Algeria Sees Rare Snowfall; 157 Afghans Now Confirmed To Have Frozen-To-Death In “Coldest Winter On Record”; Benchmarks Busted In U.S.; + *All-Time* Records Continue To Fall Across Japan
Algeria Sees Rare Snowfall
Algeria has witnessed rare snowfall this week as Europe’s Arctic front plunges as far south as Northern Africa.
The sand dunes across the south-west of the country have been blanketed white, with Beni Ounif, for example, seeing its first heavy snowfall since 2012.
Northern parts have endured heavy snow for days, which has led to blocked roads, isolating towns and villages, and delays at airports.
Looking ahead, Algeria’s Meteorological Office issued alerts for snowfall in Bechar, with flakes also expected to continue for the remainder of the week across the likes of Ghardaia–located 700 km south of Algiers.
157 Afghans Now Confirmed To Have Frozen-To-Death In “Coldest Winter On Record”
Afghanistan is facing lows of -34C (-29.2F) and disruptions to the power grid, food supply.
At least 157 people, likely many more, have now frozen-to-death across the South Asian nation, a Taliban official confirmed, as millions face bitter, record-breaking temperatures amid failing electricity infrastructure.
Lows of -34C are far below the nationwide winter average, which stands at between 0C and 5C (32F and 41F).
The United Nations is busy sticking its oar in and drumming-up more funding–I mean ‘helping’, claiming on Twitter to have delivered aid such as blankets, heating and shelter to some 565,700 people: “But much more is needed amid one of the coldest spells in years,” the agency added.
At least 70,000 livestock have also perished across the country, Shafiullah Rahimi, a spokesman for the Taliban’s Ministry of Disaster Management confirmed. While heavy snow has blocked many roads across mainly central and northern provinces.
Benchmarks Busted In U.S.
Snowfall from Texas to Maine is expected to surpass 8 inches on Thursday, according to NWS, while northern New England and surrounding areas may see over a foot, likely leading to dangerous travelling conditions.
Records have already been felled:
Dayton, Ohio, for example, has busted a 108-year-old record for snowfall after 5 inches accumulated Wednesday, besting the 4.9 inches from 1915 (The Centennial Minimum).
The Twin Lakes Area also posted record snow, with the nine inches that settled at Mountain Home tripling the previous record for the date set back 1978 (solar minimum of cycle 21).
There was also record setting snow overnight in portions of southeast Missouri, including here at Regional Radio where the 8 inches of snow as of early Wednesday morning smashed the old benchmark of a half inch set back in 1956.
And lastly, but by no means exhaustively, the Texas Panhandle busted records, with the 2.8 inches at Amarillo, for example, breaking a record in books dating back to 1892.
Looking ahead, further snow is on the horizon for the U.S., and indeed Canada, in line with the arrival of a full-blown Arctic Outbreak:

*All-Time* Records Continue To Fall Across Japan
People are continuing to die in Japan as Asia’s unprecedented Arctic blast persists.
Japanese officials said another four people died on Wednesday and Thursday, all from clearing record-breaking volumes of snow amid what Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno has called a “once-in-a-decade cold snap.”
However, ‘once-in-a-decade’ looks to be underplaying it, as all-time low temperature records are being felled across Japan this week, such as the -8.3C logged in Tobishima, the -11.6C at Matsumae, Ushibuka’s -3.4C, Kuroiso’s -13.3C, Otawara’s -16.4C, Shioya’s -13.5C, Numata’s -14.4C, Ueda’s -14.4C, Yokkaichi’s -8.2C, Higashiomi’s -12.3C, Nagi’s -16.8C, and Imaoka’s -14.2C.
Additionally, many all-time ‘low-max’ temperatures have fallen during the days.
Note, these are temperatures never-before registered in these locales, often in books dating back to the early-1900s/late-1800s.
Despite the claimed ravages of anthropocentric global warming, the majority of Japan has never been colder.
