Avalanches Kill 20 In Tajikistan; Over 3.5 Feet Of Snow Buries Ski Santa Fe, New Mexico; Alta Surpasses 500 Inches; Argentina Cools; + Low Temperature Records Fall Across Western U.S.
Avalanches Kill 20 In Tajikistan
Heavy snow has been pounding the ‘stans’ in recent months, and Central Asians have been suffering.
This week, avalanches have killed at least 20 people in Tajikistan’s eastern Gorno-Badakhshan and Ishkoshim regions.
13 of the deaths occurred in the city of Khorug, where 39 houses and the Afghan consulate were also buried.
A separate avalanche in Vanj District killed 2 people.
While another was reported in Sangvor district, though rescue attempts there were successful.
The Dushanbe-Chanok road, the only route to northern Tajikistan, has been closed since the event.
And with yet more snow on the way, authorities have banned travel across the highlands.
Over 3.5 Feet Of Snow Buries Ski Santa Fe, New Mexico
Ski Santa Fe received more that 3.5 feet (43 inches/109 cm) of fresh snow during this past storm, over just a 48-hour period.
Officials called conditions “outstanding” with an 81-inch base now at the resort.
“We’ve had one of the most incredible storm cycles,” said Jack Dant, manager of Ski Santa Fe.
“This is gonna help us get through the rest of the season without having to do any additional snow making.”
Purgatory Resort in Durango posted 25 inches over the past 24 hours alone, and a total of 33 inches in the past 48 hours.
Sierra Levels
Current snow levels are well-above average across the Sierras–even higher than the historic 2017 and 2019 seasons.
In 2017, PCT hikers were postholing through feet of snow in the Sierra well into July.
It’s likely that hikers can expect similar conditions in 2023.
This season’s statewide average snowpack, according to California Department of Water Resources data, was 196% of the average on Feb 10, 2023. In comparison, the statewide average snowpack for the same date in 2017 was 180%.
Alta Surpasses 500 Inches
Alta Ski Area in Utah has smashed through the 500 inches mark for the season — felling an all-time record.
Back in 1981-1982, Alta set its long-standing record for the most snowfall between October and January when an astounding 442 inches accumulated. Alta usurped that record by 3 inches back on Jan 25, 2023, but since then the snow has persisted, with the resort’s seasonal total now sitting at 502 inches with feet-more in the forecast.
Alta has surpassed 500 inches in 2016/17, 2018/19, 2019/20 and now 2022-23 — it’s like a trend is developing…
Argentina Cools
Unlike Brazil and host other South American nations, Argentina has held unusually warm this SH summer.
That all changed this week, however, when as blast of anomalous polar cold engulfed the nation.
The chill was most notable in Ushuaia, where sleet fell and a record low-max of just 4.7C (40.5F) was posted — the locale’s lowest daily temperature for the month of February.
The cold air is now due to intensify and shift north, fast, invading Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil over the weekend:

Low Temperature Records Fall Across Western U.S.
Simultaneously with the South, North America is contending with its own polar outbreak.
Warnings, alerts and advisories have been issued for some 100 million Americans, and records are beginning to fall with a further eastward expansion expected over the coming days.
Records have been felled across seven Western states over the past 24 hours alone: in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and Idaho.
With 39F posted its airport, Fullerton, Southern California tied its all-time record low from 2009 (solar minimum of cycle 23).
While a record low of 31F was reported in San Jacinto, matching the record low minimum set in 1989.
The NWS is warning of more widespread cold/snow shifting east beginning this weekend, into Montana and Idaho, followed by another round of “bitterly cold” temperatures during the middle part of next week as an “Arctic front” develops.
Next week’s blast will grip far-eastern parts, too, giving states such as New York something of a swing between extremes.
Accuweather is calling this “a major outbreak of cold”, pointing out that it will hit close to the one-year mark of 2022’s cold wave.
“During last year’s cold and snowy outbreak, Seattle set a record low of 23F on February 23,” said AccuWeather Meteorologist Joseph Bauer, pointing out that the jet stream is preparing to make an identical-looking “major southward plunge”.
Temperatures could be driven to as much as 25-50F below historical averages during this outbreak, with feet of snow expected to pile up across the higher elevations.
The core of the deep freeze is likely to occur from Thursday, Feb 23, through Saturday, Feb 26, and additional temperature records will almost certainly tumble during this spell, particularly along the Pacific coast.
Looking even further ahead, forecasters see subsequent rounds of cold air will follow into early March.

That SSW event also continues to build, though the atmosphere is still yet to decide exactly how it will permeate the lower troposphere (i.e. where our weather ‘happens’).
