Snoqualmie Pass Smashes Early-Season Snowfall Record; Alberta Clipper Hits Saskatchewan; “Dangerous” Cold/Snow Sweeps B.C.; Frigid October In South America; + U.S. Faces Energy Crisis As Biden Declares “No More Drilling”
Snoqualmie Pass Smashes Early-Season Snowfall Record
Snoqualmie Pass typically sees only a few inches of snow this early in the season. Since late October 2022, however, totals are closer to three feet and still climbing.
Snoqualmie Pass busted its early-season snowfall record this week, racking up some three feet of snow between Oct 26 and Monday, Nov 7. For reference, only one other year has come close over the same timeframe — the 32 inches logged in 2005.
This early, record-setting powder is a promising sign for another healthy snowpack season, with winter forecasts favoring another cool and snowy winter in Washington amid a rare third consecutive La Niña.
Wintry conditions have also led to hazards on the road.
Multiple spinouts and crashes closed the pass in both directions Saturday afternoon. The Washington State Department of Transportation urges drivers to check conditions before they hit the road and to make sure their vehicle is equipped for the trip.
Alberta Clipper Hits Saskatchewan
A weekend snowstorm caused chaos in Central Saskatchewan, affecting businesses, sporting events and city streets.
According to online weather reports, North Battleford saw white-out like conditions where visibility was “next to zero with 12-16 centimeters of snow and winds gusting up to 65 kilometers per hour.”
Elsewhere, La Ronge saw 19cm; the west-central part of the province logged 20cm; Melfort received 25cm; but the cherry was taken by Tisdale where the wind and snow left locales like Doug Tkachuk digging out eight-feet high snow drifts.
Doug’s wife, Val said he has been working non-stop clearing snow since Saturday afternoon: “There was probably two feet of snow on top of his vehicle,” she said. “He went out a couple of times last night and when he came back in, he said, ‘I’m going to wait til morning and I’ll go out again’ and when we woke up this morning we couldn’t believe it. The snow was up to my waist.”
‘Snowfall is on the decline’, is what those murderous, unelected psychopaths at COP27 would have us believe. UN Secretary General António Guterres, in his speech, warned that the world is “on a highway to climate hell”. This rhetoric isn’t backed by science, of course, but it will still be used to browbeat global policy makers into ushering in more anti-human measures.
Brace for a deepening energy crisis, a worsening food crisis, climate lockdowns and for the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of millions of people. They are breeding deception, turmoil, devastation, & tribulation: The End Times; they are eradicating prosperity at the onset of the next solar-driven global cooling cycle.
And while the absurdity persists in Egypt, Gateway Towing in Prince Albert has had its crew working around the clock to free snow-stranded residents: “To put it in one word, it’s overwhelming,” said Danny Goodwin of Gateway Towing. “Last winter, we had a couple of days where it was like this but not this early in the season. The phones won’t stop ringing, you’re lucky if you get a five-minute break from pulling people out. I finally shut down at 1AM. last night and I was [back out] by 6:20AM, and from that short four and a half hour sleep I had, we had 47 calls for service.”
“Dangerous” Cold/Snow Sweeps B.C.
In another example of the swings between extremes prevalent during times of low solar activity (via a weakening of the jet stream), November in British Columbia is proving to be the opposite of the anomalously-warm October.
Heavy snowfall will continue to be the story across the province this week, after sizable accumulations settled over the weekend.
Repair crews have made progress restoring electricity to the hundreds of thousands of British Columbia homes that were blacked out during wintry weekend storms, but Environment Canada says snow and wind remain concerning factors.
A stacked low off the Washington coast is delivering more accumulating snow to B.C. as I type, closing schools and businesses.
Snow piled up across the southern Interior and Okanagan overnight Monday and into the early hours of Tuesday morning. Additional rounds are also falling across southern portions of Vancouver Island, including along the Malahat and into the Greater Victoria area.
But it’s not just the snow that is of concern for Western Canada — a classic ‘Arctic outflow setup’ is allowing extremely cold air to spill south and hold southern Interior, north and central coasts, and eastern Vancouver Island areas –among many others– well below the seasonal average, according to
Network meteorologist Jaclyn Whittal has described the conditions as “January-like” with “a whole lot of snow even at the valley floor elevations” which is when you know that “winter means business.”
The trough responsible for the plunging temperatures in Alberta (of below -20C/-4F) has left a fragment behind sitting over Vancouver Island, which is drawing the frigid air through the Interior and to the coast.