The same can be said for much of Asia, and all, with a new national record low falling in China this week (-53C), and with a myriad of long-standing benchmarks also slain across the Koreas, Siberia, the ‘stans as well as much of Western Asia.
Another freezing morning was posted in China on Thursday with historical records falling in Wuxi and Yancheng, for example.
A frigid -33.2C was also registered at Chunggang, North Korea and -25.2C at Taegwallyong, South Korea.
A cold morning was suffered in Tawain, as well, with -9.1C noted on the island’s higher elevations.
The polar air has even arrived as far south as the Philippines, too, with an unusually-low 13C suffered in Basco.
However, despite Asia’s persistent, record-slaying and continent-wide freeze (soon to be three continents with Arctic Outbreaks also forecast for North America and Europe), dutiful agenda-peddlers CNN are churning out the damage limitation stories, claiming, with a straight face, that what we’ve been seeing across Asia these past few months is indeed global warming.
The MSM have even carted out a few paid-off (or at best clueless) ‘experts’ to explain-away Asia’s extreme freeze:
“We can consider this extreme weather — extremely hot weather in summer and extremely cold weather in winter — as one of the signals of climate change,” said Korea Meteorological Administration spokesperson, Woo Jin-kyu.
While Yeh Sang-wook, a climate professor at Hanyang University in Seoul, takes the absurdities even further, claiming that record Arctic melting last year (false, ice held up well) is the reason Asia is so cold right now: “When sea ice is melted, the sea opens up, sending up more vapor into air, leading to more snow in the north”.
Right… but we’re not talking about ‘snow in the north’, Sang-wook, we’re talking about unprecedented ‘cold in the south’.
“There is no other [explanation],” added Sang-wook, who, in the CNN article is then immediately contradicted by Kevin Trenberth, of the US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR): “There’s certainly a large natural variability that occurs … at the moment we’re in the La Niña phase, and that certainly influences the kinds of patterns that tend to occur … so that’s a player as well.”
La Niña has a cooling effect on global temperatures. We’re currently experiencing rare third-consecutive La Niña, which, again, is another reality that the climate hucksters got precisely backwards:
Sang-wook concludes with another illogical spewing: “[Global warming] is indeed deepening and there is a consensus among global scientists that this kind of cold phenomenon will worsen going forward.”
These people are idiots, at best.
Global warming is the theory — global warming, which, as The Science decreed for decades, means linearly rising temperatures and reduced snowfall, globally. But what the AGW Party are doing now is twisting a failed hypothesis to fit real world observations when, instead, a new theory should be offered up. TPTB and their legacy media lapdogs are engaging in fraud.
Their logic runs like this: ‘As the world continues to warm, it will also cool; as the snow vanishes, it will simultaneously become more pronounced; and as the sea ice melts, it will also expand. In a nutshell: global warming = global cooling‘ — doublethink.
Honest scientific inquiry, however, puts a ‘meridional’ jet stream flow as the root cause of these swings-between-extremes.
And this ‘wavy’ flow has an entirely natural cause: historically low solar activity.
For more:
I cannot believe CNN et al. are still trying this.
Nor, for the life of me, can I understand why seemingly thoughtful and rationale individuals are still falling for it.
‘Global warming’ is a political weapon, the existential excuse used to rip us proles of our hard, multi-century-earned prosperity–which started with the industrial revolution.
I, personally, am working to build my family an off-grid bolthole in Central Portugal. Although at times trying, we are all now free from the conformist nonsense (by limiting TV), we’re free the poisonous inputs they feed us with (by growing our own organic food and snubbing pharmaceutical products); and we’re also immune from soaring energy prices and blackouts (as we’re harnessing solar power, with wood-burning backups).
‘The system’ makes it hard to escape, however; harder still to contradict The Narrative publicly, as I do on Electroverse.
