State Of Victoria Suffers Coldest-Ever November Temperature As Polar Outbreak Sweeps Australia; Cold Records Begin Tumbling Across U.S.; + Below-Average Octobers For Caribbean Islands
State Of Victoria Suffers Coldest-Ever November Temperature As Polar Outbreak Sweeps Australia
Australian’s record-breaking polar outbreak is, for many, still refusing to dissipate.
Adding to the slain *monthly* records from earlier in the week –and to the hundreds felled since the commencement of winter– a myriad more were set on both Wednesday and Thursday, including the handful listed below:
The cherry, however, was undoubtedly taken by Mount Hotham with its Wednesday low of -7C (19.4F). According to BoM record keeping, this is the lowest November temperature ever record in the state of Victoria, usurping the -6.8C, also set at Hotham, in 2006.
The anomalous chill has extended into Friday, too, particularly across the Southeast.
Melbourne Centre sank to 7.2C (45F) this morning, with 4.4C (39.9F) logged at the Airport — the coldest readings so late in the season since 1977 (solar minimum of cycle 20).
Cold Records Begin Tumbling Across U.S.
The freeze and blizzards are intensifying across the United States.
Over the past 24-hours (08:00 UTC Nov 17 – 07:00 UTC Nov 18) low temperature benchmarks are beginning to fall/be challenged across the length and breadth of the country, from Washington State to Florida — as visualized by the graphic below:
The heavy, disruptive snow will likely claim the majority of the weather headlines –with 6ft expected in Buffalo (see below tweets)– but the plummeting temps are proving equally noteworthy — they would be considered cold even in the depths of winter, let alone mid-November.
“This is shaping up to be potentially one the most extreme snowstorms in US history.”
As a result, a ‘Winter Storm State Of Emergency’ has been declared.
Wednesday brought America its snowiest Nov 16 on record, and I think it’s fair to assume Friday will bring its snowiest Nov 18.
We’re also waiting on an update of the FMI’s ‘Total snow mass for the Northern Hemisphere‘ chart, which, for the season to date, has posted datapoints above both the 1982-2012 mean and the standard deviation:
Further headaches for the AGW Party; more questions for them to field.

Below-Average Octobers For Caribbean Islands
It was an anomalously-cool October 2022 across the Caribbean.
October in Barbados, for example, had an average temperature of 27.95C (82.3F), which is 0.9C below the multidecadal average.
While in nearby Curacao had an average temperature of 28.2C (82.8C), which is 0.6C below the norm.
My Weekend
Personally, I’m now headed out to begin work on a new animal enclosure, and thin my turnips and carrots.
The collapse is quickening, in my humble opinion — between the record lows and the historic snows, make hay.
The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among many other forcings, including the impending release of the Beaufort Gyre).
Social Media channels are restricting Electroverse’s reach: Twitter are purging followers, while Facebook are labeling posts as “false” and have now locked me out of my account. And most recently, the CCDH stripped the website of its ability to advertise with Google.
So, be sure to subscribe to receive new post notifications by email. And also consider becoming a Patron or donating via Paypal (button located in the sidebar >>> or scroll down if on mobile). The site receives ZERO funding, and never has.
Any way you can, help me spread the message so others can survive and thrive in the coming times.
I am no longer commenting on this site. My last comment was November 11.
Okay Francis.
Now in the Real World of Science…we who listen have prepared for this actual events and we are ready in all WAYS!
Hi Deb,
Can I ask the reason — is it other folk ‘badgering’ you?
to Cap: someone has me confused with Deb. And I do not like that. here it is: John Galts offspring. [aka Deb]
November 17, 2022 at 3:37 pm
@Mystic: You make a lot of sense. That’s what it looks like. Keep on keeping on.
and then the person calling himself “God” was totally nonsense. Your info on snow, etc is valuable.
Sniff… Pookie are you keeping warm enough down there in Missouri? It looks like it’s pretty cold there on the map. Please come back… we’re all missing you already. Screw God, he’s just using a fake “nom de plume”… it’s not really Him you know?
So much for Buffalo being a “climate change haven”. While that might be “true” considering a relative absence of drought or hurricanes or wildfires or anything like that, it’s most certainly not true in terms of massive snowstorms!