Temperatures are holding some 7C below the average for the time of year and are expected to last through November.
Environment and Climate Change Canada has issued Arctic outflow warnings for coastal and inland sections of the Central Coast, bringing wind chills near -20C (-4F) — a fierce outbreak that is also on course to descend south of the border, too, and engulf the vast majority of the United States (more on that later):

Frigid October In South America
Shifting south, continuing the trend of the past few months, many South American nations have suffered colder-than-average Octobers.
October 2022 in Uruguay was chillier than normal, as much as 1.5C chiller across the north, according to data provided by Inumet. Furthermore, of the past eight months in Uruguay, only one (July) has come out warmer than average.
Overall, October 2022 in Peru was also colder than normal, particularly on the Coast, although warmer days were felt inland. The nation’s capital Lima actually suffered one of its longest cold seasons on records, according to local reports.
While much of Argentina also experienced a colder-than-average October, with only a pocket of the south registering slightly above-average temps. Also, excluding the border with Paraguay, the country remains in a severe drought, typical of La Niña.
U.S. Faces Energy Crisis As Biden Declares “No More Drilling”
As hinted at above, an Arctic outbreak is about to kickstart winter in the United States earlier and harsher than normal — inclement conditions that will be compounded by an entirely self-inflicted and, at least to my mind, planned energy crisis.
As puppet Joe Biden promises to curtail U.S. domestic oil production, regions across the country will be open to a historic energy crisis as temperatures tumble this winter.
Signs of vulnerability have already been apparent in recent months, with Bloomberg reporting that retailers in the Northeast are rationing energy as stockpiles of diesel and heating oil are at a third of their normal levels. Those unfavorable conditions could bring about challenges to the energy infrastructure that would be unprecedented in most Americans’ lifetimes.
According to Bloomberg: Add some cold to the mix, and in the best-case scenario, Northeast consumers will shoulder the highest energy bills in decades this winter. In the worst-case scenario, a cluster of states with a combined economy bigger than Japan’s will run out of fuel to keep the lights on and heat homes and businesses.
Even as the nation stares down energy shortages, Biden at a campaign event in New York on Sunday reiterated his crazy commitment to shut down the U.S. fossil fuel industry. “No more drilling,” Biden spat-out at a clueless climate alarmist in the crowd. Meanwhile, in Michigan, Democratic lieutenant governor Garlin Gilchrist on Saturday promised to “close more coal plants” to “strengthen our state’s response to the climate crisis.”
As stated many times, these corrupted puppets are reacting to their strings being pulled, they haven’t a clue of the disastrous impact said policies would cause, I doubt Biden even knew which city he was in on Sunday. ‘No more drilling’ means no more energy, which, in turn, means the untimely deaths of millions people and fuel poverty for hundreds of millions more.
This isn’t hyperbole, this is a stark and obvious reality — cold kills far more than heat, the literature is crystal clear on that, and if you remove peoples’ access to energy (particularly in the winter, particularly during the onset of the next GSM), you kill them.
Renewables cannot supplement the grid in any meaningful way, let alone power it entirely — this has been demonstrated in the real world for many years now.
And so, if blackouts hit in the dead of winter, whether they be this winter or next, the cotton-balled masses will simply not be equipped, neither with the knowledge nor willpower, to fend for themselves.
Sheep are bred that way; that is, to be utterly trusting of the shepherd so that when the time comes they can be easily led to slaughter with minimal fuss. The time appears to have come. I don’t know what else to say, or to do, for that matter — I am growing my own food, I am harnessing my own energy, I have broken my young family free from their collapsing system. I hope you are working to achieve the same.
But Banana Head (Biden spoke it) said he was misheard!!!
Where I live we are ready with wood, canned food, Deer and 4wd vehicles!
And those who voted for Biden (not their Children) I hope you understand what your Vote for a loser like Biden has done TO America and it’s future.
Sixteen feet of new snow forecast Alaska, snowiest forecast on the planet.—add-more-layers/overlays?temp,51.781,-140.449,3,i:pressure
No global warming worries there..