I migrated the website last year (from .net to .co), but the ‘powers that be’ soon caught up with me. The site is, once again, heavily censored and has recently (as of last week) had its advertising removed for “violating Google policy’; that is, for suggesting that humans are not a cancer on the planet–which, clearly, is not the messaging children are allowed to hear.
Thank you to those who have very generously donated via Paypal over the past few days. If anyone else is able to support my Electroverse efforts, please consider becoming a patron or clicking the Paypal link in the sidebar (scroll down if on mobile).
Most importantly, though, stay safe and prepare.
This chaos is far from over.
They have been reporting that the snow in Japan is in large part sea effect snow.
Apart from the Northern 3rd of Japan the majority of snow they get is sea effect snow. This has always been the case and short of a full blown ice age will always be the case, although a return to LIA type conditions will lead to a small increase in the number weather fronts that result in snow in the east and south of the country.
Thanks for all your incredible work! You can lead a horse to water….
I am grateful you are online and putting all this information out there.
It is truly amazing how controlled out sources of news and information has become.
Don’t forget, the oceans are going to boil off, yet the sea levels are going to rise.
Of course the oceans are boiling off, otherwise how could Japan get all that “Sea Effect” Snow???
I absolutely Love this video of the “boiling” oceans.
The music, the scenes……..see what you think………
filmed off Cape Cod 2018
“Entire Ocean Frozen, CRAZY! (Drone View)”
Cognitive Dissonance as defined below PLUS add in Normalcy Bias after that. ME:L What I feel is cold. What I am told is warming. NOPE! I’m cold, just put more wood on the wood stove . 25 degrees this morning, expected high is 42 degrees F. OH: Davos attendees would NOT allow electric cars to be use for transport as they are “too unreliable” especially in cold and snow. So we all are supposed to have EV cars? General Motors if the story is right, just announced an investment ins…wait for it…Internal Combustion Engines…yup. look it up.
Cognitive Dissonance
The American Psychological Association defines cognitive dissonance as “an unpleasant psychological state resulting from inconsistency between two or more elements in a cognitive system.”
The inconsistency between what people believe and how they behave motivates them to engage in actions that will help minimize feelings of discomfort. People attempt to relieve this tension in different ways, such as by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding new information.
Let them freeze their Ba**s off.
“Holy” means I am going to put a “hole in your face” in you a toucha my money!!!
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and the reason for this was… “Their coming together was likely caused by the sudden onset of winter, heavy snowfall, and a drop in temperature to well below 0°C. In such conditions, bison group together in larger herds to increase their chances of survival.” That was in December.
Hi Cap. The following was sent to a Canadian politician who I support. It will either get warmer, get colder, or stay the same. It has never stayed the same for very long in a geologic time frame. I am betting on V. Zharkova’s highly accurate (through hindcasting) theory about a diminishing Sun replicating the Maunder Minimum, 1635-1715. So, I think we will see the following climate conditions apply starting 3 years ago and fully set in place by 2032, 9 years ahead, and lasting for about 50 years. That is 2 and a half generations of humans The inhabitable regions in the northern hemisphere for farming etc will move south to at least North 45 degrees Latitude, about 240 miles south of the Canada/US border. Similar conditions will occur in the southern hemisphere. Good luck with food production for 8 billion souls. I am suggesting expanding energy production across Canada and designing and constructing Mars quality greenhouses. Any thoughts? Billy Best in Vanclouver BC
You have Common Sense Sir.
Politicians on the other hand do not.
Take care of yourself, educate your Family and Friends and know that we are many who KNOW what is coming!
Oh Cap…Great Job Sir!
I’m not convinced that a solar grand minimum starting with solar cycle 26 or 27 will lead to conditions as extreme as those during the LIA (taking place at the same time as the Maunder minimum). We’ve just passed a solar grand maximum resulting in global average temperatures roughly similar to, but probably a few tenths of a degree below the MWP (the last solar grand maximum). The LIA followed several hundred years of moderate solar activity, meaning that it followed temperatures lower than those we currently see. It all depends on the amount of heat stored in the oceans, how quickly it can be lost to space and therefore the time lag between changes in solar activity and changes in global average temperatures.
