Russia Plunges To -61C (-77.8F); Record-Cold And Snow-Chaos Hit The UK, Sending Energy Prices To Unprecedented Highs; Sierra Slammed With Snow, More Threatens Central US; + Australia Busts 20+ Monthly Low Temperature Records
Russia Plunges To -61C (-77.8F)
It’s been historically cold across the majority of transcontinental Russia in recent weeks.
Most recently (Dec 12), Yakutian –the cold pole of Oymyakon– has seen the mercury sink to -61C (-77.8F) — the coldest temperature in the Northern Hemisphere this wintry season–and very early for such a reading.
In fact, and even more impressively, this is Oymyakon’s coldest December temperature since 1984 (solar minimum of cycle 21), and also the second lowest December temperature in ALL of Russia (also since 1984).
It’s been historically cold in Northern China, too.
Last month, the coldest temperatures since the 1980s disrupted the seasonal migration of nomadic herders in northwest China’s Xinjiang region.
The inclement conditions trapped many herders and froze thousands of livestock to death as blizzards and temperatures as low as a record-smashing -48.6C (-55.5F) descended from the north.
The blast also froze at least seven Chinese construction workers at a project site in city of Altay.
Even the capital Beijing got in on the cold act, registering its lowest November temperature since 1970.
Looking ahead, the next 10 days are forecast to bring more of the same, perhaps even an intensification.
China will be hit by three cold waves with the the mercury across the nation on course to hold exceptionally low for an extended period of time. Northeast China will find itself in the center of the Arctic outbreak, with record-breaking temperatures of -50C (-58F) on the cards.
China, and indeed Russia, know what’s coming.
Their scientists have long-been warning about it…
Record-Cold And Snow-Chaos Hit The UK…
The UK has been enduring some truly anomalous early-season chills, with snow blanketing all four home nations.
The Scottish glens plunged below -15C (5F) over the past few mornings, which, in record books dating back to the 1800s, makes it the UK’s lowest temperatures for Dec 11 and 12 on record, besting the 14.7C from 1967 and the 15C from 1981, respectively.
Needless to say, the MSM is refusing to touch the historical nature of the freeze, instead opting to focus on aspects such the disruptive snow–which is also unseasonable, and the concerning energy implications–more on that later.
London, for example, rarely sees accumulating snow in December, let alone during the first half of the month, but this was the scene on Sunday evening across the capital:
Brits have been conditioned to expect ever-milder winters thanks to ‘catastrophic anthropogenic global warming’, they are woefully unprepared for what’s really barreling down the pike.
TV pop-scientists told them the planet was warming uncontrollably and that nothing, not even a decrease in the Sun’s output, could counter this.
The only course of action, the establishment decreed, was to drastically reduce ones living standards, via what amounts to a defunding of the fossil industry, in order to reduce CO2 output.
This is genius in its malevolence, but in its malevolence only. Because what it boils down to for the 99.9% is economic and prosperity suicide. Very few seem to acknowledge that. After all, when facing ‘the end of the world’ all measures are on the table, no matter how anti-human or outright evil: Energy restrictions, “of course”; climate lockdowns, “whatever works”; a social credit score system, “if you think it’s best”.
The masses have traded free-thought and autonomy for an easy life where everything is decided for them, and there’s only one way that was ever going to go, because power corrupts.
If you fell for this scam, shame on you. Your weak, lazy and fear-driven choices have doomed us all. This chimes with COVID, too. Your cowardice won’t be forgiven.
Snow was a thing of the past, right Britons?
The irony of these gaz-guzzling, Co2-spewing cars skidding about the ice isn’t lost:
The snow was much heavier in the north, as you might expect.
So heavy, in fact, that four walkers in the Scottish Mountains had to be rescued after they encountered “waist deep” snow.
The UK has not prepared its citizens for what’s coming…
…the lights (and heating) will go off, and soon; if not this year, then next–at least this is what the energy CEOs are warning us.
Cold kills 20x as many people than heat, according to a recent study published in The Lancet, with that figure shown to be 80x as per other research. While a 2020 study in the U.S. concluded that patients who died of the cold were responsible for 94% of all temperature-related deaths.
…Sending Energy Prices To Unprecedented Highs
UK power prices jumped to record levels on Monday as freezing temperatures caused a surge in demand–just as a drop in wind generation compounds a supply crunch.
