Australia’s Coldest Spring In Decades; China’s Record Arctic Outbreak Freezes Livestock, Traps Herders, Kills Road Workers; South Korea Shivers; + Russia/Ukraine Planting Woes
Australia’s Coldest Spring In Decades
Following a colder-than-average winter, Australia has suffered its coldest spring in decades, “a rare feat considering climate change ensures nearly every season is now warmer than normal,” peddles ABC, the nation’s agenda-driving MSM outlet.
Well, that’s two frigid seasons in quick-succession now, ABC — a “rare feat”?
Australia’s daytime highs were especially low, the coldest in 30 years for Melbourne, Adelaide, and Canberra. Brisbane was another to endure an anomalously-nippy spring, after shivering through what was its coldest winter on record.
The precipitation has also proved unprecedented, particularly for the south-east, where flooding is ongoing across the Murray-Darling Basin.
The incessant rains, as well as the record, late-season snows, are tied to cooling in the eastern Pacific Ocean. This climatic setup has resulted in a genuinely rare third La Niña (the second since 1950), and it is feared that this phenomenon won’t abate anytime soon, perhaps lasting 5-10 years, a few decades, “or even a century or longer,” so says UW atmospheric scientist, Robert Wills.
And so it stands, despite the models arrogantly decreeing that it would be El Niño conditions that would be the dominate ENSO setup in an ever-warming world, it is in fact its colder sister La Niña that is winning out — the climate models got it wrong, again.
For more on that:
Exceptionally cloudy conditions —likely exacerbated by low solar activity— kept maximum temperatures well-below the norm.
Melbourne, Adelaide and Canberra saw their average highs for the season pegged back to their lowest levels since 1992.
Likewise in Sydney, the harbor city failed to reach 30C for the first time in three decades. And even more impressively, some western suburbs of Sydney, including Penrith, failed to hit 30C in spring for the first time in recorded history.
Australia’s chilly spring, as well as the cold winter that preceded it, was driven by relentless pulses of polar air escaping the Antarctic ice sheet. These outbreaks, in turn, were the result of a low solar activity-induced ‘meridional’ jet stream flow.
In short, waning solar output reduces the energy entering the jets. This reverts their usual straight ZONAL flow to a weak and wavy MERIDIONAL one. A region’s weather is determined by which ‘side’ of the jet stream it’s on. If it is located ‘above’ (in the NH) then it’s in for a spell of unseasonably cold conditions, as it is open to influxes of Arctic air; while conversely, if the region is ‘under’ the jet stream then it’s set for anomalously hot conditions, being subject to air masses dragged up from the tropics.
For the ‘long version’, click below:
The real world upshots for Australia this spring also included late-spring snow as far north as Central West NSW, an incredibly rare achievement; along with the coldest November on record for many towns, such as Forbes and Ivanhoe.
Moreover, Aussie alpine areas remain snow-covered just a day out from summer:
Global Warming alarmists, you’ve been hoodwinked.
China’s Record Arctic Outbreak Freezes Livestock, Traps Herders, Kills Road Workers
The coldest temperatures since the 1980s have disrupted the seasonal migration of nomadic herders in northwest China’s Xinjiang region.
Over the past week-or-so, an unspecified and growing number of Xinjiang herders have either gone missing or been trapped while herding their livestock. Cattle and sheep have suffered frostbite and many hundreds have reportedly frozen to death as blizzards and temperatures as low as Monday’s record-breaking -48.6C (-55.5F) descended from the north.
More than 20 provincial areas in China are suffering extreme cold this week, which has resulted in Xinjiang’s meteorological agency issuing its first red alert since the deadly cold wave of 2008 (solar minimum of cycle 21).
Herders in Xinjiang, which amount to thousands, move their livestock each season to secure forage. They start their winter migration in November to escape the worst of the freezing conditions of winter, but winter has arrived historically early this year.
Videos show herders and their livestock trapped in fields of ice and snow.
The cold weather casualties extend to construction workers, too.
At least seven workers at a project site in city of Altay are known to have died. The crew, of eight, were said to be returning home after construction was stopped, but were forced to walk the final 500m (1640ft) after their car become trapped.
The blizzard and sub-zero lows saw seven of the eight perish, with the survivor taken to hospital.
Officials in the Altay Prefecture rescue teams have been sent to the stranded herders up north, but their efforts are being hindered by the cold and, in particular, the snow. Warnings for snowstorms remain in place, with Shawan city –serving as just one example– suffering its deepest and most-expansive late-November snow cover since 1955.