It will be interesting to see how much of an impact all that snow has on replenishing water levels across the Colorado River basin, its reservoirs upstream (like Blue Mesa and Flaming Gorge), the Great Salt Lake (which has already gone up one foot since the beginning of the water year in October – https://ksltv.com/517726/recent-storms-increase-the-great-salt-lakes-water-levels/ ), and of course Lakes Powell and Mead, which provide a combined 3300 MW of hydroelectric power.
Now all we need is for California to sort out their lunacy and build more mega reservoirs to capture some more of that rain and snow runoff—perhaps in another 20 years they’ll get something figured out?
California build something that HELPS…hahahahahaah
Flying out to Washington State next week just in time for the forecasted record cold. Not sure I’ll make it, flights will probably get delayed and canceled. They don’t handle snow well out there. They better get used to it, the snow events keep smashing records. Remember when Al Gore said the Arctic would be ice free by 2014? No recourse for the elite’s lunacy.
The wind stream going East to Left…is that the SSW?
The latest GFS model run is showing the effects of SSW over Europe, with a large area of high pressure developing over Scandinavia towards the end of the month. This allows the winds to become easterly/north easterly resulting in low temperatures and a fair bit of snow. It’s too early to tell if it will be as bad as 2018’s Beast from the East, and this model run may just be an extreme outlier, but it’s starting to look as if things might become “interesting” just in time for the start of meteorological spring.
Yeap! Record cold with -4°C in the middle of summer over Argentina
A small appetizer, maybe an early Autumn/Winter= Absence of heat, the Press will always try to show or divert attention to the extreme heat of the North/Northeast of Brazil.
The Australian bureau of meteorology is at it again today issuing yet another severe heatwave warning. And again there weather map shows uninhabited areas of inland Australia that coincidentally aline with desert’s. Talk about fear mongering for the uninformed. I get more impressed with people’s stupidity with each report.
Terry, over here we call the BoM ‘Bombastic’, and our MetService the ‘Munted Service’ – they have a 50/50 chance of getting it right, ie. gambling.
Last week the cyclone which wasn’t a cyclone drenched parts of the North Island (New Zealand), flooding towns & cities which were built on floodplains uplifted from the seabed in the 1931 Napier Earthquake. Levees broke (due to pump stations running out of diesel), bridges washed away, both farmland & suburbs were inundated with water & are now ‘stuck in the mud’ with up to 3 feet of river silt burying orchards, vineyards, homes, businesses…
It’s a ‘man-made catastrophe’ all right, but it’s got NOUGHT to do with the ‘climate’ – or weather as we call it – as infrastructure has not been maintained, roads are sub-par, and councils keep building houses in ‘flood-prone areas’.
Govt & media continue with their mis/dis-information 1 week after Cyclone Gabrielle was downgraded to a ‘former’ or ex-tropical cyclone, 7am Sunday 12 Feb, long before it even arrived on our shores. Likewise, ex-TC Hale, 2 weeks prior, which was downgraded to a ‘low’ long before it arrived, is still referred to as ‘Cyclone Hale’ – 100% bs fear.
And THIS week we’ve got SNOW on the way for the South Island thanks to a quick nasty Antarctic COLD outbreak – February is our ‘high summer’, usually 28C, sunny & humid, yet The Year Without A Summer continues…
Snow storm hits UK
A severe weather warning has been issued in the UK – heavy snow will hit the country over the weekend.
The mild weather conditions, established in February, will be replaced by significant cooling and snowfall. This shift is a consequence of the stratospheric polar vortex descending from the North Pole.
Up to 5 cm of snow per hour are expected in Scotland and northern England, while heavy rains will occur in the central and southern regions of the country.
In addition the tomorrow near frost forecast in the high mountains of southern Brazil. Today the dawn was very cold for February in some cities (SC).
Probable confirmation until next Monday.
Did you miss me?
I apologize, but I was extremely busy sitting in on personal interviews with
the likes of Tom Brady and Megyn Kelly. It has been a most interesting week spent
in Las Vegas at the MGM Convention Center.
Climate wise it was very interesting as last Tuesday 14 Feb 2023
we were very very surprised to find on our lunch break
It was definitely with winds up to 65 mph, an airport shutdown, and a covering
of snow in the area. At MGM we had a light dusting with flakes showing up
sticking on the tops of our caps. This was definitely a change of climate
for this Florida boy! Also during the stay my lips became so dry, chapped cracking to the point of bleeding slightly. The return to the Florida sea breeze humid air
was very welcome!!!