On Nov 13 (I think it was) – “Religious Leaders” met on Mt Sinai to write a new “10 Commandments” based on “Climate Justice” – I KID YOU NOT.
Egypt’s Mount Sinai to receive ‘Climate Justice Ten … › 2022 › November › 12
6 days ago — On Monday, Nov. 14 at 9 am, ICSD is organizing an interfaith climate event with religious leaders speaking, in the Israeli exhibition within the …
I think the tracking of snow coverage and quantities along with new low temperatures (and high temperatures) is great. It’s hard for scientists to go back and say, “We adjusted the snow levels as there really wasn’t that much” or “They really didn’t break the low for that day.” Not to say they won’t try.
Hello Cap. With regard to Deb’s frustration, which I fully agree with, I suggest that you implement a published Electroverse Mission Statement which should go a long way to cleansing the comment section of the Warm Earther’s and assorted Crazies’ attempts to disrupt your COMMENT section. Maybe put Deb in charge? It could be placed at the end of each Electroverse post. I suggest you insert it just below the 3rd (last) paragraph; ” The site receives ZERO funding, and never has.” Suggested text would state that Electroverse reserves the right to proofread and approve any and all comments so as to prevent any political or religious proselytizing and more importantly, that any attempts to make a point by slagging other COMMENTS with expletives and capitals will not be published. It’s your’s, not their’s! Maybe use Robert’s Rules? Some of the stuff published so far indicates further research is required into Gonadal Hypothermal Cooling but about 30 degrees C cooler. Also, that same stuff is a good argument for retroactive birth control. Just trying to help here.
Sounds sensible.
Well Cap,
Tired of the off topic comments.
I’ll check back every now and then.
Blessings to you and your family for all you do.
I have written up methane:
I been wondrin what frequencies, (temperatures) mephane absorbs and emits at.
Ultraviolet at 222 nanometers kills them pesky viruses.
A fairly easy to comprehend read.
The main absorption bands for methane largely overlap those of water vapour. Since there are many orders of magnitude more water vapour in the atmosphere than methane it’s likely that these absorption bands are fully saturated, therefore it’s not possible for increasing methane levels to cause warming. It’s just more scientifically illiterate nonsense used as an excuse to push us all into poverty/back to the middle ages.
Thank you, Matt Dalby,.
Victoria has 2 worries at present, cold probably not in the top 2- to get a suitable outcome from the state election now in progress (Vic is the woke State)
2. recovery from extreme flooding in numerous rivers (la nina usually means extra rainfall in eastern Australia but this batch is out of the ordinary)
Wishing you well Deb, Thanks for your concern shown Cap.
The Tonga eruption sent vast quantities of water vapour into the stratosphere.
What goes up must…..
There has been varying reports on the amount released. One suggested 5,000 megatons. A megaton is not a heavy metal rock band but is a cubic kilometer of water.
There has been recent reports of an underwater volcano West of the Mariana Trench. Apparently this volcano has been firing up, off and on, for years.
Of course, there is likely to be other naughty old geothermal activity carrying on between the sheets that we do not know of.
Western North Carolina: Thanks Cap for the warnings of low temps. Stocked up on wood, have a fire now in the wood stove. The off topic remarks are designed to get people to no longer read what is truth coming from you and leave the site. I manage to get through the trash and continue.
If you take a look at this map on Sunday 20th Nov. you will note the airstream on the boundary between the low pressure system and high pressure system is coming off the Antarctica continent and moving that Antarctic air directly on to Victoria, Australia.
Please note the rotations are opposite to NH rotations.
Actually, the whole global weather looks like a dog’s breakfast. It looks like the dog feasted in multiple rubbish bins before vomiting it all back up.
Quite an unusual and unique mess.
WTF is this drivel in the comments?
I’m working on it…
I don’t envy you, boss…!
7 degrees this morning near Madistan, WI. Snow on ground, ice forming on small bodies of water. This what Sconnie and Madistan was like in the 70s. Agree what goes up must come down. Thanks keep up great work. The potato head in chief and his hucksters are truly exploring aerosol release, have the machines already taken over aka Matrix and Terminator. Jeepers creepers
G’day Cap,
Electroverse fell off our radar several weeks ago when daily email updates ceased.
Emails to you received no reply – we assumed that you had been nobbled by the Deep State – apparently not.
Keep it up