Hundreds of livestock are known to have perished in neighboring Kazakhstan and Mongolia, too (those nations’ herders also often share the Xinjiang grasslands with their Chinese counterparts).
South Korea Shivers
A nationwide ‘cold wave advisory’ was issued Wednesday, which, according to Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), is unusual for November.
The temperature in Seoul plunged to -7C (19.4F) on Wednesday morning; sSince 2000, the capital has suffered a reading of -7C or below on just two previous occasions during the month of November — on Nov 27, 2015 (-7.3C) and on Nov 19, 2008 (-7.2C).
The KMA has warned of people stay safe during the “sudden bout of cold”.
Snow also struck Seoul overnight Tuesday:
Russia/Ukraine Planting Woes
Russian winter cereal planting has stalled on inclement weather conditions, while Ukrainian farmers are opting to plant pea and pulses instead of grains given the chronic fertilizer shortages.
In Russia, growers are still trying to pull crops from fields that were expected to be used for winter sowing–mainly in central regions. Local analysts have warned that a significant shortage of wheat expected in these areas, but, overall, remain hopeful.
Late crop harvesting was slow due to an influx of early-season Arctic air — it snowed almost everywhere.
We see this on the Rutgers Global Snow Lab map (daily snow extent as of Nov 29/day 333):

Russia’s expansive snow cover helped pushed Northern Hemisphere extent to a record-high in books dating back to 1967:
Ukraine, the ‘breadbasket of Europe’, is switching its grain planting to pea and pulses given the global fertilizer shortages.
The likes of peas and pulses require far fewer inputs than their more-demanding wheat and corn counterparts.
And due to the controlled demolition of the global food supply –from production to delivery– fertilizers are at a premium; their production has been all-but stopped due to an entirely self-inflicted energy crisis instigated by our ‘unelected betters’ in the name of ‘saving the planet from the horrors of CO2’.
We see these same games when it comes to farmland going off-line; to the mysterious fires at food production plants; and to the needless culling of hundreds of millions of poultry off the back of –literally– a mere handful of positive PCR tests.
The fertilizer supply crisis will likely hit the world ‘proper’ during next season’s harvest (so late-2023).
It alone, regardless of the cooling climate, geopolitical maneuverings and troubles within other aspects of the food production system, will deliver drastically reduced yields, soaring prices, shortages/rationing, anger, panic, Great Depression, Great Reset and the roll-out of ‘surveillance state’/digitized hell.
This is their plan, at least.
I do, however, have faith in humanity’s ability to come together in the face of evil. But that time is now.
At this time of the year the warm lobes in the scalloped jet stream are being pulled northward where days are shorter and the night is longer. Reason to believe it is part of the aggressive feed back that is driving the earths temperature down.
With regard to Ukraine, it is a lot worst than what you have described, I think. With the recent electrical grid shutdown, and destruction of oil production and storage facilities, I am sure diesel is being hoarded. Now with the military searching and confiscating fuel supplies to move troops around there is a lot less available for farming. Don’t expect to see exportable quantities of wheat, corn even peas and pulses coming out of the Ukraine next year. Those prices will rise even faster as markets see the area of spring planting acreage.
Thanks, Cap
The CO2 Global warming theory is wrought with weak data. The only truth is that CO2 is a green house gas and it stops there. We need to ask all climate change alarmist to show us their math equations knowing that none exist but global chaos will begin soon and no one will care that they have been lied to.
When the predictions have been wrong for decades the hypothesis is WRONG. Too many governments live in delusion unfortunately and have fallen for the anti-human claptrap.
I’ll keep saying this until I’m blue in the face.
But the lamestream media and a whole host of useless “scientists” fed reserve printed from nothing notes depend on them lying and saying things are real complicated.
Solar output and water vapor control the climate on earth, PERIOD.
Both are on a steep trajectory downward, hence huge swaths of lands are entering megadroughts. No doubt they will soon change the “average” temps of the equatorial Pacific to say gee it’s not that cold. Only if people put the obvious together and figure why the equator is cooling, and learn what evaporation is – gee, real difficult concepts.
Low water vapor = extreme weather – its a swell little negative feedback called evaporation and condensation, talk about anything else and you are talking fractions of fractions of a percent.
Like…Santa Claus these ‘Asian anticyclone’ will bring the cold to everyone and bury AGW with snow.
-Russian winter reigned from the Baltic to Sakhalin
One of the symbols of Russian winter is the ASIAN ANTICYCLONE. This is the center of seasonal action of the atmosphere, which forms in the cold half of the year over the cooling continent. Under its influence, in vast areas, including the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China, cloudy and very frosty weather is formed.