Thank you Michael P. Just brief further comment on What might be a good idea regarding new age greenhouses (GH). Fertile ground here for a good acronym. Not being an engineer but having watched lots of movies, (weak attempt at humour there) I recommend building each GH as big as possible with the following constraint. They need to be able to be raised or jacked up to keep the base level with the local surface which will be rapidly gaining altitude. Will make it easier to open the door for one thing. We will need tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of these buildings which must be extremely robust and should be built to last 75 years+. Spare parts might not be readily available. I think the idea of modular Nuke power plants will be a good investment. Sell your solar panel and windmill stock while they are still worth something. Start trucking good black Alberta loam to wherever these GHs will be located. It will be like a military operation in Ukraine. Gotta feed to the soldiers but they have to be kept warm and supplied with whatever they find the need. I’m thinking a minimum critical mass of the new GHs will be in the area of 25 or 36. I’m thinking in a defensible formation, maybe a pentagon shaped arrangement would be better. These groups should be within say 80 Km/50 miles from each other in all directions to provide relatively quick backup in case of accidents with a centralized supply of needed whatever. Hard to imagine what we would run out of first but there will be things we wish we had thought of. Schooling and medical care come to mind. Who gets in will be interesting as well. Being 80, I’m using “we” rather liberally but I’m not one of them. There definitely will be bad people roaming around for the first few years but they won’t last very long. Going to be tough but at least our culture and laws and what we hold dear have a possibility of surviving. Good luck. Billy Best
Island scallops Co of Vancouver Island BC Canada is 34 years ahead of you and would be a good group to work with for future expansion on sea and land:
Taylor Shellfish Farms here in Washington St USA is 134 years ahead of you growing seafood sustainably and could expand production big time in a hurry.
Tidal turbines would also help power you GHs and aquaculture centers and I included them on a term paper 42 years ago when studying growing food in the future. Our deep water channels won’t freeze and the tides will flow. Also check out New Zealand’s aquaculture programs for ideas, they’are growing lots of great seafood down there…
I emailed our city’s Sustainable City Rep back in ’08 and told him to grow seafood and get tidal turbines. It’s a waterfront town with miles of tidelands and potential areas for artificial reefs. There is a dive park with structure and it’s rich with life.
An artificial reef expansion program is a good way to grow food, , it’s not going to freeze down ten fathoms and could be started right NOW 🙂
Great Job and thank you for all your hard work and effort into this site. After iceagenow shut down I found your site and it has filled the void perfectly.
You should think about giving people the option of making 1 time donations to the cause as I’m sure that there are lots of people who would like to donate but making monthly payments is not an option for them.
The paypal option is one-time or as often as you like.
I just read a good article from Nature Climate Change that showed how scientist’s used models to demonstrate how the Hunga Tonga eruption will cause a 1.5c temperature rise due to the 146 million metric tonnes of water thrown up into the stratosphere. I particularly like the fact that no mention of volcanic dust or gases were mentioned. So there you go another example of brain washing the public into believing absolute and total double think
Mr. Cap, Have you considered utilizing the social media site Gab? There are many options there, you might get additional meaningful exposure which might help with finances.
Don’t believe all the lies being told by msm about Gab. As a user for a few years I can tell you there is no censoring and the fed posters are the real anti-semites (gotta keep the narrative going.)
Just a thought. Thanks for sharing the info I could not have any other way.
God continue to bless.
“Once in a decade” in Japan? Next year which will be worse will make it “twice in a row”. Snow on palm trees in Algeria? We will see it in North Florida one day too. This is getting serious. If not for the deaths, it would be like one of Leslie Nielson’s comedy films.