Empty Alaskan Cruises on the cheap now – an ad that just popped up.
no kidding – to go on floating multi-multi-decker cattle cars during this time of the year at this point in the cull – supposed to be quite scenic but you’d really have to wanna – but if you’re already “vaxxed” [aka “effed up”] * anyway what the heck, take the mostly passenger-free freezing cruise, nobody gets out alive in the long run in any case. Hint: if your living in the -20C mauve go south.
now Ezoic is hammering me with:
Empty Alaska Cruise Cabins
Cost Almost Nothing
Cruise Deals – and alternating HARRY ROSEN ads – so I’ve decided to buy a new suit and book a cruise that will likely have a bunch of old church ladies on it that act like a bunch of rich old church ladies… should be fun! Prolly not going to quite be like the old Club Med trips from back in the early ’80s. I’m Just A Gigolo and…
I like the ‘catastrophic climate change” ads — very informative.
(Don’t worry — advertising will be stripped from the site again soon enough, once they catch up with me).
Keep yer powder dry Cap’n… we’re all waitin’ fer ’em. Cheers.
yes me too, Señor… and (((they))) look to be pretending to be very serious about it too… an we don’t want nobody to dis-remember it… because It’s all getting to be about as serious as having a myocarditis attack… don’t you sink?
reply to the above
… now that would be a hard act to follow…. but some might want to give it a try.
… a person might even “get lucky” enough to possibly meet up with a sweet Irish pnas loving girl like:
… them Berenbaum’s ain’t Irish you idjit!
Insect decline in the Anthropocene: Death by a thousand cuts
… and we all know what the AGW/CO2/N2 GHG problems are, what the main solution is and what we need to do to get “closer to zero” [as noted by eugenicist Bill Gate’s math and physics] to save the bugs.
“Violence,” “Democracy Itself,” and Fetterman’s Shorts: The Official 2022 Midterm Election Drinking Game – an hour ago
The hammer-to-cranium feel of congressional election propaganda will worsen exponentially tonight. Your guide to drinking the pain away – Matt Taibbi 1 hr ago
“I’ll have a double!”
America could be stumbling drunk pretty fast tonight just based on Rule #1 of the Official 2022 Midterm Election Drinking Game: drink at every mention of democracy itself. We’ve been told for months that’s what’s at stake, and it’s a safe bet you’ll be told it again tonight at least enough times to drain a bottle or two.
Kazakhstan voting system same as America but even more funny
… on US election day in Kazakhstan we usually just watch reruns of old American sporting events on 12″ Sony Trinitron Colour Television and make bets on who’s going to win.
… well we try to anyway but we usually have to switch back to the eastern league right quick.
Looking at the pictures above & then reading the following..
“The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, or COP27,[1] is the 27th United Nations Climate Change conference and is being held from 6 November until 18 November 2022[2] in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. It will take place under the presidency of Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry, with more than 90 heads of state and representatives of 190 countries expected to attend.
The conference has been held annually since the first UN climate agreement in 1992. It is used by governments to agree on policies to limit global temperature rises and adapt to impacts associated with climate change.[3] ”
I now really believe that the loonies have escaped from the Psychiatric Institutions & are now in charge of all humanity ..
On 14 October 2022, the Scottish government called for climate reparations at COP27, as a “moral responsibility”.[12]
… with more dedicated/engineered funny ones and zeros [“money”] for pork barrelling and sharing between their fellow co-conspirator climate hoax cronies [not crazy loonies, just very, very clever renards spouting canards Herr Fox] to follow. Good try try though. Cheers
How about communist António Guterres or any of those psychos in Egypt are flown to some of those sites Cap mentions here such as Central Saskatchewan or Snoqualmie Pass, after their little global warming cult party is done and experience some reality? The cold tends to give one a good kick up the backside!
António Guterres is Portugese… and Guterres said, in 1995, that “he did not like homosexuality” and that it was “something that bothered him”.[19] so he can’t be all bad.. but it’s kinda hard to figure how he gets along with all the globohomos and trannies at the UN and the WEF though.
The cold and some good ‘ol Sask. prairie boy common sense and “Real Talkin” would be about as good as one good kick up the backside for sure.
In Yakutia, frosts of 40 degrees hit.
While in the European part of Russia, an Atlantic heat wave destroys the rudiments of the snow cover, in Yakutia, frosts of 40 degrees hit. As always, the benchmark is defined by Oymyakon. At the “cold pole” on the night of November 8, the thermometer showed -41°C. The day was also very cold.
‘For the first time this season, the daily high was below -30°C.’
The forecast adjusts to the intensification of the cold.
According to Ogimet website ranking was -41.5°C…I would already round down to -42°C. The Winter is coming…
Here South Brazil, despite the media not mentioning mothing, this 3 last months
have already been 3 to 4 degrees cooler. The high mountains already with a cold anomaly of 8…8,5 degrees… and with no sign of summer (classic summer rains).