Sometimes the Asian anticyclone becomes so developed that it does not fit its geographic size. Then it spreads to the west, forming an unusually cold climate in the European part of Russia and even in Central Europe.
Usually, the Asian anticyclone reaches its maximum development in the second half of winter.
But it also happens that the Asian anticyclone receives good development already in the first half of the season. That’s the process we’re seeing now.
The intense cold invasion of the North Pole areas gave life to a powerful anticyclone. The giant’s possessions stretched from the Baltic to Sakhalin. Atmospheric pressure in the center (on the border of Tuva and Mongolia) reaches 1070 hPa.
Associated with this is a cluster of anomalies across Eurasia. In Yakutia, 50-degree frosts hit. It’s very cold across Siberia. In the Omsk and Tyumen regions, the temperature is 10 degrees below normal. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory at night up to -33, in Khakassia – up to -37, in Tuva – up to -40°C.
In Irkutsk, unusually cold weather with an average daily temperature of 7-14 degrees below normal.
Frosty weather comes to the central strip of European Russia. In the Volga region – up to -20, in the Central district – up to -16°C.
Cyclonic activity is observed along the periphery of the Asian anticyclone. This adds a meek snowy accent to the Russian winter. So, in the Far East, southern cyclones became more active. Blizzards with blizzards and ice threaten Primorye, Sakhalin, the Magadan region and Kamchatka.
On the other side of the continent, the Asian anticyclone also has influence. In Europe, the eastern atmospheric process is the coldest. In the confrontation of the Atlantic heat and the continental cold, snow is covered with snow in all the Baltic States, Belarus and northern Ukraine.
“Greetings from Russia” comes to Central Europe. Heavy rains are not expected in Germany. But more and more precipitation falls in the form of snow. At night, frosts are widespread, and during the day the temperature rises slightly above 0.
Hello fellow Electroversians, (new collective noun here), maybe Electroversans? Electroversers? Diamond at the Oppenheimer Ranch Project gave us this link yesterday. You will have to paste it in.
It is an interview with Dr. Valentina Zharkova, 1hr 21mins, and explains everything anyone needs to know, and believe, what she predicts will happen over the next 10 to 70 years. She has more letters after her name than in her name. She outdid the old boys club in European academia and her Double Dynamo theory has been tested 97-98% accurately using hindcasting of empirical sunspot and proxy data from the last 450 years. The IPCC climate models ALL fail when tested against observations So take the interview in 20-minute segments, and I’ll bet anyone a pint that you will at least update your opinion about what’s driving the good ship Earth’s climate and that is the round shining object in our skies, every day, more or less. If she is correct and I believe she is, then in less than six years we will be nearing the basement of an equivalent to the Maunder Minmum of 1635 -1675(ish). She says it will be well established by 2032. Just so’s you know’s, there were about one billion souls on Earth back then and 10% of them perished either by starving or freezing their asses off. It can’t be done simultaneously. We now have less than 10 years to get pipelines in and operating, construction of a gazillion Martian-capable greenhouses, and preparing for mass upheaval of the world population as they migrate south from north of 45 degrees north Latitide (predicted latitude of habitable land due to snow and ice) (that means all of Canada) with an equal northward push in the southern hemisphere. 10% of 8 billion souls is a staggering number (800 million?) and, unless we start doing some preparation, like yesterday, it will rest on us and the idiot CAGW party, and the mainstream media, run by Klaus Schwab, the UN, via the WHO and the IPCC, et al. Dr. William Happer is another excellent scientific source for real climate science. Canada’s and the US’s governmental incompetence and subservience to Schwab and all the Schwabies, like we have running around in Canada’s Cabinet and staffs, and France, and Argentina, and more. George Soros is another winner. It is to weep.
Let’s go world! BillyBest Vancouver BC
Hi – to reiterate that we moved into northern Australia closer to the tropics and are now located in a coastal zone which produces much food.
A few days ago it was 30 deg C (summer) now it is nudging just above 20 deg C (winter) – associated with a rapid change to heavy cloud and several days of rain. Now a cold SW wind. This is a usual pattern here – several consecutive rainy overcast days and a temp drop. But this drop is a bit extreme. Matches the other 10 deg drops reported by Cap for further south in Australia.
Very sad to see the Aust Govt just releasing a climate change/CO2 report with even more of the same hysteria. Obviously they do not look out the window at the weather or read Electroverse eg today’s reports about unseasonable cold.