, and a 10% chance of a below-normal season.
NOAA’s predictions, however, are based on a failing global warming narrative that calls for linearly rising temperatures, less snowfall, and increased storms; and as a result, reality routinely proves the agency’s forecasts spectacularly wrong.
For the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane season, NOAA expected as many as 21 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher), of which 10 could become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including as many as 6 major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher).
NOAA provided these ranges with a 70% confidence.
Admittedly, the season is still young with the calendar only just about to flip to August–with early-Aug the historical start of the season; but nevertheless, the 2022 hurricane season is proving a disappointment for the AGW Party, with three named storms registered in the Atlantic basin all year (to July 26), all peaking at tropical storm strength.
By this time in 2005, for example, there had already been 3 major hurricanes, of which 2 had hit in the United States.
Also, four of the past five seasons have seen their first hurricane form in July, with the earliest being Elsa, which formed on July 2, 2021. You have to go back to 2017 to find the last ‘first’ hurricane to develop in August — Hurricane Franklin, on Aug 9.
July 2022 has seen relative tranquility in the tropics, which, according to meteorologists, is thanks to strong winds aloft and dry, dusty air coming off the coast of Africa — high-elevation winds help prevent storms developing into tropical systems, while dust can act as an atmospheric stabilizer.
Traditionally, August brings a subsiding of this Sahara dust; the month also sees environmental conditions across the Atlantic Basin become more conducive for tropical development, with Aug 11 being the average date for the first hurricane (1991-2020).
The month of August, historically, sees two hurricanes develop, while the average first major hurricane –a category 3 or stronger– rarely occurs before Sept 1, which is close to the statistical peak of hurricane season of Sept 10.
La Niña –a cooling of Region 3.4 of the Pacific– is usually a driver for Atlantic hurricanes, and us entering a very rare third a Niña was a factor in NOAA’s ‘above average’ season prediction. But that hasn’t played out as expected, at least not so far — we’re currently on for an ‘average’ Atlantic hurricane season, at best, which NOAA put at a 25% probability.
The Climate Prediction Center is due to update its seasonal outlook in early-August. And although things can turn on a dime, if NOAA honestly interpret the current data then they’ll announce that the outlook for the first half of Aug remains eerily quiet.
General ignorance is bred, often intentionally, through incessant mainstream media propaganda.
CNN director, Charlie Chester, was caught saying as much:
“Like, you can shape an entire people’s perception about anything based on how you do it. Right? Just by forcing a story…”
And regarding ‘climate change’, Chester had this to say, “Pandemic-like stories we’ll beat to death, but that one’s got longevity. You know what I mean? Like there’s a definitive ending to the pandemic. It’ll taper off to a point that it’s not a problem anymore. Climate change can take years, so they’ll [CNN] probably be able to milk that quite a bit.”
Chester concluded, “Be prepared, it’s coming. Climate change is going to be the next COVID thing for CNN. We are going to hone in on it”.
Unfortunately for Chester, the masses are slowly stirring from their formation — more and more Americans are losing trust in the media with each passing day, with each historical story that the present reveals to be false.
This should be seen as a beacon of hope. There is a way to go, clearly, but the momentum is on our side.
The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).
Prepare accordingly — learn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.
Social Media channels are restricting Electroverse’s reach: Twitter are purging followers, while Facebook are labeling posts as “false” and have slapped-on crippling page restrictions. And most recently, the CCDH stripped the website of its ability to advertise with Google.
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Any way you can, help me spread the message so others can survive and thrive in the coming times.
Mt Lyford NZ has almost 3 feet of snow base, almost 4 inches new and almost 2 inches snow forecast in the next ten days. A T bar lift? Hahahahaha.
As one who has a degree in history I always find discussion of meteorological history fascinating. History teaches us that it was much warmer in the past. The 1930’s, the Dust Bowl era, have never been repeated-no matter how much climate alarmists try to hide and/or alter the historical records.
I had a discussion recently with our pastor’s wife who heard somewhere on the mainstream news media that the last two decades have been hotter than the 1930’s. I told her that 24 states set their high temperature records during the 1930’s. And according to a chart I have only 3 states have set their high temperature records since the year 2000.
I also cited to her some statistics I memorized from Tony Heller’s blog. He missed his calling. He would have made a fine historian. These are from the second week of July 1936:
1. Every state reached at least 90 F.
2. 40 states reached at least 100 F.
3. 17 states reached at least 110 F.
4. South Dakota reached 115 F.
5. California reached 120 F (which was not even the state record of 134 set in 1913).
6. In addition our home state of Arkansas set its high temperature record of 120 the following month on August 10, 1936 at Ozark.
I defy anyone to tell me that the US has experienced anything like this in the last 20 years. I hope I convinced the pastor’s wife that she was lied to.
this is well worth watching to see how the bbc brainwash the masses…hear how hannah fry openly admits how they can “bend the world to your will” https://brandnewtube.com/watch/pre-convid-hannah-fry-bending-the-world-to-her-will_bYYtDkb6Az1Ayh2.html
Yeh. I am not real Computer friendly.
My links and logs are tied to Electroverse.net
You send out e-mails, that my computer clicks on taking me to net.
I realize then I goofed, and then – – typically using phone, I try to backspace off the net, and type in the co – – but with my ham sized fingers – I louse it up.
So am asking you when you send out the e-mails – – could you put in an obvious link to the .co site?
ha. You probably already have that, but I have not figured it out yet.
Thanks for your work.
Too Much Snow Closes New Zealand Ski Resort. This is not unusual. You forget to mention though, that much of the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand has been severely flooded in the last few days – months worth of rain in the last 48 hours, and much of the snow was washed out by snow turning to rain (sorry, lost the ref). On the west coast of the South Island the climate has completely collapsed, there has been no relief from the rain in months. Road maintenance crews are not keeping up with the road erosion due to slips, subsidence, wash-outs, not just on the WC but in many parts of NZ. Its been so warm over the winter the grass hasn’t stopped growing, which is unusual. We are starting to see low altitude plants growing further up mountain sides now. We have to stop abusing and exploiting our planet, we need to particularly clean up the air, of all pollutants.
Grammar pedant alert:
‘Flurries’ are light, sporadic snowflakes wafting out of the sky; heavy, fat, incessant, snotting down dumps of snow are exactly that – ‘dumps’.
And the South Island is being ‘dumped’ on, thanks to La Niña and a Tongan volcano and erratic jet streams and, yes, a quiet sun. Which is why I’m living at the OPPOSITE end of the country, as close to the equator as I can get, where it’s warm & sunny & not a ‘flurry’ to be seen.
Also: ‘would of’ – PLEASE! Would have, or, would’ve. Cin cin 🍷
Would’ve seems to have been the word to use, however, the author is, I believe, a person whose first language isn’t English. Thus, he does exceptionally well.
How many languages do you speak Greg?
As a 75yo KIWI, of or have or variants are perfectly are fine with me and I have learnt several languages. Brett Keane
PS : Pedants remain a problem, slightly, everywhere…..Please do something about Putin, though – a real problem.
OOPS, one R too many. Disasterous I am sure. Brett
Until NOAA can factor in a planetary alignment not seen in 2,000 years
(Hello Jesus) I can overwhelmingly give them a 70% Chance of
Being WRONG!!!
2:23 / 10:52
Mini Ice Age 2024 Maths- Its not good news – Milankovitch Cycles