Live data from the National Grid showed that wind was providing just 3% of Britain’s electricity generation on Sunday, with gas-fired power stations providing 59%, and nuclear and imports accounting for about 15%.
The day-ahead price settled at a record £674.78 a megawatt-hour on the Epex Spot SE exchange with the price for 5-6 p.m. clearing at an all-time high of £2585.80 a megawatt-hour, as the Met Office extended weather warnings for snow and ice throughout the UK.
Prices are surging as an unseasonably-fierce Arctic outbreak forces Britons to increase their heating usage, pushing up demand for energy –despite record-high bills– and running down the country’s reserves far earlier than expected.
This is the story across Europe, too.
Authorities across the EU say they have enough gas in the tanks to stave off an ‘average’ winter, but this one is looking far from normal as the continent braces for its second disruptive polar blast in as many weeks:

Note, for me in on the Iberian Peninsula, things continue to hold mild–albeit very wet and windy.
Myself and my young family are living off-grid in Central Portugal, growing our own food etc. We run all of our power needs off our 5000W solar setup, but do have a back-up generator in case of a failure. However, the generator itself failed over the weekend, and so I traveled to our closest city to replace it. But no luck. Apparently, a massive order was put in last week, destined for the Ukraine.
Very well, so be it, the Ukrainian’s no doubt need them more than me. But still, I can’t help but think this is another turning of the screw for the average citizen; more specifically, that faceless, unelected forces above our heads continue to negatively impact our ability to properly prepare for what’s coming.
I don’t know…
Sierra Slammed With Snow…
Roads remain closed and conditions dangerous as a winter storm that slammed the Sierra continued Sunday, with low temperatures and freeze watches extended into the new week, and another 2-feet of snow expected overnight Sunday alone.
An overnight low of 40F was forecast for San Francisco, with the mercury forecast to plunge lower Tuesday.
A freeze watch is in effect from late Monday through Tuesday morning in the North Bay valleys, encompassing Santa Rosa and the Napa Valley. Overnight it could sink to the mid-20s
The National Weather Service warned of “difficult to impossible” travel conditions throughout the Sierra, with whiteout conditions, major travel delays and chain controls and road closures likely.
…More Threatens Central US
The Sierra snowstorm is now making its way to east, already dropping heavy snow to the north-Central U.S. and bringing severe storms to the South.
The latest GFS run (shown below) reveals the snowiest spots, which currently look set to be eastern Montana, the Dakotas, northern Nebraska and Minnesota. The Northeast also won’t be spared, with another dumping of early-season snow set to follow the historic 6+ feet that clipped the likes of Buffalo last month.

Australia Busts 20+ Monthly Low Temperature Records
Australia’s most-recent cold spell, which follows a colder-than-average-winter, spring and the country’s lowest summer temperature ever recorded, produced at least 20 monthly low temperature records over a just a 2-day period.
Some the standouts included Dunedoo’s 1.2C (34.2F), Bairnsdale Airport’s 3C (37.4F) and Grenfell’s 3.5C (38.3F).
The Dunedoo value is particularly impressive, besting the previous December record (1965) by 2.6C.
Looking ahead, the south’s chill won’t abate anytime soon:

Much of the planet is holding unusually-cold.
Taking the Northern Hemisphere, polar air is being displaced and funneled south, with the Arctic itself now holding mild.
This is fully expected during –and explained by– extended periods of low solar activity (such as the historically low output we’re receiving now), but be on watch for MSM obfuscation: “Look, the Arctic is XX-degrees above average, think of the polar bears!” the activist-scientists will cry, as us humans at the lower latitudes struggle to heat our homes due an entirely avoidable energy crisis arriving simultaneously with a cyclically-returning bout of COOLING (…coincidence…).
And then next year, when the issue is ten-times worse and there’s no energy left to ration, what do these murderous puppets of the controlled-destructors suggest we do then? Move to an anomalously-mild Arctic? Or will it be the case that these traitors to humanity have already been tossed to us proles and lynched by then? Not a suggestion, by the way — just a question…
I’ll say it, when the hangings start, the bullshift stops, believe me.
What they have coming to them is being stoned to death on a flaming guillotine.
Nah guys…use a Flying Mare!
A long curved beam that is greased and your hands are tied with weights UNDER the beam at the top…than you slide down the beam onto a VERY VERYU VERY sharp blade.
You just go in half at the bottom…enjoy!
Regarding a Generator
After using so many different brands and models I’ve found that Honda inverters do work the best and the longest. Our current Honda EU3000 runs on propane with a conversion kit from Hutch Mountain, propane is x2.5 times cheaper than gas/petrol.
Thank you for doing what you do. All the best to you and your family.
I have the Westinghouse iGen 4500df which I run on propane, since gasoline is such a nasty fuel. I can run almost 10 hours on 30 pounds of propane. On propane the unit puts out around 3850 watts.
Our Weather Underground weather 10 day forecast is iffy at best. They are trying to convince us that we will awake to like 37 degrees this AM, but temp never got below 45. The rest of the week has mornng emps 20’s, day highs 43 to 54. Then it all gets changed. No words in the regular news aboput midwest getting low temps and snow. Most people are living cognitive dissonance. In 4 5 to 50 degree weather, I see people wearing summer time shorts and thin undershirts. no, they are not running.
ME? right now, tending wkood stove, wearing long underwear, and reading
Thanks for all your warnings, Cap!
That is one hell of a co-incidence. I am reading too.
Interesting to consider that those who enact the green madness likely see it all the same way we do, in regard to it all being BS, but choose the dark path of exploiting human gullibility for personal gain.
Also interesting that I live near one of the areas in Australia you’ve provided temperatures for but I had to find it on the site of someone on the opposite side of the planet! There is little access to plain climate records that can be trusted.
There are still people without Twitter…
Don’t have Twitter, even with Musk, I don’t trust it. Mis and dis information
Today snow blizzard buried the Helsinki region – the bubble hall collapsed.
The snow storm that hit the capital region caused dangerous situations and disrupted public transport. – trams derailed
You could ski in the heart of Helsinki
The center of Helsinki has turned into a real winter wonderland. At the Siuntio measuring point, the snow depth was 46 centimeters. In Lapland, there was 30 centimeters of snow on Monday evening.
In Lapland, the 30-degree mark has been broken for the first time this winter season at several observation stations. The coldest by 19:15 has been in Savukoski Tulppio, -33.6 degrees
Thats a good news for the clinate alarmist living in Helsinki traveling with electric scooters. Kind of wake up call..
Temperatures in Switzerland plummet to -27C
‘Not only have the British been misled, Australians, Europeans, Americans…they are still shooting themselves in the foot based on false hopes.
Those who have to indemnify, pay or give explanations and fix all the mistakes are the ‘Scientists’ / ‘Experts’ who are in bad faith, bought or blackmailed.’
I think it’s important to use whatever energy you have for the country to supply itself, be it Nuclear, EV, green, yellow, black, whatever it is, but that your Nation provides it. What I disagree with is the energetic imposition in favor of power and lies.
I have been looking for the temp of the Thermosphere, and while I know it got cooler, I cannot get any data on it, as do not know where to look. I found this: but it is 2 years out of date.
They created a Climate Thermosphere Index of sorts, but – – they then DROPPED the temperature readings.
Could you help here? Thanks.
Just for those who do not realize but while still on-grid your solar panels are designed to stop working if the grid goes down ie you black out like everyone else.
I tried to investigate a hybrid solar system plus battery that would kick in if the grid failed. The professional I spoke to refused to set one up for me claiming that he had so many calls back on hybrids that it was not worth trying. His best offer was an off grid battery system that could be used with an extension lead (like an emergency generator) to power key appliances.
FYI – I live half way along the east coast of Australia in the thin red/yellow section of the Australia runs shown today. No snow here – just hot and humid.
Smith-Mundt Modernization act of 2013 gave media clowns a license to propagandize, ie., lie to the taxpayers. You don’t see reporting on accurate climate news, except here. It is lying through ommission. Brazilian news (protest on stolen election) or Venezuelan news (people starving and eating their pets) is simply ignored. Any narrative which paints communism in a negative light is ignored. This site and a few others are the only places I can get real reporting and news these days.
Rule number one, you don’t drive on motorways/freeways or mountains, in really bad weather with a near empty tank of fuel. As always they try to blame others.
Hey that N. Lake Tahoe shot is just down the street from me. The official count from my back deck is 81″ since the start of November. Not bad considering considering winter hasnt officially started yet.
I can’t recall a cooler (or wetter) October-December, after many years in Melbourne Australia – and even when it is sunny, there is almost no punchy heat in it. Will be interesting how high summer (Jan-March) plays out.